837.51/447: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Cuba (Long)

39. Department understands29 that the President has submitted to Congress the projected budget for the coming year authorizing expenditures of over $104,000,000, which, together with the gratifications conceded to the employees of the provinces and municipalities and to the Army and national police amounting to $32,000,000, makes a total of approximately $136,000,000. The enactment of this budget providing for an increase in expenditures of some $70,000,000 over the budget enacted in 1918–1919 at this precarious time would, in the opinion of the Department, inevitably cause the financial crisis which the Cuban Government is at present endeavoring to prevent. The Department would be glad to have you bring, at your earliest opportunity, to the attention of the President the very grave anxiety which this action on the part of the Executive is causing the Government of the United States, and authorizes you to take such steps in accordance with General Crowder as may be deemed necessary to prevent the enactment of the proposed budget and thereby enable the Government to operate for the coming year under the budget of 1918–1919.

Please communicate the contents of this telegram to General Crowder in order that he may make such representations in his conversations with the President, or other members of the Government, as he may deem wise.

  1. Despatch from General Crowder, Feb. 6; not printed.