861.77/2062: Telegram
The Acting President of the Technical Board (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 7—9:38 a.m.]
Chinese military adopting attitude of extreme aggression with reference to Chinese Eastern as follows: (1) heavy concentration of troops in North Manchuria; (2) extensive requisitions for railway quarters absolutely essential for housing railway employees; (3) trains provided on demand of any Chinese officer without reference to management or Technical Board thereby placing train movement in the hands of Chinese military; (4) confiscation of maps and records of disbanded Manchurian-Russian guard, property of railway. Am insisting in connection with clause 3 that train movement excepting actual military operations must remain in the hands of management and Technical Board. In connection with clause 4 propose to take over maps and records of liquidated Russian railway activities North Manchuria for safekeeping. Has the Department any instructions