The Secretary of State to the Minister in Panama (Price)
Sir: For your information, the Department advises you that Mr. Alfaro,2 who, as you are aware, recently spent some time on special mission at Washington, called at the Department the day before leaving Washington, accompanied by Chargé d’Affaires Lefevre, and in the course of conversation, referred to the boundary clause contained in the proposed Colombian Treaty, stating that his Government could not be expected to agree to results of a Treaty to which it was not a party. He was informed that nothing could be done to hold up this Treaty now and that this Government would not consider the introduction of any new topic of discussion in the consideration of this Treaty at the present time. Mr. Alfaro then stated that the boundary provision would be acceptable to Panama. It was suggested that after the proposed Treaty had been ratified by the United States and Colombia, a direct understanding between Colombia and Panama, regarding the boundary question would be advisable. To this both Messrs. Alfaro and Lefevre agreed.
I am [etc.]
- Ricardo J. Alfaro, Panamanian Minister of Gobierno and Justice.↩