- Aeronautical Commission of Control in Germany, Allied, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
- Aliens (see also Japan: California alien land laws and Immigration): U. S. deportation of undesirable Russians, 791, 802–804; U. S. refusal to question British right to exclude, 123–127
- All America Cables, Inc., 666–670
- Ambassadors, Conference of. See Conference of Ambassadors.
- American Federation of Labor, attitude toward trade with Soviet Russia, 760–762
- American Red Cross, Russian relief, 821, 831–833, 835, 839, 840–841
- American Relief Administration. See Russia: Relief, U. S.
- Anatolian Railway Co., 81
- Anglo-Japanese Alliance, discussion of, 313–319
- Anglo-Persian agreement of 1919. See under Persia.
- Anglo-Persian Oil Co. (see also under Persia: Oil concessions), interests in Mesopotamia, 87
- Arbitration (see also Haiti: Protocol of 1919; Mexico: Mixed Claims Commission; Norway: Arbitration agreement of June 30, 1921, and Arbitration convention of 1908; Panama: Mixed Claims Commission; and Peru: Landreau claim), proposed arbitration of Turkish Petroleum Co. claims in Mesopotamia, 86, 89, 92, 96, 110
- Armament, Conference on Limitation of. See Conference on Limitation of Armament.
- Armenia: Boundary question, 920; food supplies, U. S. loan, 929; Morgenthau mission, proposed, 925–927; Near East Relief, 841–842, 927–929, 930–931; Soviet republic, status, 925, 930; Treaty of Sèvres, 925, 927; U. S. mediation in hostilities with Turkey, question of, 924–927; U. S. trade with, project, 778–784
- Arms and munitions, U. S. sale to Nicaragua, 564–570
- Asylum, 179, 722
- Austria: Alien Property Custodian funds, U. S. retention, 4–5, 30–31, 256; armistice of Nov. 3, 1918, U. S. reservation of rights under, 4, 255–256; relations with Mexico, 431; reparations, U. S. claim to, 4, 255–256; Treaty of St. Germain, U. S. reservation of rights under, 4, 256; Treaty of Trianon, U. S. reservation of rights under, 4, 256; U. S. Congressional resolution of July 2, 1921, terminating state of war, 3–5; war claims of U. S. nationals, 4–5, 30, 256
- Azerbaijan: Project for U. S. trade with, 778–784; relief, U. S., 841–842, 931
- Baltic provinces of Russia, continued U. S. refusal to recognize, 748, 752–759, 797–798
- Belgium:
- Brussels International Financial Conference, 55
- East Africa, Belgium, mandate for, 108–109
- Germany: Obligation to assume Belgian war debt, 54; reparations, Belgian attitude, 53
- Mexico:
- International Committee of Bankers on Mexico, Belgian participation. See Mexico: International Committee of Bankers on Mexico.
- Obregon government, recognition of, Belgian attitude, 437, 438–439
- Russia, Belgian participation in international commission for relief in, 818, 819–820
- Bond issues. See Loans.
- Bricker, William H., U. S. citizen, extradition from Paraguay, 627–629, 631
- Brussels International Financial Conference, 55
- Bulgaria, admission of Russian refugees, 829
- Burma, alleged British exclusion of U. S. oil companies, 77–80
- Cables:
- Cameroons, mandates for, 108–109, 112–115
- Capitulatory rights in—
- Mandated territories, discussion, 107–108, 116–117, 119–123
- Smyrna. See Smyrna: Capitulations.
- Turkey. See Smyrna: Capitulations, and Turkey: Capitulations.
- Carranza, Venustiano. See under Mexico.
- Caucasus: Project for U. S. trade with, 778–784; U. S. relief, 841–842
- Central American Union (Federation of Central American Republics), 556, 557, 559, 852, 855
- Chang Tso-lin: Plans for joint military action with Japan, report, 705, 706, 711; refusal to permit transit of Semenov troops through Manchuria, 728–729
- Chester project, 917–924
- China:
- Antung Railway. See Japanese passport regulations, infra.
- Chang Tso-lin. See Chang Tso-lin.
- Chinese Eastern Railway. See Chinese Eastern Railway.
- Chinese exclusion act, U. S., cited, 335, 343
- Far Eastern Republic, relations with, 751–752
- Integrity, maintenance of, 314, 317, 318
- Japanese passport regulations, termination of U. S. acquiescence, 349–354
- “Open-door” principle, 314, 318
- Semenov troops, exclusion from Manchuria, 728–729
- Shantung Railway. See Japanese passport regulations, supra.
- South Manchuria Railway. See Japanese passport regulations, supra.
- Chinese Eastern Railway:
- Inter-Allied Technical Board, 729, 740
- Loan offer by Japanese banks, report, 723
- Russian rights: Claim of Far Eastern Republic to, 737–738, 751–752; preservation, U. S. policy, 751
- Semenov troops, denial of transit to, 728–729
- Supervision, inter-Allied agreement of 1919 for, attitude of Far Eastern Republic, 740, 751–752
- Chita government. See Far Eastern Republic.
- Chosen (Korea), Japanese allegations of threats to, 708–709, 714, 740
- Colorado River waters, proposed regulation of distribution, 515–522
- Commercial Pacific Cable Co., 308, 312–313
- Commission on Guarantees under Versailles Treaty, U. S. right to participation, 5–6, 8
- Commissions, committees, etc., international:
- Aeronautical Commission of Control in Germany, Allied, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
- Commission on Guarantees under Versailles Treaty, 5–6, 8
- Inter-Allied Technical Board of Chinese Eastern Railway, 729, 740
- League of Nations commission to repatriate prisoners. See Nansen, Fridtjof.
- Mixed Arbitral Tribunal under Versailles Treaty, 10, 15
- Reparation Commission. See Reparation Commission.
- Russian Relief, International Commission for, 818–821
- Supreme Council (see also Yap: Mandate for), 56–58, 60, 62–63, 818, 828
- U. S.–Haitian claims commission. See Haiti: Protocol of 1919.
- U. S.–Mexican boundary commission, proposed, 403, 407, 421
- U. S.–Mexican claims commission. See Mexico: Mixed claims commission.
- U. S.–Panaman mixed claims commission, 619–621, 622
- U. S.–Peruvian commission to arbitrate Landreau claim, 671–684
- U. S.–Venezuelan International Commission, establishment, 942–944
- Concessions:
- Cables (see also Cables: German, former), All America Cables, Inc., Peruvian concession, 666–670
- Liberian, limitation under U. S. loan plan, 380–381, 384
- Oil (see also Great Britain: Oil exploitation; Siam: Oil exploitation; and under Mesopotamia; Mexico; Netherland India; Palestine; Persia; and Venezuela): Northern Sakhalin, 749; Turkey, Chester project, 917–924
- Port, Paraguayan, 623–627
- Postal, Peruvian, 666–670
- Radiotelegraph, Peruvian, U. S. representations on behalf of All America Cables, Inc., 666–670
- Railway, Chester project in Turkey, 917–924
- Telegraph, Peruvian, 666–670
- Conference of Ambassadors: Measures for German compensation for destroyed zeppelins, 58–59; resolution approving U. S. request for German construction of dirigible, 69, 70
- Conference on Limitation of Armament, Washington: Far Eastern Republic, desire to participate, 716, 719, 746–747, 750–751; Panama Canal tolls, question of including in agenda, 129–130
- Conferences, international:
- Ambassadors, Conference of. See Conference of Ambassadors.
- Armament, Conference on Limitation of. See Conference on Limitation of Armament.
- Brussels International Financial Conference, 55
- Dairen, conference between Far Eastern Republic and Japan at, 713–716, 718, 719–720, 731, 746, 749, 752
- Electrical Communications, International Conference on, 263, 269, 271, 278
- Costa Rica: British allegation of discriminatory treatment in oil exploitation, 84, 92; reports of revolutionary activities in Nicaragua directed from, 554, 555, 558
- Cuba, relations with Mexico, 432–433
- Czechoslovakia, offer of assistance in repatriating U. S. citizens detained in Russia, 790–791, 792–793
- Dairen, conference between Far Eastern Republic and Japan at, 713–716, 718, 719–720, 731, 746, 749, 752
- Denmark, Great Northern Telegraph Co., Ltd., 292, 293, 295
- Disarmament (see also Conference on Limitation of Armament), German obligation under Versailles Treaty, 56, 57, 58
- Djambi oil concessions. See Netherland India: Djambi concessions.
- East Africa, mandates for, 108–109, 112–115
- Ecuador, relations with Mexico, 427
- Electrical Communications, International Conference on, 263, 269, 271, 278
- Estonia, U. S. nonrecognition, 755–759
- European Relief Council of U. S. organizations, 821
- Extraterritoriality. See Capitulatory rights and under Siam.
- Far Eastern Republic:
- China, relations with, 751–752
- Chinese Eastern Railway: Attitude toward international control of, 740, 751–752; claim to former Russian rights in, 737–738, 751–752
- Conference on Limitation of Armament, desire to participate in, 716, 719, 746–747, 750–751
- Dairen, conference with Japan at, 713–716, 718, 719–720, 731, 746, 749, 752
- Japanese occupation of eastern Siberia, protests against, 717–719, 725, 737, 739–741, 749–750, 751, 752
- Oil concession in northern Sakhalin, negotiations with U. S. interests, 749
- “Open-door” principle, discussion, 720, 733, 738
- United States, relations with, overtures, 720, 732–735, 736–741, 742–744, 745, 747–748, 750–751; U. S. attitude, 720–721, 735–736, 741–742, 745–747, 748–749, 751
- Vladivostok governments, relations with, 717–720, 723, 724, 725, 730, 731
- Federation of Central American Republics (Central American Union), 556, 557, 559, 852, 855
- Fortification of Pacific islands under Japanese mandate, question of, 278, 289
- “Fourteen points”, German attitude toward, 1
- France (see also
Chinese Eastern Railway; Conference of Ambassadors; Germany;
Haiti; League of
Nations; Liberia: Loans; Mandates; Pacific islands; Reparation Commission;
Russia; Smyrna: Capitulations; Supreme
Council; and
- Franco-British convention of Dec. 23, 1920, regarding Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Syria and the Lebanon, 108, 118
- Greece, recognition of King Constantine, French attitude, 145–146, 149, 150
- Mesopotamia: Missionaries, status, 108, 118; oil exploitation, French interest, 80–81, 83, 91
- Mexico:
- Montenegro, termination of relations with, 946
- Palestine. See Franco-British convention, supra.
- Persia, oil concessions to U. S. interests, French attitude, 643, 649
- San Remo oil agreement, 80–81, 83, 91
- Sévres, Treaty of. See Sèvres, Treaty of.
- Syria and the Lebanon (see also Franco-British convention, supra), mandate for, 107–108, 116, 117
- Togoland, mandate for, 108–109
- Turkey, taxation in violation of capitulations. See Turkey: Capitulations.
- Versailles Treaty. See under Germany.
- Yugoslavia, relations with, 946
- Georgia: Project for U. S. trade with, 778–784; question of U. S. recognition, 752–753; relief measures by Near East Relief, 841–842
- Germany (see also
Cables: German, former;
Conference of Ambassadors; Haiti: German property; and
League of Nations):
- Aeronautical Commission of Control, Allied, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
- Alien Property Custodian funds, U. S. retention against payment of war claims, 4–5, 8, 9, 16–17, 20, 30–31, 256; German attitude, 8, 10, 16, 17, 22
- Armistice of Nov. 11, 1918, U. S. reservation of rights under, 4, 18, 30
- Belgian war debt, German assumption, 54
- Colonies, former German, under mandate (see also Mandates):
- Commission on Guarantees, Allied, 5–6, 8
- Customs control in Rhineland, Allied plan, 36, 37
- Dirigibles:
- Construction of dirigible for United States, U. S. request, 60, 61, 64–66, 67, 68; attitude of Conference of Ambassadors, 69, 70; France, 67, 70; Great Britain, 61, 62–64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70; Italy, 62; Japan, 61, 66, 67, 68, 69
- Protocol of agreement (June 30, 1921) with Allied and Associated Powers on compensation for destroyed zeppelins, 58–59, 62, 63, 64, 69
- Reparation Commission, jurisdiction, 62, 64, 65, 66
- Supreme Council allocations of 1919, 60, 62–63
- Versailles Treaty, German obligations as to dirigibles, 59, 62, 63, 64, 65, 69
- Disarmament, obligation under Versailles Treaty, 56, 57, 58
- “Fourteen points”, attitude toward, 1
- Friendly relations with United States,
- Diplomatic and consular relations, resumption, 6, 11, 13, 14, 19, 22, 33–34, 35
- Overtures, German, 1–3
- Treaty of Aug. 25, 1921: Allied attitude, 25–26; negotiations, 5–8, 9–15, 16, 17–24, 27–29; text, 29–33
- U. S. Congressional resolution of July 2, 1921, terminating state of war, 3–5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 30–31
- Versailles Treaty. See Versailles Treaty: German attitude toward and U. S. reservation of rights under, infra.
- Loan, international, German proposal, 39, 43–44, 46, 47, 53
- Mexico, relations with, 427, 429, 436
- Mixed Arbitral Tribunal under Versailles Treaty, 10, 15
- Reparations (see also
Haiti: German
property, and
Reparation Commission):
- Cables, former German, crediting against reparations, 291
- Customs control in Rhineland, Allied plan, 36, 37
- German proposals (see also Mediation, infra), 37–39, 42, 43–44, 45–48, 53, 54, 55–56; attitude of Belgium, 53; France, 49, 50, 51–52; Great Britain, 49, 50, 51; United States, 40, 44–45, 48–51, 52, 54–55
- Mediation, U. S., German appeal for (see also German proposals, supra), 40, 41, 42, 44; U. S. attitude, 42, 44–45
- Sanctions, Allied application, 36, 37, 46, 48, 49, 56–57
- Supreme Council resolution to enforce payment of, 56–58
- U. S. claim, 1, 4, 20, 30
- Rhineland: Allied customs control, plan, 36, 37; extension of Allied occupation, 36, 49, 57; U. S. army of occupation, 10, 13, 14
- Ruhr Valley, occupation, 57
- Russia, trade with, proposed U. S.–German cooperation, 785–788, 790
- Sanctions, Allied application, 36, 37, 46, 48, 49, 56–57
- Separate peace with United States. See Friendly relations with United States, supra.
- U. S.–Prussian treaty of 1828, cited, 16
- Versailles Treaty (see also Colonies, Dirigibles, Reparations, and Rhineland, supra; and Cables: German, former; Haiti: German property; League of Nations; and Mandates): Commission on Guarantees, 5–6, 8; disarmament, German, 56, 57, 58; German attitude toward, 1–2, 7, 8, 9–10, 13, 17–18, 22; Mixed Arbitral Tribunal, 10, 15; sanctions, Allied application, 36, 37, 46, 48, 49, 56–57; U. S. reservation of rights under, 4, 5–6, 10–11, 14, 15, 18–19, 19–20, 21–22, 24–25, 26, 27–28, 30, 31; war criminals, trial of, 57, 58
- War claims of U. S. nationals, 4–5, 20, 22, 30, 256
- War criminals, trial of, obligation under Versailles Treaty, 57, 58
- Gorky, Maxim, appeals for Russian famine relief, 798–799, 804, 805, 806, 807, 809, 813
- Great Britain (see also
Conference of Ambassadors; Conference on Limitation of Armament; Germany; Greece; League of Nations; Liberia: Loans; Mandates; Mesopotamia; Palestine;
Persia; Reparation
Commission; Russia; Siam; Smyrna: Capitulations; Turkey; and
- Aliens, U. S. refusal to question British right to exclude, 123–127
- Anglo-Japanese Alliance, discussion, 313–319
- Cameroons, mandate for, 108–109, 112–115
- China, Japanese passport control in, attitude toward, 349, 352–353
- Chinese Eastern Railway, inter-Allied agreement of 1919 for supervision of, 751–752
- Costa Rica, oil exploitation, 84, 92
- East Africa, mandate for, 108–109, 112–115
- Franco-British convention of Dec. 23, 1920, regarding Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Syria and the Lebanon, 108, 118
- Haiti, claims against, 224–226
- Hay–Pauncefote treaty of 1901, 127, 128, 131
- Mexico:
- International Committee of Bankers on Mexico, British participation. See Mexico: International Committee of Bankers on Mexico.
- Obregon government, British attitude, 430, 432, 433, 437, 498–499
- Oil exploitation, discussion, 74–76, 83, 92
- Treaty with United States, proposed, British attitude, 431, 432, 433
- Oil exploitation in—
- British territory: British denials of alleged monopoly, 71–74, 76–78; U. S. attitude, 78–80
- Burma, alleged exclusion of U. S. companies, 77–80
- Costa Rica, British attitude, 84, 92
- India, alleged exclusion of U. S. companies, 73, 79–80
- Mesopotamia. See Mesopotamia.
- Mexico, discussion, 74–76, 83, 92
- Palestine. See Palestine.
- Persia. See Persia.
- Philippine Islands. See Philippine petroleum act of 1920, infra.
- Siam, discussion, 883–885, 886, 888–889
- Venezuela, discussion, 934, 935–937
- Pacific islands under British mandate, application of existing treaties, 304, 305–306
- Panama Canal tolls, rejection of U. S. proposal regarding, 127–132
- Peace commission treaty of 1914 with United States, 317
- Peru: Loan negotiations with British banks, 665, 666; Marconi Co. contract, 660–667, 668–669, 670
- Philippine petroleum act of 1920, amendment to anticipate British objection, 550, 551–553
- Royal Dutch-Shell group of oil companies, 74
- Salvador, British bond issues of 1908 and 1915, status, 855–856
- San Remo oil agreement, 80–81, 83, 91
- Sèvres, Treaty of. See Sèvres, Treaty of.
- Tanganyika, alleged discrimination in exploitation, 84
- Togoland, mandate for, 108–109, 112–115
- Tonga, treaty of 1886 with United States, termination, 132–137
- Turkey, taxation in violation of capitulations. See Turkey: Capitulations.
- Venezuela, oil exploitation, 934, 935–937
- Versailles Treaty. See under Germany.
- Visas, British refusal of, U. S. acquiescence, 123–127
- Great Northern Telegraph Co., Ltd., 292, 293, 295
- Greece:
- Agreement of Oct. 18, 1920, with United States, continuing in force the commercial treaty of 1837, nonratification, 151–153
- Cabinet crisis, 146
- Citizenship of U. S. citizens of Greek origin (see also Military service, infra): Attitude of Greece, 166, 167–168, 169, 171, 172, 175, 176, 177; United States, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 175, 176, 177
- Commercial relations with United States, 152–153
- Commercial treaty of 1837 with United States, termination, 151–153
- King Constantine, question of recognition: Attitude of France, 145–146, 149, 150; Great Britain, 145–146, 149–150; Greece, 138, 139–144, 145, 146, 147–149; Italy, 145, 149; Netherlands, 145; Rumania, 145; Russia, 145; United States, 138–139, 145, 146, 147, 150, 152
- Loans, status, 145, 146
- Military service of U. S. citizens of—
- Naturalization convention with United States, proposed, 165, 168–169
- Neuilly, Treaty of, 141, 144, 145
- Russian refugees, admission of, 829
- Sèvres, Treaty of, 141, 144, 145, 146, 154, 155, 156, 159, 160, 161, 163
- Smyrna. See Smyrna.
- U. S. citizens, protection of. See Citizenship and Military service, supra.
- Guadalupe Hidalgo, treaty of, 521
- Guam, cable facilities. See Cables: German, former.
- Guaranty Trust Co. of New York. See Poland: Remittances.
- Guatemala:
- Asylum, 179
- Cabinet changes, 179, 180, 181
- Herrera, Carlos: Inauguration as president, 178; overthrow, 182, 183
- Orellana, José Maria, election as provisional president, 185
- Provisional government: Establishment, 182, 184, 185; question of recognition, 186
- Revolution: Reports, 178, 179–180, 180–184; U. S. counsel of moderation, 185
- Hague convention of 1907 for pacific settlement of international disputes, 581–582, 583, 584, 596, 597
- Haiti:
- Budget, 210–214
- Cabinet changes, 196
- Claims Commission. See under Protocol of 1919, infra.
- Conditions, report, 203–205
- Constitution, amendment, 191
- Debt, external and internal (see also Loan negotiations, infra), service of: French representations, 209–210; Haitian attitude, 205–206, 212, 222, 223, 224; U. S. attitude, 205, 206–209, 222, 223
- Education, reform of: Advice, U. S., 188–190, 196; Haitian attitude, 195, 196, 197–198
- Elections, prospective: Discussion, 193–194. 199–202; postponement, 202, 203
- Financial Adviser, Haitian attitude, 195, 197
- Financial situation (see also Debt, supra, and Loan negotiations, infra), reports, 195, 204, 206, 209, 210–212, 213
- Gendarmerie, status, 193, 195, 204
- German property, sequestrated:
- Judiciary, reform of, 205
- Legislation, agreement of 1918 for submittal to United States, Haitian nonobservance, 190–191
- Loan negotiations with U. S. interests, 205, 213, 214–221, 222–223, 223–224, 232
- Protocol of 1919, U. S.-Haitian:
- Treaty of 1915 with United
- Agreement of 1918 regarding legislation. See Legislation, supra.
- Execution of: Attitude of Haiti, 192–195; United States, 188, 198–199, 204–205, 214
- Protocol of 1919 regarding claims. See Protocol of 1919, supra.
- Versailles Treaty. See German property, supra, and under Germany.
- Hay–Bunau Varilla treaty (Panama Canal treaty) of 1903, 131, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621
- Hay–Pauncefote treaty of 1901, 127, 128, 131
- Herrera, Carlos. See under Guatemala.
- Honduras: Financial Adviser, termination of services, 244—248; loan, discussion, 247; Nicaragua, reports of revolutionary activities directed from Honduras, 554–555, 556, 559, 560, 561, 562–563, 564
- Hungary:
- Alien Property Custodian funds, U. S. retention, 4–5, 30–31, 256.
- Armistice of Nov. 3, 1918, U. S. reservation of rights under, 4, 255–256
- Diplomatic relations with United States, establishment (see also Treaty of Aug. 29, 1921, infra), 250, 251, 252, 255, 259–261
- Property in United States, status, 256
- Reparation Commission, U. S. representation on, 251, 257–258
- Reparations, U. S. claim, 4, 253, 255–256
- Treaty of Aug. 29, 1921, with United States, establishing friendly relations, 249–259
- Trianon, Treaty of, U. S. reservation of rights under, 4, 249–250, 251, 252–253, 254, 256, 257–258, 259; Hungarian attitude, 250–251, 252, 253
- U. S. Congressional resolution of July 2, 1921, terminating state of war, 3–5
- War claims of U. S. nationals, 4–5, 30, 256
- India, alleged British exclusion of U. S. oil companies, 73, 79–80
- International Banking Corp., withdrawal of Panaman funds from, 601–602, 604, 606, 610–611, 612–614, 615
- Irish Free State, question of recognition, 315
- Italy (see also
Conference of Ambassadors; Germany; League of Nations; Mandates; Reparation
Commission; Smyrna: Capitulations; Supreme Council; and
Turkey: Capitulations):
- Greece, regime of King Constantine, attitude toward, 145, 149
- Mexico, relations with, 428, 437
- Russia: International commission for relief in, Italian participation, 818, 819–820; resumption of trade, 779
- Sèvres, Treaty of. See Sèvres, Treaty of.
- Yap, mandate for, attitude toward, 270–271, 287
- Yugoslavia, relations with, 945–946
- Japan (see also
Cables: German, former;
China; Chinese Eastern
Railway; Conference of Ambassadors; Germany; League of
Nations; Mandates; Reparation Commission; Siberia; Supreme Council; and
- Anglo-Japanese Alliance, discussion, 313–319
- California alien land laws of 1913 and 1920, alleged discrimination against Japanese (see also Immigration, infra), 279, 319–325, 330–334, 336–343, 343–344, 316–348
- Dairen, conference with Far Eastern Republic at, 713–716, 718, 719–720, 731, 746, 749, 752
- Discrimination, U. S., against Japanese, alleged. See California alien land laws, supra, and Immigration, infra.
- Electrical Communications, International Conference on, 263, 269, 271, 278
- Far Eastern Republic, relations with. See Far Eastern Republic.
- “Gentlemen’s Agreement”, status of (see also California alien land laws, supra, and Immigration, infra), 329–330, 331, 334–336, 340, 344, 346
- Immigration, Japanese, into United States (see also California alien land laws, supra), 325–330, 333–336, 340, 342–343, 344–346, 347
- Korea (Chosen), Japanese allegations of threats to, 708–709, 714, 740
- Langdon, Lieut. Warren H., U. S. Navy, fatal shooting by Japanese sentry at Vladivostok, 354–362, 701
- Mexico, relations with, 435
- Morris-Shidehara report, 323–349
- Netherland India, oil concessions in, efforts to secure, 546–547
- Pacific islands under Japanese mandate. See Pacific islands, formerly German-owned, under Japanese mandate and Yap.
- Passport regulations in China, Japanese, termination of U. S. acquiescence in. 349–354: British concurrence, 349, 352–353
- Picture brides, 330
- Russia (see also Russia: Integrity, and Siberia): Communistic propaganda, alleged Japanese negotiations with Far Eastern Republic to prohibit, 714; International Commission for Russian Relief, Japanese participation, 818, 819–820; Soviet government, Japanese attitude toward, 710, 712, 718, 727
- Sèvres, Treaty of. See Sèvres, Treaty of.
- Shantung Railway. See Passport regulations, supra.
- South Manchuria Railway. See Passport regulations, supra.
- Treaty of 1898 with United States, cited, 859
- Treaty of 1911 with United States, cited, 320, 322, 331, 332, 334, 337, 338–339, 340
- Versailles Treaty. See under Germany.
- Vladivostok, occupation of. See Siberia: Vladivostok.
- Khoshtaria concession. See under Persia: Oil concessions.
- Korea (Chosen), Japanese allegations of threats to, 708–709, 714, 740
- Landreau claim. See under Peru.
- Langdon, Lieut. Warren H., U. S. Navy, fatal shooting by Japanese sentry at Vladivostok, 354–362, 701
- Latvia: Transit of Russians deported from United States, 802–804; U. S. nonrecognition, 752–753, 755–759
- League of Nations (see also Germany and Mandates): Anglo-Japanese Alliance, subordination to League Covenant, 319; Fridtjof Nansen, commissioner to repatriate prisoners, 792, 793–796, 797, 798–799, 799–800, 834; German attitude, 2; U. S. reservations in peace treaties with Central Powers, 32, 257
- League to Combat Communism, reported formation, 706, 711
- Liberia:
- Boundary question, 391
- Budget, plan for control, 372, 376, 381, 382, 388, 390
- Claims Commission, establishment, 383–384
- Concessions, limitation under U. S. loan plan, 380–381, 384
- Credit of 1918, U. S., in favor of Liberia, status, 367–368, 389–390, 392–393
- Customs control. See Revenues, control of, infra.
- Depositary agreement of Oct. 28, 1921, with United States, 381, 386–389
- Diplomatic relations with United States, 391
- Financial agreement of Oct. 28, 1921, with United States (see also Loan, U. S., infra), 370–385
- Financial Commission. See under Loan, U. S., infra.
- Fiscal agency agreement of 1912, status, 372–373, 385
- Fiscal agent under U. S. loan agreement, 374–375, 376
- Frontier Force, maintenance, 376, 379–380
- Internal debts, plan for retirement, 372, 386–387
- Loan, U. S.:
- Budget control, 372, 376, 381, 382, 388, 390
- Claims Commission, establishment, 383–384
- Depositary agreement of Oct. 28, 1921, 381, 386–389
- Financial agreement of Oct. 28, 1921, 370–385
- Financial Commission: Establishment, 371, 374, 377–378, 392; functions, 373–374, 375, 377, 378–379, 380–381, 382–384, 386, 387–388, 389, 390; provisions for control of personnel of, 384–385
- Negotiations, 363–365, 366–370
- Revenues, control of, 371, 375–376, 377, 378–379, 380–381, 382–383, 386, 387, 388
- Security, 377
- Service of, provision for, 375–376, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384
- Loans:
- Mission to United States, activities (see also Loan, U. S., supra), 363–365, 368, 390–392
- Purchasing agent in United States, 391
- Lithuania, U. S. nonrecognition, 753–754, 755–759
- Loans (see also Haiti: Loan negotiations; Mexico: Debt, International Committee of Bankers on Mexico, and Loan, new foreign; and under Liberia; Persia; and Salvador): Chinese Eastern Railway, reported loan offer by Japanese banks, 723; Germany, proposed international loan, 39, 43–44, 46, 47, 52: Greece, status of foreign loans, 145, 146; Honduras, discussion, 247: Peru, negotiations, 656, 658, 664, 665, 666; Russia, status of foreign debts, 784, 820, 835; Vladivostok government, reported Japanese loan, 731
- Manchuria. See China.
- Mandates (see also Cameroons; East Africa; Mesopotamia; Missionaries: status in mandates; Pacific islands; Palestine; Syria and the Lebanon; Togoland; and Yap):
- Mediation (see also under Germany: Reparations), Armenian–Turkish hostilities, question of U. S. mediation, 924–927
- Mesopotamia:
- Capitulations, status, 107–108
- Franco-British convention of Dec. 23, 1920, 108, 118
- Mandate, terms, 107–108, 115, 116, 118
- Oil concessions:
- Anatolian Railway Co., interest of, 81
- Chester project. See under Turkey.
- Equal opportunity for U. S. citizens, discussion, 80–84, 86, 87–88, 89, 92, 97, 101, 116, 654, 920, 923
- Franco-British convention of Dec. 23, 1920, 108, 118
- San Remo oil agreement, 80–81, 83, 91
- Sèvres, Treaty of, 81
- Turkish Petroleum Co. claim: Anglo-Persian Oil Co., participation, 87; British support, 81–84, 93–94; U. S. non-recognition of validity, 85–87, 88–93, 110, 922, 923; U. S. proposal of arbitration, 87, 89, 92, 96, 110
- Mexican Eagle (“Aguila”) Oil Co., alleged British control, 75–76
- Mexico:
- Agrarian legislation: Mexican attitude, 425–426, 477–478, 480, 490, 492, 493; provisions and effect, 473–476, 477, 478—479, 481–490; U. S. protests, 474, 476, 479–480, 490–492, 492–493
- “Amparo” case of Texas Co. of Mexico, Mexican Supreme Court decision, 461–473, 505–506
- Bankers’ committee, international. See International Committee of Bankers on Mexico, infra.
- Banks of issue, plan for restitution of funds and properties to, 396, 411
- Boundary commission, U. S.-Mexican, proposed, 403, 407, 421
- Carranza, Venustiano, petroleum decrees of 1918, question of validity, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465–466, 466–468, 471, 472
- Chamizal tract, proposed resumption of negotiations regarding, 403
- Claims commission. See Mixed claims commission, infra.
- Claims conventions with United States, proposed (see also Mixed claims commissions, infra), 402–403, 507–514
- Colorado River, distribution of waters of, discussion of proposed regulation, 515–522
- Constitution of 1917:
- Confiscatory provisions, alleged (see also Legislation, infra): Attitude of International Committee of Bankers on Mexico, 495; Mexico, 395, 409, 411, 414–415, 418, 425; United States, 398–399, 406–407, 408, 416, 420, 421, 422, 425
- Legislation to give effect to article 27, proposed, 439–443; U. S. representations, 444–446
- Retroactive application of laws and decrees under (see also Legislation, supra): Attitude of Mexico, 395, 409, 411, 414–415, 416, 418, 425, 461–472; United States, 398. 406–407, 408, 416, 420, 421, 422, 425
- Debt, external, discussion of retirement (see also International Committee of Bankers on Mexico, infra), 448, 459–461
- International Committee of Bankers on Mexico: Constitution of 1917, attitude toward, 495; external debt, discussions with Obregon government on, 396, 411, 416, 418, 454–455, 456–457, 495–504; inclusion of Belgian representative, 493–494
- Land interests, U. S. (see also Agrarian legislation and Constitution of 1917, supra): “Amparo” case of Texas Co. of Mexico, Mexican Supreme Court decision, 461–473: proposed restitution of confiscated property of U. S. citizens, 396. 399
- Legal reforms, plan for, 396
- Loan, new foreign, proposed, 454–455. 456–457, 498–499
- Mexican Eagle (“Aguila”) Oil Co., alleged British control, 75–76
- Mixed claims commission, proposed: Attitude of Mexico. 395, 408, 411, 414–415, 418. 424–425. 504–505, 506–514: United States, 402–403, 407, 421
- Obregon government, recognition of: Attitude of United States, 405, 406–407, 416, 420–422, 423–424, 426, 433, 435, 437–438, 438–439, 498–499; other governments, 410, 427–439, 498–499; Mexican overtures for, 394, 409–412, 416–419, 424–425, 458, 506–508
- Oil concessions:
- British interest in, 74–76, 83, 92
- U. S. interests. See “Amparo” case of Texas Co. of Mexico and Constitution of 1917, supra; and Taxes, infra.
- Oil decrees of 1918. See Carranza, supra.
- Oil Executives, Committee of. See Loan, supra, and Taxes, infra.
- Property of—
- Protection of foreigners, proposed measures, 395, 396
- Railways, improvement of, 396
- Recognition. See Obregon government, supra.
- Taxes, oil production and export:
- Arrangement between U. S. oil companies and Mexican authorities: Discussion, 451–454, 455–456, 457, 500–501, 502, 503; extension, 503; provisions, 458–459, 460
- Decree of June 7 increasing export taxes: Discussion, 418, 447–448, 449, 451, 452, 453–454, 455, 456, 459–460; publication, 447–448; suspension, 454, 455, 456, 458, 459, 460
- U. S. citizens and property, protection of, 448–449, 450–451
- Texas Co. of Mexico. See “Amparo” case, supra.
- Travel regulations, U. S.–Mexican reciprocal relaxation for border residents, 522–527
- Treaty of 1848 with United States (Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty), 521
- Treaty of amity and commerce with United States. U. S. proposal, 397–405, 407, 416, 419–423, 423–424, 425; British attitude, 431, 432, 433; Mexican attitude, 405–406, 412–415, 418, 425–426; text, 397–404
- U. S. citizens and property, protection of (see also Agrarian legislation and Constitution of 1917, supra), 395, 396, 399, 406–407, 408, 420, 448–449, 450–451
- Missionaries: Property rights in Siam, 860, 862, 867, 876–877, 878; status in mandates, 108, 109, 113–114, 118, 298, 299, 300, 301, 305. 307
- Mixed Arbitral Tribunal under Versailles Treaty, 10, 15
- Montenegro, U. S. termination of official relations with, 945–949
- Morgenthau, Henry, mission to Armenia, proposed, 925–927
- Morris–Shidehara report on Japanese in United States, 323–349
- Naba–Yap–Guam cables, provisional operation (see also Cables: German, former), 307–313
- Nansen, Fridtjof (League of Nations commissioner to repatriate prisoners): Efforts to repatriate U. S. citizens detained in Russia, 792, 793–796, 797, 798–799, 799–800; South Russian refugees, 834
- Near East Relief, 839, 841–842, 927–929, 930–931
- Netherland India, oil concessions in:
- Discrimination against U. S. interests, alleged (see also Djambi concessions, infra): Netherland attitude, 530, 539, 541–542, 545–546; U. S. attitude, 531–532, 535–540, 542–544; U. S. retaliatory action, question of, 536, 540, 547–551, 552–553
- Djambi concessions, proposed participation by U. S. interests (see also Discrimination, supra): Netherland attitude, 528–529, 533, 534, 537–538, 539, 541–542, 545, 546; U. S. attitude and representations, 528–530, 533–534, 534–538, 539–540, 540–541, 542–544, 550
- Japanese efforts to secure, 546–547
- Siak concessions, proposed participation by U. S. interests (see also Discrimination, supra), 531, 533–534, 542
- Netherlands (see also
Netherland India):
- Cabinet crisis, 545
- Cable, former German, proposed allocation to Netherlands, 201–292
- Mexico:
- International Committee of Bankers on Mexico, Netherland participation. See Mexico: International Committee of Bankers on Mexico.
- Obregon government, recognition of. 434
- Philippine petroleum act of 1920, amendment to anticipate Netherland objection, 547–551, 552–553
- Neuilly, Treaty of, 141, 144, 145
- New Zealand, U. S. protest against discriminatory tariff for British Samoa, 109
- Nicaragua:
- Arms and munitions, U. S. sale, 564–570
- Revolutionary attacks from neighboring countries, alleged, 554–555, 556, 558, 559, 560, 564; attitude of Costa Rica, 555, 558; Honduras, 556, 560, 563, 564; Salvador, 556–557, 563: United States, 554–555, 556, 557, 559, 561–562, 564, 569–570
- U. S. citizens and property, protection of, 554, 557, 558
- Nikolaievsk, Japanese occupation. See under Siberia.
- Norway:
- Arbitration agreement of June 30, 1921, with United States, for settlement of claims arising out of requisitioning of Norwegian ships:
- Arbitration convention of 1908 with United States, 579, 581, 582, 583–584, 596
- Claims against United States. See Arbitration agreement, supra.
- Hague convention of 1907 for pacific settlement of international disputes, cited, 581–582, 583, 584, 596, 597
- Ships, requisitioned. See Arbitration agreement, supra.
- Treaty of 1783, U. S.–Swedish, cited, 573–574
- Treaty of 1827 with United States, cited, 573–574, 591
- Treaty of 1914 with United States, cited, 579–580, 581
- Obregon, Alvaro. See Mexico.
- Oil. See under Concessions.
- “Open-door” principle (see also Cameroons; East Africa; Mesopotamia: Oil concessions; Pacific islands; Palestine: Oil concessions; Syria and the Lebanon; Togoland; and Yap, discussion, 314, 318, 720, 733, 738, 757, 883. 885–886, 887, 888, 889
- Opium Convention, International, of 1912, 857, 869
- Orellana, José Maria, provisional president of Guatemala, 185
- Pacific islands, formerly German-owned, under—
- British mandate, discussion of application of existing treaties, 304, 305–306
- Japanese mandate (see also
- Convention defining U. S. rights in, proposed, 296, 297, 298–304, 305–307
- Fortification, question of, 278, 289
- Treaties, existing U. S.–Japanese, discussion of application, 299, 301–302, 303, 304, 305–306
- U. S. claims of rights in, 288, 289–290, 290–291, 293–294, 295, 298–299, 300–301, 302–304, 305–308; Japanese attitude, 287–288, 290, 292, 293–294, 295–297, 299–300, 301–302, 304–305, 306–307
- Palestine:
- Capitulations, status, 107–108, 116–117, 119–123
- Franco-British convention of Dec. 23, 1920, 108, 118
- Mandate, terms, 107–108, 115–118, 121–122
- Oil concessions (see also
Sèvres, Treaty of, infra):
- Equal opportunity for U. S. citizens, discussion, 92, 95, 97, 101, 107, 108, 116, 117, 654
- Franco-British convention of Dec. 23, 1920, 108, 118
- Standard Oil Co., activities: British attitude, 82, 94, 96, 97, 99, 104–105; Standard Oil Co., attitude, 94–95, 100–101; U. S. representations on behalf of, 95–96, 97, 98–99, 101–103
- Sèvres, Treaty of, 81, 99, 100, 103, 119, 121, 122
- Panama:
- Claims. See Mixed Claims Commission, infra.
- Discrimination against U. S. enterprises, alleged, U. S. protest, 603, 605, 606
- Fiscal agent: Legal powers, U. S. vindication, 603, 605, 606, 611, 612, 614, 615; reappointment, 600–602, 603–604, 605, 606–610, 611–612
- Funds, proposed transfer from International Banking Corporation to Banco Nacional, 601–602, 604, 606, 610–611, 612–614, 615
- Hay–Bunau Varilla treaty (Panama Canal treaty) of 1903, 131, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621
- Lands, U. S. acquisition to protect Canal, 616–622
- Mixed Claims Commission, proposed reestablishment, 619–621, 622
- Roads Commission, interference by President Porras, 615–616
- Panama Canal: Lands in Panama, U. S. acquisition to protect Canal, 616–622; tolls, question of, 127–132; treaty of 1903, U. S.–Panaman, 131, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621
- Paraguay: Asuncion port concession, proposed revival, 623–627; extradition treaty of 1913 with United States, interpretation, 627–632
- Peace commission treaty of 1914, U. S.–British, 317
- Permanent Court of International Justice, proposed submittal of Landreau claim against Peru to, 671, 673–674
- Persia:
- Advisers, U. S.: British attitude, 634; Persian overtures, 633–634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639–640; U. S. attitude, 639
- Anglo-Persian agreement of 1919, status, 633, 634–635, 636, 637–638, 640, 641, 642
- Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Ltd. See under Oil concessions, infra.
- Concessions (see also Oil concessions, infra), Persian policy, 634, 636, 637
- Khoshtaria concession. See under Oil concessions, infra.
- Loans:
- National bank, proposed, 637
- North Persian Oils, Ltd. See under Oil concessions, infra.
- Oil concessions:
- Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Ltd., activities, 638, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 650, 651, 652–653, 654–655
- Khoshtaria concession, status, 636, 638, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646–647, 649, 650–651
- North Persia Oils, Ltd., activities, 641–642
- Russian concessions, former. See Khoshtaria concession, supra.
- U. S. interests, proposed exploitation by: Attitude of France, 643, 649; Great Britain, 634, 643, 644, 649, 650–651, 652–653, 654–655; Persia, 634, 640, 643, 644, 648–649, 650, 653; Russia, 649; United States, 640, 645–646, 852, 653–654; U. S. companies, 640–641, 651, 652–653
- Soviet-Persian treaty of 1921, status, 634, 636, 649
- Peru:
- All America Cables, Inc., 666–670
- Customs administrator, appointment of U. S. citizen as, 656–662
- Gold reserve fund in U. S. bank, withdrawal, 663–666
- Landreau claim, protocol of May 21, 1921, with United States for arbitration of: Appointment of arbitrators, 682–684; negotiations, 671–679; text, 679–682
- Loan negotiations with British banks, 665, 666; U. S. banks, 656, 658, 664, 665
- Marconi Co., contract for postal and telegraph service, 666–667, 668–669, 670.
- Mexico, relations with, 436
- Radiotelegraph service, contract for, U. S. representations on behalf of All America Cables, Inc., 666–670
- Philippine Islands: Oil exploitation, discussion, 84, 92–93, 109–110; petroleum act of 1920, amendment to anticipate British and Netherland objections, 547–553
- Poland:
- Mexico, relations with, 434, 435
- Monopolies by U. S. firms, question of, 685, 686, 694, 696, 698, 699
- Regulations affecting U. S. banks, 694, 695–699, 700
- Remittances, private, Polish agreement with Guaranty Trust Co. of New York regulating: Status, 685–693, 694, 695–696, 699; U. S. attitude, 685–686, 695, 698, 699, 700
- Relief, U. S. See Armenia: Near East Relief, and under Russia.
- Reparation Commission (see also Reparations under Austria, Germany, and Hungary): Decisions, 36, 54, 56, 57; jurisdiction over German dirigible construction, 62, 64, 65, 66; U. S. right to participate, 5–6, 7, 8, 32, 33, 251, 254, 255–256, 257–258, 258–259
- Reparations. See under Austria, Germany, and Hungary.
- Royal Dutch–Shell group of oil companies, 74
- Rumania: Admission of Russian refugees, 829; attitude toward Soviet disposal of former Rumanian gold, 777
- Russia (see also
Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Chinese Eastern Railway, Far Eastern Republic, Georgia, Persia, and
- Baltic provinces, U. S. nonrecognition, 748, 752–759, 797–798
- Caucasus: Project for U. S. trade with, 778–784; relief, U. S., 841–842, 927–929, 930–931
- Crimean refugees. See South Russia, infra.
- Debts, foreign, status of, 784, 820, 835
- Deportation from United States of undesirable Russians, 791, 802–804
- European Relief Council of U. S. organizations, 821–822
- Gold of Soviet origin, question of acceptance. See under Trade, resumption of, infra.
- Gorky, Maxim, appeals for famine relief, 798–799, 804, 805, 806, 807, 809, 813
- Integrity, maintenance of, 314, 703, 704, 705, 718, 719, 737, 739, 740, 746, 749–750, 758–759, 926–927
- Japan, relations with. See Japan: Russia.
- Near East Relief, 839, 841–842, 927–929, 930–931
- Prisoners, U. S. and French, release, 790–802, 805, 807, 809, 810, 812, 817
- Relief, international commission for, 818–821
- Relief, U. S. (see also South Russia: Relief of refugees from, infra): Agreement between American Relief Administration and Soviet authorities, 802, 812, 813–817; appeals for, 798–799, 804–805, 808, 810–812, 930; operations, 788, 821–823, 825–828, 841–842, 927–929, 930–931; Soviet attitude, 809, 810–812, 842, 930, 931; U. S. attitude, 791, 800, 802, 805, 806, 807–808, 808–809, 810, 812–813, 819, 820–823, 824–828
- South Russia:
- Soviet government:
- Debts, foreign, status of, 784, 820, 835
- Gold of Soviet origin, question of acceptance. See under Trade, resumption of, infra.
- Persia, treaty of 1921 with, status, 634, 636, 649
- Prisoners, U. S. and French, release. 790–802, 805, 807, 809, 810, 812, 817
- Recognition (see also Trade, resumption of, infra), question of, 710, 712, 750, 753, 757, 763–764, 765, 784, 785, 787, 792, 795, 926
- Relief, U. S., Soviet attitude toward. See Relief, U. S., supra.
- Trade, resumption of. See Trade, resumption of, infra.
- U. S. attitude. See Recognition, supra.
- U. S. citizens, detained, repatriation of, 790–802, 805, 807, 809, 810, 812, 817
- Trade, resumption of:
- British–Soviet agreement for, 762, 763, 776–777, 779
- Germany, U. S. attitude toward cooperation with, 785–788, 790
- Gold of Soviet origin, question of acceptance by Bank of England, 776, 777; by U. S. Mint, 762–763, 764–768, 771, 774–775, 777, 823–825
- Italian attitude, 779
- Rumanian gold, former, Rumanian attitude toward disposal of, 777
- U. S. policy, discussion, 763–764, 766, 768–773, 775–776, 778–790, 795–796, 798
- U. S. citizens, detained, repatriation of, 790–802, 805, 807, 809, 810, 812, 817
- Sakhalin. See under Siberia.
- Salvador:
- Bank of issue, proposed, 844, 845, 847, 848
- Bond issues (see also Loans, infra), British, of 1908 and 1915, status, 855–856
- Customs: Collector of, discussion of appointment under loan contract, 843–844, 850, 852n, 853: pledge of receipts as loan security, 843, 844–845, 848–849, 851, 854
- Debt, plan to refund, 843, 847, 848, 851, 856
- Honduras, relations with, 557
- Loans (see also Bond issues, supra):
- Nicaragua, revolutionary activities directed from Salvador, reports,. 556–557, 562, 563
- Revolution of 1920, alleged Honduran complicity, 557
- Samoa, British, U. S. rights under treaty of 1899 with Germany, 109
- Sanctions, Allied application to Germany, 36, 37, 46, 48, 49, 56–57
- San Remo oil agreement, 8–81, 83, 91
- Semenov, Gen. Gregory. See under Siberia.
- Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, Kingdom of. See Yugoslavia.
- Sèvres, Treaty of, cited, 81, 99, 100, 103, 119, 121, 122, 141, 144, 145, 146, 154, 156, 159, 160, 161, 163, 925, 927
- Shidehara, Baron Kijuro, report with Ambassador Morris on Japanese in United States, 323–349
- Siam:
- British influence, reports, 883–885, 886, 888–889
- Equality of opportunity, discussion, 883, 885–886, 887, 888, 889
- Extraterritoriality, abolition of, 857–859, 860–861, 862–864, 865, 867, 874–876, 878
- Fiscal autonomy, discussion, 861–862, 864–865, 865–866, 870, 878
- Judicial reform (see also Extraterritoriality, supra), discussion, 857, 859
- Mission properties, status, 860, 862, 867, 876–877, 878
- Oil exploitation: British interest in, 883–885, 886, 888–889; U. S. geologist, engagement by Siam, 880–882, 883, 885, 886, 888–889; U. S. interest in, 882–883, 885–886, 887–888, 889
- Opium Convention, International, of 1912, 857, 869
- Tariff autonomy, discussion, 861–862, 864–865, 865–866, 870. 878
- Treaty and protocol with United States, Dec. 16, 1920, revising existing treaties: Negotiations, 857–867, 877–878; provisions, 867–877, 878; ratifications, exchange of, 879
- Siberia (see also
Far Eastern Republic
- Asylum, U. S. refusal, 722
- Intervention, foreign (see also Japanese occupation, infra), discussion of, 732, 737, 739–741, 743, 745, 749–750
- Japanese occupation, continuance and extension: Japanese attitude, 701–702, 707–712, 713–714, 715, 716–717, 720, 722; protests by Far Eastern Republic, 717–719, 725, 737, 739–741, 751, 752; reports, 701–703, 705–706, 722, 731; U. S. attitude, 702–705, 726, 750
- Kappel troops, activities. See Vladivostok: White Russian control, infra.
- League to Combat Communism, reported formation, 706, 711
- Maritime Province, extension of Japanese military control, 701–702, 703–704, 706, 707–709, 712, 717–719, 721, 722, 723, 724, 731, 740
- Nikolaievsk, Japanese occupation in reprisal for alleged massacre, 702, 703–704, 706, 707, 709–710, 715, 717–718, 731
- “Open-door” principle, discussion, 720, 733, 738
- Sakhalin: Japanese occupation, 702, 703–704, 706, 707, 709–710, 711, 712, 718, 731, 740; oil concession by Far Eastern Republic to U. S. interests, negotiations, 749
- Semenov, Gen. Gregory: Japanese relations with, reports, 705–706, 710–711, 718, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728; military activities, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728–729, 740, 745
- Trans-Siberian Railway, guarding of, 707
- Ungern Sternberg, Baron: Alleged plans for joint military action with Japan, 706, 711; defeat, 745, 751
- Ussuri Railway: Japanese control, reports, 718, 731; strike, 722
- Vladivostok:
- Far Eastern Republic, relations with, 717–720, 723, 724, 725, 730, 731
- Japanese occupation (see also White Russian control, infra), 701, 703–704, 707–708, 709, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716–717, 720
- Loan, Japanese, report, 731
- White Russian control, restoration of:
- Wrangel troops in South Russia, reported plan to transfer to Siberia, 726
- Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corp. See Netherland India; Persia: Oil concessions; and Venezuela: oil concession.
- Smyrna:
- Administration, Greek assumption of, 154, 155, 159, 163; U. S. attitude, 156, 160–161
- Capitulations, Greek attempts to nullify, 154, 155, 157, 158–159, 161, 162, 163–164; attitude of Allied High Commissioners, 159–160, 161–162; United States, 147, 154–155, 155–156, 157, 158, 159–161, 162, 163, 164
- Taxation in violation of capitulations. See Capitulations, supra.
- U. S. imports into, admission by Greek military authorities, 900, 901
- South Manchuria Railway, Japanese passport regulations, 349–354
- Spain:
- Standard Oil Co. See Mesopotamia: Oil concessions; Netherland India; Palestine: Oil concessions; Persia: Oil concessions; and Siam: Oil exploitation.
- St. Germain, Treaty of, 4, 256
- Supreme Council:
- Sweden, relations with Mexico, 436–437
- Switzerland, participation of Swiss interests in International Committee of Bankers on Mexico. See Mexico: International Committee of Bankers on Mexico.
- Syria and the Lebanon, mandate for, 107–108, 116, 117
- Tanganyika, alleged British discrimination in exploitation, 84
- Texas Co. of Mexico. See Mexico: “Amparo” case.
- Togoland, mandates for, 108–109, 112–115
- Tolls, Panama Canal, 127–132
- Tonga, treaty of 1886 with United States, termination, 132–137
- Trans-Siberian Railway, guarding of, 707
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 313–319
- Anglo-Persian agreement of 1919, 633, 634–635, 636, 637–638, 640, 641, 642
- Capitulations. See under Smyrna and Turkey.
- Franco-British convention of Dec. 23, 1920, regarding Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Syria and the Lebanon, 108, 118
- Germany (see also Germany: Friendly relations with United States and Versailles Treaty), protocol of agreement, June 30, 1921, with Allied and Associated Powers on compensation for destroyed zeppelins, 58–59, 62, 63, 64, 69
- Guadalupe Hidalgo, treaty of, 521
- Hague convention of 1907 for pacific settlement of international disputes, 581–582, 583, 584, 596, 597
- Hay–Bunau Varilla treaty (Panama Canal treaty) of 1903, 131, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621
- Hay–Pauncefote treaty of 1901, 127, 128, 131
- Inter-Allied agreement of 1919 for supervision of Chinese Eastern Railway, 740, 751–752
- Neuilly, Treaty of, 141, 144, 145
- Opium Convention, International, of 1912, 857, 869
- Pacific islands under mandate, application of existing treaties. See Pacific islands.
- Panama Canal treaty. See Hay–Bunau Varilla treaty, supra.
- San Remo oil agreement, 80–81, 83, 91
- Sèvres, Treaty of. See Sèvres, Treaty of.
- Soviet-Persian treaty of 1921, 634, 636, 639
- St. Germain, Treaty of, 4, 256
- Trianon, Treaty of. See under Hungary.
- U. S.–British peace commission treaty of 1914, 317
- U. S.–German treaty of 1899, 109
- U. S.–German treaty of Aug. 25. 1921. See under Germany: Friendly relations with United States.
- U. S.–Greek agreement of Oct. 18, 1920, continuing in force the commercial treaty of 1837, non-ratification, 151–153
- U. S.–Greek naturalization convention, proposed, 165, 168, 169
- U. S.–Haitian agreement of 1918 for submittal of legislation to United States, 190–191
- U. S.–Haitian claims protocol of 1919. See Haiti: Protocol of 1919.
- U. S.–Haitian treaty of 1915. See Haiti: Treaty of 1915.
- U. S.–Hungarian treaty of Aug. 29, 1921, establishing friendly relations, 249–259
- U. S.–Japanese treaty of 1898, 859; of 1911, 320, 322, 331, 332, 334, 337, 338–339, 340
- U. S.–Liberian financial agreement of Oct. 28, 1921. See Liberia: Financial agreement.
- U. S.–Mexican claims conventions, proposed, 402–403, 507–514
- U. S.–Mexican treaty of amity and commerce, proposed. See Mexico: Treaty of amity and commerce.
- U. S.–Mexican treaty of 1848 (Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty), 521
- U. S.–Norwegian arbitration agreement of June 30, 1921. See Norway: Arbitration agreement.
- U. S.–Norwegian arbitration convention of 1908, 579, 581, 582, 583–584, 596
- U. S.–Norwegian treaty of 1827, 573–574, 591; of 1914, 579–580, 581
- U. S.–Paraguayan extradition treaty of 1913, 627–632
- U. S.–Peruvian protocol of Map 21, 1921, for arbitration of Landreau claim, 671–684
- U. S.–Prussian treaty of 1828, 16
- U. S.–Siamese treaty and protocol of Dec. 16, 1920, revising existing treaties, 857–879
- U. S.–Swedish treaty of 1783, 573–574
- U. S.–Tongan treaty of 1886, termination, 132–137
- U. S.–Venezuelan treaty of 1914 for advancement of peace, 941–944
- Versailles, Treaty of. See Germany: Aeronautical Commission of Control, Customs control, Dirigibles, Reparations, Rhineland, Sanctions, Versailles Treaty, and War criminals; League of Nations; Mandates; Reparation Commission; and Yap.
- Trianon, Treaty of. See under Hungary.
- Turkey (see also
Armenia, Mesopotamia,
Palestine, Smyrna,
Syria and the Lebanon):
- Capitulations, taxation in violation of: Attitude of Allied Powers, 890, 892–893, 893–894, 895–896, 898, 899, 900, 908–909, 909–911, 913n, 914; Turkey, 897, 898, 899–900, 901, 902–903, 904–905, 906, 909; United States, 890–892, 893, 894–895, 896–897, 898–899, 900–901, 902–904, 905–906, 906–908, 911–916
- Chester project for concessions, revival of, 917–924
- Customs duties, proposed increase. See Capitulations, supra.
- Debt, public, status of, 893–894, 901, 902, 905, 910–911, 911–912
- Military service of U. S. citizens of Turkish origin, Greek attempt to force, 171, 172, 173
- Oil concessions. See Chester project, supra.
- Railway concessions. See Chester project, supra.
- Relief of refugees from South Russia. See under Russia: South Russia.
- Sèvres, Treaty of. See Sèvres, Treaty of.
- Taxation. See Capitulations, supra.
- U. S. interests, protection of. See Capitulations, supra.
- Ungern Sternberg, Baron: Alleged plans for joint military action with Japan in Siberia, 706, 711; defeat, 745, 751
- Uruguay, relations with Mexico, 430
- U. S. citizens and property, protection of (see also Greece: Citizenship and Military service; Haiti: German property; Mesopotamia: Oil concessions; Mexico; Missionaries; Palestine: Oil concessions; Panama; Peru: Landreau claim; Russia: U. S. citizens; Siam; Smyrna: Capitulations; Turkey: Capitulations; and Venezuela: Protection of U. S. oil interests: and under Nicaragua): Langdon, Lieut. Warren H., U. S. Navy, fatal shooting at Vladivostok, 354–362, 701; war claims of U. S. nationals against Central Powers, 4–5, 20, 22, 30, 256
- Ussuri Railway: Japanese control, reports, 718, 731; strike, 722
- Venezuela: Amendment of petroleum laws, 932–933, 938–941; British oil exploitation, discussion, 934, 935–937; oil concession to U. S. interests, negotiations, 933–934, 934–935; protection of U. S. oil interests, 932–941; relations with Mexico, 429; treaty of 1914 with United States for advancement of peace, 941–944; U. S.–Venezuelan International Commission, establishment, 942–944
- Versailles, Treaty of. See Germany: Versailles Treaty; Haiti: German property; League of Nations; Mandates; Pacific islands; Reparation Commission; and Yap.
- Visas, British refusal of, U. S. acquiescence, 123–127
- Vladivostok governments. See Siberia: Vladivostok.
- Wrangel: Alleged French acquisition of assets, 831, 836; reported plan to transfer troops to Siberia, 726
- Yap (see also
Pacific islands, formerly German-owned, under Japanese
- Cables. See Cables: German, former.
- Extradition convention of 1886, U. S.–Japanese, application, 296, 301
- Mandate for, U. S. objection to assignment to Japan, 109, 263, 265–269, 270, 277, 278, 279–283, 284, 285, 286; attitude of France, 269, 271–272, 283–284; Great Britain, 263–264, 271, 284, 285, 286; Italy, 270–271, 287; Japan, 264, 272–276, 277–278, 288, 289, 296
- Radiotelegraphic service, discussion, 289, 290–291, 294, 295–297, 298, 301
- Yugoslavia: Cancelation of exequatur of consul general at New York, 949–953; Montenegro, U. S. termination of relations with, 945–949; Russian refugees, attitude toward, 829, 837–839