837.61351/237: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Cuba (Long)


83. For the Minister and General Crowder. Your telegram 56, March 31, 10 a.m.

A conference was held at the Department this morning with Hawley, Beatty and Farnham. The rumors in Cuba that the Department intended to take action for the dissolution of the Sugar Sales Commission were, they felt, adversely affecting conditions there. The belief was general in Cuba, they also stated, that either Crowder or the Legation had received instructions to oppose further operations of the Commission.

The substance of the following is to be communicated by you to President Menocal, and, at your discretion to the Cuban Sales Commission.

“The Department’s position as outlined in its 36, February 10, 6 P.M., and its 38, February 11, 6 P.M., remains the same. Convincing evidence that the Commission is functioning improperly has not yet reached the Department, and the Department does not contemplate initiating action in opposition to the Commission, so long as these conditions exist. The Department of course reserves full liberty of action should abuses become evident.”

At your discretion you should take such steps as may be deemed prudent and advisable by you to quiet the above-mentioned adverse rumors. The Department will give out no statements.
