823.415 Ay l/33b: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (Poindexter)

60. Please notify the Minister for Foreign Affairs as follows:

In acceptance of invitation extended by the President of Peru, the President has made choice of General John J. Pershing, U.S. Army, retired; Rear Admiral John H. Dayton, U.S. Navy; and the Honorable Frederick C. Hicks, of New York, to represent the United States in the celebration in Peru of the centenary of the Battle of Ayacucho, the first named with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and the others each with the rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. Mr. Raymond E. Cox, Second Secretary, has been designated secretary of the Special Mission.2 General Pershing will be accompanied by two aides—Major John G. Quekemeyer and Major Edward Bowditch, Jr. A stenographer and two orderlies will be attached to the Mission. There will be no ladies.

The Mission will journey to Peru on the U.S.S. Utah, Captain R. Z. Johnston, U.S.N., commanding, arriving at Callao on the morning of December 6.

For your information. After the termination of the ceremonies at Lima, the Mission will return to the United States via the East Coast of South America. Consult Who’s Who for lives of the three delegates. The Department will keep you informed of any further plans and feels confident that you will gladly give the Commission such advice and assistance as it may require of you. The Department intends to release this announcement to the press for publication Tuesday, November 18.

  1. Special Diplomatic Mission of the United States of America to the Centennial of the Battle of Ayacucho.