861.77/2151: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Ruddock) to the Secretary of State

258. My telegram no. 249, July 8th, 6 p.m.13 Stevens defines cooperation as recognition by Chinese Government of the authority of Technical Board in all financial matters in connection with the railway. I have so described it to the Minister of Communications who declined to give assurance immediately. He has summoned a conference to consider the question. I suggest it would be very desirable that the British Government instruct its Legation here to make similar statement to the Chinese Government. Your telegram number 192, July 11, 5 p.m. What has American Government to offer in place of the proposed issue? Railway needs funds. Is the Technical Board or the Governments parties thereto prepared to furnish funds?

  1. See telegram no. 238, July 9, from the Chargé in Japan, p. 591.