Proclamation of July 27, 1921, by the Military
Governor of Santo Domingo (Robison),
Postponing the Elections
Whereas, by Proclamation of June 14, 1921,
the United States Government indicated its desire and intention,
with the helpful cooperation of the Dominican people, to withdraw
its Military forces from the Dominican Republic, and
Whereas, the cooperation essential to such
withdrawal can be secured only through a National Congress of the
Republic chosen
[Page 843]
elections under the existing Dominican constitution and laws in
order that it may designate plenipotentiaries for the negotiation of
a Convention of Evacuation, and
Whereas, by Decree of Convocation of July
14, 192121
opportunity was offered for the free expression of the will of the
Dominican people by means of elections called for August 13, 1921,
Whereas, under existing laws, elections
wherein all Dominicans, entitled to the right of suffrage by virtue
of the Constitution, may exercise such right, can be held only with
the cooperation of the Juntas Superiores Directivas of the Political
parties in the manner provided in the existing Election Law, and
Whereas, due to protests resulting from
misinterpretation of the Proclamation the Juntas Superiores
Directivas of the Political Parties, have permitted the time within
which to comply with the provisions of the existing Election Law to
expire without taking action in conformity therewith, with the
result that no opportunity to cooperate is afforded the Dominican
Now Therefore, I, Samuel S. Robison, Rear
Admiral, U.S. Navy, Military Governor of Santo Domingo, acting under
authority of the Government of the United States do hereby postpone
the meeting of the Primary Assemblies, summoned by order of
Convocation dated July 14, 1921, until such time as the success of
an election may be assured. By instructions of the Government of the
United States, announcement is hereby made to all concerned that the
procedure of Evacuation of the Dominican Republic outlined in the
Proclamation of June 14, 1921, and the terms of the proposed
convention of evacuation were fully and carefully considered by the
United States prior to the issuance of the Proclamation and that the
Government of the United States sees no reason for any departure
S. S. Robison
Domingo,] July 27,