823.415 Ay 1/16
The Ambassador in Peru (Poindexter) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 24.]
Sir: Confirming my cablegram No. 46 of even date,1 I have the honor to quote herewith the text, in translation, of a self-explanatory memorandum privately received from the Foreign Office.
This memorandum purports to give the plans for the celebration of the Centenary of the Battle of Ayacucho as fully as they are known at this time. Further information is promised and will be forwarded to the Department as soon as it is made available to the Embassy:
“Perú is to celebrate the Centenary of the Battle of Ayacucho on the 9th of December of the present year, at which (battle) it may be said that the liberty of the Ibero-American nations was consolidated through the capitulation of the Spanish forces.
To make these ceremonies as brilliant as possible, the Peruvian Government has invited the Chiefs of State of the American countries to attend personally or by the representation of Embassies Extraordinary.
Discounting the impossibility for geographical and other motives of the voyage of Presidents of the Republics of the Continent, the Peruvian Government has received news in the sense that in Colombia and Bolivia the trip of the First Magistrate is being studied. It is possible that the same hope may be entertained with regard to Ecuador.
From the other countries, Embassies alone are expected, it being possible that the First Vice President, son of General Gomez, will come from Venezuela and that from Argentine and Brazil, Messrs. Gallardo and Pacheco, the respective Ministers for Foreign Affairs will attend. From both countries warships will come.
The invitation to European and Asiatic countries has been recently extended, favorable news being received at the Ministry regarding the possibility that France, Switzerland, Italy, and Great Britain will be officially represented by Delegates Extraordinary. A warship is expected from Great Britain.
The ceremonies will take place in Lima and in Ayacucho.
After each Delegation is received officially, the members, who so desire, will accompany the President and his suite to Ayacucho on December 7, returning to Lima the 12th, when a program of entertainment will be entered upon for a week, until the 20th of December, the date of the inauguration of the Pan American Scientific Congress.
The ceremonies and entertainments will consist of the inauguration of expositions, public works, monuments, a military “fiesta”, balls, banquets, race meets, bull fights, and athletic contests.
The members of the official delegations will be the guests of the Government and will be lodged at its expense in the Gran Hotel Bolivar now under construction.[”]
The Minister for Foreign Affairs has expressed the liveliest interest regarding the representation of the United States.
My recommendations were made in the cable referred to above.
I have [etc.]
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