882.6176 F 51/207

Mr. W. D. Hines to the Liberian Secretary of State (Barclay)2

Excellency: I have the honour to submit to you for the consideration of the Government of the Republic of Liberia the enclosed Proposals3 on behalf of Mr. Harvey S. Firestone of Akron, Ohio, U. S. A. for the leasing of land and establishment of certain public improvements.

In respectfully requesting your consideration of these proposals I beg permission to state that they represent a most sound and equitable basis for the establishment of a large and successful rubber growing industry in the Republic of Liberia.

With expressions [etc.]

W. D. Hines
  1. The text of this letter and the texts of the four letters which immediately follow are printed from Firestone Proposals: Correspondence and Draft Agreements [Monrovia, n. d.], a copy of which was enclosed with despatch No. 348, Mar. 13, 1926, from the Chargé in Liberia.
  2. Not printed.