815.00/3567: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Guatemala (Ellis)
27. Several raids have occurred recently along both the Guatemalan and Nicaraguan frontiers of Honduras. While the object of these raids may be in part political the Department does not feel that any political intent should excuse murders and robberies committed by the raiders. It therefore sympathizes with the reported intention of the Government of Honduras to ask for the extradition of perpetrators of common law crimes in the course of raids having [Page 324] no apparent political character and not constituting revolutionary movements, and it hopes that the Governments of Guatemala and Nicaragua, which are of course interested in the preservation of orderly conditions along the frontiers, will cooperate energetically with the Government of Honduras in arresting and extraditing offenders. Please convey the views of this Government informally to the Government of Guatemala. A similar telegram is being sent to the American Legation at Managua.