462.00 R 29/647: Telegram
The Commissioner at Berlin (Dresel) to the Secretary of State
[Received 5:16 p.m.]
421. I was asked to see Simons yesterday. He told me that in consequence of premature publicity, neutral power which had been asked to transmit a message to United States had declined to act. Simons said that the Cabinet, at a meeting just held, decided therefore to send the communication through this Commission if I would accept it. I replied that I would on understanding that my action was not official and that I was not prejudicing any decision which might be reached by my Government. I further stipulated that if, as on the earlier occasion, the fact of transmitting memorandum was [Page 41] ventilated in German press and intimations were made that I or my Government had taken the initiative, I should deny immediately any such statement.
Message will be sent here today and immediately forwarded. Until specifically authorized by Department I shall be careful to let no one, including representatives of the Entente, know of this new step. However, should like to inform Entente colleagues at least a few hours before publication in United States. News of former memorandum was immediately given to their press representatives by Entente representatives after the communication had been made to them. I therefore request in this case the earliest possible authorization to give the news to representatives here of the American press.