500.A4/17a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Harvey)

399. Have just received cable from our Tokio Embassy giving following memorandum from Foreign Office:

[Here follows text of the memorandum contained in telegram no. 245, July 13, from the Chargé in Japan, printed supra.]

Of course it is impossible to prepare precise agenda of conference at this time. Suggest you inform Foreign Secretary of situation. Have not given out Tokio message but as press informed that all others have accepted, Japan’s holding aloof from Far Eastern discussion will almost surely direct opinion against her and inadvisability of this course should be apparent.

Should like to know through discreet inquiry in your judgment what subjects, if any, have been suggested by Great Britain to Japan for consideration at such a conference. Our view is that in addition to limitation of armament conference should cover all such Pacific and Far Eastern problems as are of international concern. For example, it would embrace open door, equality of commercial opportunity, integrity of China, integrity of Russia and practical [Page 32] application of these principles, also status of former German possessions in Pacific, cable and radio communication, narcotic traffic and other international Far Eastern questions. This, of course, would exclude purely domestic matters such as immigration, a point which must be frankly stated if necessary.

Would prefer not to answer Japan’s inquiry until I have report of your interview with Foreign Secretary, if you can arrange to send promptly.
