- Continued Japanese occupation of Russian territory (Documents 651–666)
- Restoration of White Russian control in Vladivostok (Documents 667–694)
- Desire of the Far Eastern Republic to establish relations with the United
States (Documents 695–714)
- Continued refusal by the United States to recognize the governments in the
Baltic provinces (Documents 715–719)
- American attitude of reserve toward trade relations with Soviet
Russia (Documents 720–743)
- Release of American citizens held prisoners in Russia (Documents 744–771)
- Deportation of undesirable Russians from the United States (Documents 772–775)
- American relief activities in Soviet Russia (Documents 776–799)
- Refusal by the Government of the United States to incur responsibility for
the relief of refugees from South Russia (Documents 800–810)
- Agreement between the Soviet Government of Georgia and the Near East
Relief (Document 811)