462.00 R 29/565: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Commissioner at Berlin (Dresel)
553. Your 318, Mar. 23, 10 a.m.
You are instructed to tell Simons that you have brought his informal memorandum to the attention of your Government which has authorized you to make the following statement:
“The American Government is pleased to note in the informal memorandum of Dr. Simons the unequivocal expression on the part of the German Government of its desire to afford reparation up to the limit of German ability to pay. This Government stands with the Governments of the Allies in holding Germany responsible for the war and therefore morally bound to make reparation, so far as may be possible. The recognition of this obligation, implied in the memorandum of Dr. Simons, seems to the Government of the United States the only sound basis on which can be built a firm and just peace under which the various nations of Europe can achieve once more economic independence and stability. This Government believes that it recognizes in the memorandum of Dr. Simons a sincere desire on the part of the German Government to reopen negotiations with the Allies on a new basis and hopes that such negotiations, once resumed, may lead to a prompt settlement which will at the same time satisfy the just claims of the Allies and permit Germany hopefully to renew its productive activities.”
You are further authorized to give copies of Dr. Simons’ memorandum to the Allied representatives in Berlin together with copies of the above statement.