The Secretary of State to the Cuban Minister (Céspedes)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note, dated August 23, 1921, regarding the possible sale to Germany of Cuban raw sugar which shall be refined in Germany and delivered to France on reparation account.
In reply I have the honor to state that a copy of your note has been forwarded to the American Ambassador at Paris, and he has been instructed to transmit it to the French Government, and, at the same time, to express the interest of this Government in all practicable measures for assisting Cuba in marketing the present crop of sugar.
A copy of your note has also been transmitted to the Unofficial American Representative on the Reparation Commission, so that he may be informed should the question of receiving on reparation account Cuban sugar refined in Germany come before the Reparation Commission for discussion or decision.
Accept [etc.]