
The Secretary of State to the Representative on Special Mission in Cuba (Crowder)

Sir: I am enclosing herewith a copy of a communication addressed to me by the Postmaster General under date of August 1, 1921,39 in which he calls attention to the fact that the Postal Administration [Page 716] of Cuba now owes to the Post Office Department of the United States on money order account according to the lists of orders paid in each country, approximately, $1,000,000. The Postmaster General states that the Post Office Department of the United States is financing that of Cuba to the extent of approximately this sum and that so large an amount, of course, seriously embarrasses the postal money order system, which is obliged to meet its obligations promptly.

I should be glad to have you bring this matter, without delay, to the attention of the Cuban Government and request that prompt arrangements be made by the Director General of Cuban Posts for the remittance of the amount now owing to the United States Post Office Department.

I am [etc.]

Charles E. Hughes
  1. Not printed.