422.11 G 93/1184: Telegram

The Minister in Ecuador (Hartman) to the Secretary of State

21. Department’s 6, June 28th, 5 p.m. I respectfully ask authority to defer action on Department’s instruction pending the completion of negotiations now in progress relating to the identical matters contained in Department’s telegram between the President of Ecuador and the official management of Guayaquil and Quito Railway Company here.

I am informed that President has already agreed to transfer interest funds under my care to credit of bondholders and only awaits proper document from G. Mills and Company19 which will protect the Minister of Hacienda in making the transfer.

I am further informed that satisfactory progress is being made in other matters now under negotiation and it is feared that if action [Page 888] on Department’s telegram is taken now it will result in seriously embarrassing these negotiations.

Full report of negotiations has been cabled New York office of railway by management here. Please answer by telegraph.

  1. The banking firm of Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co., London.