Great Britain:
- Convention between the United States and Great Britain relating to
American rights in the Cameroons (Document 172)
- Convention between the United States and Great Britain relating to
American rights in East Africa (Document 173)
- Convention between the United States and Great Britain relating to
American rights in Togoland (Document 174)
- Statement by the British Government regarding treatment of American
nationals and goods in territories under British “C” mandates (Documents 175–177)
- Delay in exchange of ratifications of the Palestine Mandate Convention
pending adjustment of cases involving the capitulatory rights of
Americans (Documents 178–186)
- Dissatisfaction of the United States with the decision relating to the
Iraq mandate taken by the Council of the League of Nations at the instance
of Great Britain (Documents 187–189)
- Continued negotiations to ensure recognition of the principle of the open
door in the Turkish Petroleum Company’s concession in Iraq (Documents 190–196)
- Efforts by the United States to obtain for American rubber manufacturers
relief from British restrictions on the export of raw rubber (Documents 197–208)
- Arrangement between the United States and Great Britain and Northern
Ireland granting relief from double income tax on shipping profits (Documents 209–214)
- Arrangement between the United States, Great Britain, Canada, and
Newfoundland regulating wireless broadcasting by ships off their
coasts (Documents 215–220)
- Protest against discriminatory embargo on American potato shipments into
the British Isles (Documents 221–229)
- Arrangements for a visit by an American fleet to Australia and New
Zealand (Documents 230–234)