Treaty Series, No. 657

Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of China, Signed at Washington, October 20, 192082

Whereas, it was agreed by Article VI (e), 1, and 3, of the Final Protocol entered into between the Powers and China, concluded at Peking, September 7, 1901,83 that the import tariff on goods imported into China by sea should be an effective five per cent, ad valorem;

And Whereas, following the conclusion of said Protocol, and pursuant to the provisions of the first paragraph of Article XI thereof, a Treaty regarding Commercial Relations between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of China was concluded at Shanghai on the 8th day of October, 1903,84 ratifications of which were duly exchanged on the 13th day of January, 1904;

And Whereas, by Article V and Annex III of the said treaty it was agreed that the tariff of duties to be paid by the citizens of the United States of America on goods imported into China should be as set forth in the schedule annexed to and made a part of that Treaty as Annex III thereof, subject only to such amendments and changes as were authorized by Article IV of that treaty or as might thereafter be agreed upon by the High Contracting Parties, and that the [Page 460] citizens of the United States of America should at no time pay other or higher duties on goods imported into China than those paid by the citizens or subjects of the most favored nation;

And Whereas, a commission composed of delegates of the governments of the United States of America and certain other powers having treaties with China regarding the duties to be paid by their citizens or subjects on imports into China, and delegates of the Republic of China has, at various conferences held at Shanghai between the 17th day of January, 1918, and the 20th day of December, 1918, agreed upon a proposed revision of the import tariff of China to the end that the rate of duty may be an effective five per cent. ad valorem on all foreign merchandise imported into China;

And Whereas, the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of China desire to confirm the application of the proposed revised tariff of duties to importations of goods into China by citizens of the United States, the two Governments have determined to conclude this supplementary treaty, and have appointed for that purpose as their plenipotentiaries:

  • The President of the United States of America, Mr. Bainbridge Colby, Secretary of State of the United States; and
  • The President of the Republic of China, Mr. Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Republic of China at Washington;

Who, having met and duly exhibited to each other their full powers, which were found to be in proper form, have agreed upon the following articles:

Article I

The tariff of duties, which under the provisions of Article V of the Treaty regarding Commercial Relations signed by the plenipotentiaries of the United States of America and China at Shanghai on the 8th day of October, 1903, are annexed to and made a part of that treaty, as Annex III thereof, shall, beginning with the date of the exchange of ratifications of the present treaty, cease to apply to goods imported into China by citizens of the United States of America.

The rules attached to the schedule of duties annexed to the Treaty regarding Commercial Relations signed by the plenipotentiaries of the United States of America and China at Shanghai on the 8th day of October, 1903, are amended as agreed upon by the High Contracting Parties and as so amended are hereunto annexed and continued in full force and effect.

[Page 461]

Article II

The tariff of duties and the rules hereunto annexed, shall beginning with the date of the exchange of ratifications of the present treaty be in full force and effect at the ports and places of China open to commerce with foreign countries, and beginning with the date of the exchange of ratifications the said duties shall be paid by citizens of the United States of America on goods imported into China, until modified or changed by agreement between the two High Contracting Parties; but the citizens of the United States of America shall at no time be required to pay other or higher duties on goods imported into China than are paid by the citizens or subjects of the most favored nation.

Article III

Except as provided in Articles I and II of the present treaty, the> articles and provisions of the treaty signed at Shanghai, October 8, 1903, between the plenipotentiaries of the United States of America and China, shall continue in full force and effect, and the articles and provisions of the present treaty shall be read and construed as a supplementary treaty thereto, and shall be as binding and of the same efficacy as if they had been inserted therein.

Article IV

In the event of there being any difference of meaning between the English and Chinese texts of the present treaty, the English text shall be held to be the correct one.

This treaty and the tariff of duties and rules hereunto annexed shall be ratified by the two High Contracting Parties in conformity with their respective constitutions, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington.

In Testimony Whereof, the plenipotentiaries of the two High Contracting Parties, by virtue of their respective powers, have signed this treaty in duplicate in the English and Chinese languages, and have affixed their respective seals.

Bainbridge Colby

Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo
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Import Tariff

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No. Name of Article Agreed Value Proposed Duty Rate
Per Hk. Tls. Hk. Tls.
cotton and cotton goods
Cotton Piece Goods, Grey:—
1 Grey Shirtings and Sheetings, not over 40 ins. by 41 yds.:
(a) Weight 7 lb and under Piece 1.817 0.091
(b) Weight over 7 lb and not over 9 lb. Piece 2.681 0.13
(c) Weight over 9 lb and not over 11 lb. Piece 3.530 0.18
2 Grey Shirtings and Sheetings, not over 40 ins. by 41 yds. and with more than 110 threads per square inch:
(a) Weight over 11 lb. and not over 12½ lb. Piece 3.933 0.20
(b) Weight over 12½ lb. and not over 15½ lb. Piece 4.668 0.23
(c) Weight over 15½ lb Piece 5.400 0.27
3 Grey Shirtings and Sheetings, not over 40 ins. by 41 yds. and with 110 threads or less per square inch:
(a) Weight over 11 lb. and not over 15½ lb. Piece 3.293 0.16
(b) Weight over 15½ lb Piece 4.000 0.20
4 Drills and Jeans, Grey, not over 31 ins. by 31 yds: Piece 2.960 0.15
5 Drills and Jeans, Grey, not over 31 ins. by 41 yds:
(a) Weight 12¾ lb and under Piece 3.900 0.20
(b) Weight over 12¾ lb Piece 3.215 0.16
6 T-Cloths, Grey, not over 34 ins. by 25 yds:
(a) Weight 7 lb. and under Piece 1.722 0.086
(b) Weight over 7 lb Piece 2.312 0.12
7 T-Cloths, Grey, over 34 ins. but not over 37 ins. by 25 yds. Piece 2.900 0.15
8 Imitation Native Cotton Cloth (including Machine-made), Grey, not over 24 ins. wide and with not more than 110 threads per square inch. Picul 32.400 1.60
9 Cotton Flannel or Flannelette of Plain or Twill Weave, Grey:
(a) Not over 32 ins. by 31 yds. Piece 3.484 0.17
(b) Over 32 ins. but not over 40 ins. by 31 yds. Piece 4.800 0.24
Cotton Piece Goods, White or Dyed (irrespective of finish):—
10 Plain White Shirtings and Sheetings, not over 37 ins. by 42 yds. Piece 4.183 0.21
11 White Irishes, not over 37 ins. by 42 yds. Piece 5.096 0.25
12 Drills and Jeans, White, not over 31 ins. bv 32 vds. Piece 3.296 0.16
13 Drills and Jeans, White, not over 31 ins. by 42 yds. Piece 4.348 0.22
14 T-Cloths, White, and Mexicans, not over 32 ins. by 41 yds. Piece 3.614 0.18
15 Dimities, Piqués, Vestings, Quiltings, and Bedford Cords, White, not over 30 ins. by 30 yds. Piece 4.749 0.24
16 Cambrics, Lawns, and Muslins, White, Plain, not over 46 ins. by 12 yds. Piece 0.810 0.041
17 Cambrics, Lawns, and Muslins, White, Figured, not over 46 ins. by 12 yds. Value 5 per cent
18 Cambrics, Lawns, and Muslins, Dyed, Plain or Figured, not over 46 ins. by 12 yds. Value 5 per cent
19 White or Dyed, Plain or Figured Muslins, Lawns, Cambrics, Limbrics, Pongees, Brocades, and Striped, Spotted, Corded, and Figured Shirtings:
(a) Not over 30 ins. by 31 yds. Piece 4.443 0.22
(b) Over 30 ins. but not over 37 ins. by 42 yds. Piece 5.000 0.25
20 Lenos, White or Dyed, not over 31 ins. by 30 yds. Piece 2.161 0.11
21 Leno Brocades. White or Dyed Value 5 per cent
22 Dyed Shirtings and Sheetings, Plain:
(a) Not over 30 ins. by 33 yds. Piece 2.7555 0.14
(b) Not over 30 ins. and over 33 yds., but not over 43 yds. Piece 3.5905 0.18
(c) Not over 36 21 yds Piece 2.1048 0.11
(d) Not over 36 ins. and over 21 yds. but not over 33 yds. Piece 3.30759 0.17
(e) Not over 36 ins. and over 33 yds. but not over 43yds. Piece 4.30989 0.22
23 Dyed Drills and Jeans, Plain:
(a) Not over 31 ins. by 33 yds Piece 3.600 0.18
(b) Not over 31 ins. and over 33 yds. but not over 43 yds. Piece 4.676 0.23
24 Dyed T–Cloths, Embossed Cantoons, Alpacianos, Real and Imitation, Turkey Reds, not over 32 ins. by 25 yds.:
(a) Weight 3¼ lb. and under. Piece 1.889 0.094
(b) Weight over 3¼ lb. but not over 5¼ lb. Piece 2.400 0.12
(c) Weight over 5¼ lb Piece 3.320 0.17
25 Mercerized Crimps, white, Dyed, or Printed, Plain or Figured, not over 32 ins. by 32 yds. priece 5.0478 0.27
26 Oatmeal Crapes, White or Dyed, Plain or Figured, not over 33 ins. by 33 yds. Piece 5.265 0.26
27 Cotton Crape (excluding Oatmeal Crapes), Grey, Bleached, Dyed, Printed, Or Dyed in the Yarn:
(a) Not over 15 ins. Wide Value 5 per cent
(b) Over 15 ins. but not over 30 ins. wide. Yard 0.106 0.0053
28 Lastings, Italians, Satteens, Ribs, Cords, Moreens, Beatrice Twills, Tientsin Twills, Satteen Drills, Satteen Stripes, Repps, and Imitation (Weft-faced) Venetians, White or Dyed, Plain or Figured, not over 33 ins. by 33 yds. Piece 4.540 0.23
29 Poplins and Venetians, White or Dyed, Plain, not over 33 ins. by 33 yds. Piece 8.0946 0.40
30 Poplins and Venetians, White or Dyed, Figured, not over 33 ins. by 33 yds. Piece 10.000 0.50
31 Cotton Flannel or Flannelette of Plain or Twill Weave:
(1) White, Dyed, or Printed, or Dyed in the Yarn, exclusive of Duplex or Reversible Prints:
(a) Notover 25 ins. by 15 yds Piece 1.400 0.07
(b) Over 25 ins. but not over 30 ins. by 15 yds. Piece 1.700 0.085
(c) Over 25 ins. but not over 31 ins. by 31 yds. Piece 3.600 0.18
(d) Over 30 ins. but not over 36 ins. by 15 yds. Piece 2.000 0.10
(e) Over 30 ins. but not over 36 ins. by 31 yds. Piece 4.300 0.22
(2) Duplex or Reversible Prints Value 5 per cent
32 Dyed Cotton Spanish Stripes:
(a) Not over 32 ins. by 20 yds. Piece 2.241 0.11
(b) Over 32 ins. but not over 64 ins. by 20 yds. Piece 4.482 0.22
33 Dyed Cotton Velvets and Velveteens, Plain, not over 26 ins. wide. Yard 0.2884 0.014
34 Cotton Velvets and Velveteens, Printed, Figured, or Embossed, Velvet and Velveteen Cords, Corduroys, Fustians, Moleskins, and Plushes. Value 5 per cent
35 Canvas, Cotton (including Cotton Duck), for sails, etc. Yard 0.300 0.015
36 Stockinet or Knitted Tissue:
(a) Raised Picul 44.000 2.20
(b) Not Raised Value 5 per cent
Cotton Piece Goods, Printed:—
37 Printed Cambrics, Printed Lawns, Printed Muslins, Printed Shirtings, Printed Sheetings, Printed T-Cloths, (including those known as Blue and White Printed T-Cloths), Printed Drills, Printed Jeans, Printed Diagonal Twills, Twill Cretonnes, Printed Silesias, Printed Repps (excluding Repp Cretonnes):
(a) Not over 20 ins. wide Value 5 per cent
(b) Over 20 ins. but not over 46 ins. by 12 yds. Piece 1.020 0.051
(c) Over 20 ins. but not over 32 ins. by 30 yds. Piece 2.302 0.12
(d) Over 32 ins. but not over 42 ins. by 30 yds. Piece 3.094 0.15
Printed Mercerized Crimps. See No. 25.
38 Printed Oatmeal Crapes and Oatmeal Crape Cretonnes, Not over 32 ins. by 30 yds. Piece 2.705 0.14
Printed Cotton Crape. See No. 27.
39 Printed Turkey Reds, Real and Imitation, not over 31 ins. by 25 yds. Piece 2.068 0.10
40 Printed Lenos, not over 31 ins. by 30 yds. Piece 2.350 0.12
41 Printed Satteens and Satinets, Printed Brocades (including Printed Fancy Woven Stripes or checks), Printed Italians, Printed Damasks, Printed Venetians, Printed Lastings, Printed Beatrice Twill, Printed Cords, Printed Poplins, Printed Moreens, not over 32 ins. by 30 yds. Piece 5.000 0.25
Printed Flanellette. See No. 31.
42 Duplex or Reversible Prints of Shirting Weave and one colour only, not over 32 ins. by 30 yd. Piece 3.000 0.15
Printed Velvets and Velveteens. See No. 34
43 Printed Domestic Cretonnes, Printed Satteen Cretonnes, Printed Repp Cretonnes, Printed Embossed Figures, Printed Art Muslins and Casement Cloth, Printed Cotton Coatings, Trouserings, and Gabardines, and all other Duplex or Reversible Prints except those enumerated in Classes 37 and 42. Value 5 per cent
Printed blankets. See No. 45.
Printed Handkerchiefs. See No. 48.
The term “Printed” in this Tariff includes Pigment Style, Direct Printing Style, Steam Style, Discharge Style, Madder or Dyed Style, Resist Style, Resist Pad Style, Metal Style, and so forth, irrespective of finish.
The term “Duplex or Reversible Print” in this Tariff includes all Printed Cottons having (a) a different pattern printed on each side of the cloth, (b) the same design on both sides of the cloth, whether printed with one or more rollers.
Cotton Piece Goods, Yarn-dyed:
Cotton Crape, See No. 27.
Cotton Flannel, or Flannelette. See No. 31.
Stockinet. See No. 36.
Not otherwise enumerated Value 5 per cent
Cotton Piece Goods, not otherwise enumerated. Value 5 per cent
Cotton, Raw, Cotton Thread, Cotton Yarn, and Goods made of Cotton:—
44 Ankle Bands, Plain or Decorated Picul 80. 000 4.00
Bags, new, See No. 529 Picul 40.000 2.00
45 Blankets, Plain, Printed, or Jacquard (including those with a taped or whipped edge of Silk or other material), and Blanket Cloth. Picul 40.000 2.00
Canvas. See No. 35.
Crape. See No. 27.
46 Counterpanes, Honeycomb or Alhambra:
(a) Not over 2½ yds. long Picul 45.000 2.25
(b) Over 2½ yds. Long Value 5 per cent
47 Embroidered Edging or Insertion, Machine-Made. Value 5 per cent
Flanelette. See No. 31.
48 Handkerchiefs, neither Embroidered nor Initialled:
(1) White, Dyed, or Printed, Hemmed, (but not with a drawn-thread hem):
(a) Not over 13 ins. square_ Dozen 0.220 0.011
(b) Over 13 ins. square but not over 18 ins. square Dozen 0.360 0.018
(c) Over 18 ins. square but not over 30 ins. square Dozen 0.530 0.027
(2) White, Dyed, or Printed, with drawn-thread hem:
(a) Not over 13 ins. Square Dozen 0.360 0.018
(b) Over 13 ins. square but not over 18 ins. Square Dozen 0.750 0.038
(c) Over 18 ins. square, but not over 30 ins. square Dozen 0.920 0.046
(3) Printed handkerchiefs, Unhemmed:
(a) Not over 18 ins. square. Dozen 0.190 0.01
(b) Over 18 ins. square but not over 25 ins. Square Dozen 0.640 0.032
(c) Over 25 ins. square, but not over 29 ins. square Dozen 0.800 0.04
(d) Over 29 ins. square but not over 34 ins. square Dozen 1.030 0.052
49 Knitted Clothing, Raised, (including that stitched with silk thread and with facings of silk or other ma- Picul 74.000 3.70
50 Raw Cotton Picul 16.000 0.80
51 Singlets or Drawers, not Raised (including those stitched with Silk Thread and with facings of Silk or other material) Dozen 2.800 0.14
52 Socks and Stockings:
(a) Not Raised on either side:
(1) Made of Ungassed or Unmercerized Thread Picul 70.000 3.50
(2) Made of Gassed or Mercerized Thread or stitched or embroidered with Silk Picul 150.000 7.50
(b) Raised Value 5 per cent.
(c) Others Value 5 per cent.
Stockinet. See No. 36.
53 Towels:
(a) Turkish Picul 50.000 2.50
(b) Honeycomb or Huckaback. Picul 44.000 2.20
54 Thread, Dyed or Undyed (irrespective of finish:—)
(1) Sewing Cotton:
(a) In Balls or skeins:
3–cord_ Picul 100.000 5.00
6–cord Picul 190.000 9.50
(b) On spools or cops:
2–cord, 50 yds. or less Gross 0.586 0.029
3–cord, 50 yds. or less Gross 0.788 0.039
6–cord, 50 yds. or less Gross 1.458 0.073
Other lengths in proportion.
(2) Crochet or Embroidery Cotton, in skeins or balls Picul 82. 449 4.10
55 Waste Cotton Picul 9.600 0.48
56 Yarn:
(1) Grey (irrespective of fold):
(a) Counts up to and including 17 Picul 25.500 1.28
(b) Counts above 17 and up to and including 23 Picul 27.668 1.38
(c) Counts above 23 and up to and including 35 Picul 38.000 1.90
(d) Counts above 35 and up to and including 45 Picul 43.600 2.18
(e) Counts above 45 Value 5 per cent-
(2) Dyed, Bleached, Gassed, Mercerized, etc Value 5 per cent-
Flax, Hemp, and Jute Goods:—
57 Gunny Bags, New Picul 8.480 0.42
58 Gunny Bags, old Value 5 per cent
59 Hemp Picul 14.000 0.70
60 Hemp or Hessian Bags, New Picul 18.900 0.95
61 Hemp or Hessian Bags, Old Value 5 per cent.
62 Hessian Cloth Picul 18.000 0.90
63 Canvas of Hemp and Jute for Sails, etc Yard 0.38165 0.019
64 Canvas Linen (elastic), for Tailoring Value 5 per cent.
65 Tarpaulin of Hemp or Jute Yard 0.229 0.011
Silk Goods and Silk Mixtures:—
66 Silk Piece Goods (all bilk), Plain, Figured, or Brocaded. Value 5 per cent
67 Silk Plushes and Silk Velvets, Pure Catty 10.984 0.55
68 Silk Seal, with cotton back Catty 2.9418 0.15
69 Silk Socks and Stockings, Knitted (including those made of Artificial Silk). Catty 7.000 0.35
70 Silk Mixture Plushes and Velvets (i. e., made of silk mixed with other fibrous material, with Cotton back). Catty 2.6537 0.13
71 Silk and Cotton Satins, White or Dyed in the Piece:
(a) Plain Catty 2.533 0.13
(b) Figured Catty 3.233 0.16
72 Silk and Cotton Satins, Dyed in the yarn Catty 4.000 0.20
73 Silk and Cotton Mixtures, not otherwise enumerated. Value 5 per cent
74 Silk Ribbons, all Silk and Mixtures. Value 5 per cent
Wool and Cotton Unions:—
75 Union Shirtings, not over 33 ins. wide. Yard 0.4853 0.024
76 Cloth made of remanufactured Wool and Cotton, such as Meltons., Vicunas, Beavers, Army Cloths, Union Cloths, Leather Cloths, Presidents (including Cloth containing a small quantity of new Wool for facing purposes), not Over 56 ins. wide. Yard 0.800 0.04
77 Italian Cloth, Plain or Figured, Alpacas, Lustres, Orleans, and Sicilians. Value 5 per cent
Wool and Woolen Goods:—
78 Wool. Sheep’s Picul 17.000 0.85
79 Blankets and Rugs Pound 0.560 0.028
80 Bunting, not over 24 ins. by 40 yds. Piece 6.560 0.33
81 Camlets, not over 31 ins. by 62 yds. Piece 15.600 0.78
82 Flannel, not over 33 ins. Wide Yard 0.480 0.024
83 Lastings, Plain, Figured, or Craped, not over 31 ins. by 32 yds. Piece 14.620 0.73
84 Llama Braid Picul 150.000 7.50
85 Long Ells, not over 31 ins. by 25 yds. Piece 6.657 0.33
86 Russian, Broad, Superfine, Medium, and Habit Cloth, not over 76 ins. wide. Yard 1.520 0.076
87 Spanish Stripes, not over 64 ins. wide. Yard 0.636 0.032
88 All Woolen and Worsted Yarn and Cord, including Berlin Wool. Picul 120.000 6.00
89 Aluminium Value 5 per cent
90 Aluminium Sheets Value 5 per cent
91 Antifriction Metal Value 5 per cent
92 Antimony Regulus and Refined Picul 14.000 0.70
93 Antimony Ore Value 5 per cent
Brass and Yellow Metal:—
94 Bars and Rods Picul 30.183 1.50
95 Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Washers, and Accessories. Value 5 per cent
96 Ingots Picul 30.183 1.50
97 Nails Picul 36.765 1.80
98 Old (fit only for remanufacture) Value 5 per cent
99 Screws Value 5 per cent
100 Sheets and Plates Picul 30.183 1.50
101 Tubes Picul 47.809 2.40
102 Wire Picul 30.183 1.50
103 Bars and Rods Picul 33.950 1.70
104 Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, and Washers. Value 5 per cent
105 Ingots and Slabs Picul 28.000 1.40
106 Nails Picul 47.385 2.40
107 Old (fit onlv for remanufacture) Value 5 per cent
108 Sheets and Plates Picul 33.950 1.70
109 Tacks Value 5 per cent
110 Tubes Value 5 per cent
111 Wire Picul 33.950 1.70
112 Wire Cable Value 5 per cent
113 Wire Rope Value 5 per cent
Iron and Steel, Ungalvanized (not including Bamboo, Spring, and Tool Steel):—
114 Anvils, Swage-blocks, Anchors, and Parts of, and Forgings (each weighing in every case 25 lb. or over.) Picul 11.484 0.57
115 Bolts, Nuts, and Washers Value 5 per cent
116 Castings, Rough Picul 5.132 0.26
117 Chains, and Parts of Picul 7.667 0.38
118 Cobbles, Wire Shorts, Defective Wire, Bar Croppings, and Bar Ends, Galvanized or Ungalvanized. Picul 2.658 0.13
119 Crossings for Railways Value 5 per cent
120 Fish-plates and Spikes Value 5 per cent
121 Hoops Picul 5.451 0.27
122 Old (fit only for remanufacture) Picul 1.946 0.10
123 Nail-rod, Bars, Twisted or Deformed Bars, Tees, Channels, Angles, Joists, Girders, and other Structural Sections or Shapes. Picul 4.080 0.20
124 Nails, Wire and Cut Picul 5.946 0.30
125 Pig and Kentledge Picul 2.000 0.10
126 Pipes, Tubes, and Pipe and Tube fittings. Value 5 per cent
127 Plate Cuttings Picul 2.311 0.12
128 Rails Picul 3.120 0.16
129 Rivets Picul 6.287 0.31
130 Screws Value 5 per cent
131 Sheets and Plates ⅛ of an inch thick or more. Picul 4.000 0.20
132 Sheets and Plates under ⅛ of an inch thick. Picul 5.000 0.25
133 Tacks Picul 9.047 0.45
134 Wire Picul 5.241 0.26
135 Wire Rope, Galvanized or Ungalvanized, with or without fibre core. Picul 14.924 0.75
Steel, Tool and Spring:—
136 Bamboo Steel Picul 5.486 0.27
137 Spring Steel Picul 6.420 0.32
138 Tool Steel (including Highspeed Steel). Value 5 per cent
Iron and Steel, Galvanized:—
139 Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, and Washers. Value 5 per cent
140 Pipes, Tubes, and Tube fittings. Value 5 per cent
141 Screws Value 5 per cent
142 Sheets, Corrugated and Plain Picul 7.400 0.37
143 Wire Picul 6.072 0.30
Wire Rope. See Ungalvanized.
Wire Shorts. See Ungalvanized.
144 Iron and Tin Dross Picul 6.000 0.30
145 Old (fit only for remanufacture) Value 5 per cent
146 Pigs or Bars Picul 9.000 0.45
147 Pipe Picul 9.961 0.50
148 Sheet Picul 11.834 0.59
149 Wire Value 5 per cent
150 Manganese Value 5 per cent
151 Manganese, Ferro Value 5 per cent
152 Nickel Picul 70.000 3.50
153 Quicksilver Picul 126.654 6.30
154 Compound Value 5 per cent
155 Dross and Refuse Picul 10.885 0.54
156 Ingots and Slabs Picul 45.462 2.30
157 Pine Value 5 per cent
158 Sheet Picul 41.208 2.10
159 Tinned Tacks Picul 9.047 0.45
160 Tinned Plates, Decorated Picul 10.176 0.51
161 Tinned Plates, Plain Picul 7.800 0.39
162 Tinned Plates, Old Value 5 per cent
163 Type Metal Value 5 per cent
White Metal or German Silver:—
164 Bars, Ingots, and Sheets Picul 54.531 2.70
165 Wire Picul 43.444 2.20
166 Powder and Spelter Picul 12.946 0.65
167 Sheets (including Perforated), Plates, and Boiler Plates. Picul 16.849 0.84
Fishery and Sea Products:—
168 Agar-agar Picul 6.000 0.30
169 Awabi, in bulk Picul 52.500 2.60
170 Bicho de Mar, Black, Spiked. Picul 53.300 2.70
171 Bicho de Mar, Black, Not Spiked. Picul 40.000 2.00
172 Bicho de Mar, White Picul 20.000 1.00
173 Cockles, Dried Picul 13.822 0.69
174 Cockles, Fresh Picul 1.200 0.06
175 Compoy Picul 43.000 2.15
176 Crabs’ Flesh. Dried Picul 16.518 0.83
177 Fish Bones Value 5 per cent
178 Fish. Cod. Dried Picul 5.800 0.29
179 Fish, Cuttle Picul 13.600 0.68
180 Fish, Dried, and Smoked (not including Dried Codfish and Cuttle-fish). Picul 9.739 0.49
181 Fish, Fresh Picul 6.410 0.32
182 Fish Maws, 1st Quality (i.e. weighing 1 catty or over per piece). Catty 5.000 0.25
183 Fish Maws, 2nd Quality (i. e. weighing under 1 catty per piece). Picul 56.500 2.80
184 Fish Salmon Bellies Value 5 per cent
185 Fish, Salt Picul 3.600 0.18
186 Fish Skin Picul 12.711 0.64
187 Mussels, Oysters, and Clams, Dried. Picul 16.000 0.80
188 Prawns and Shrimps, Dried, in bulk. Pieul 22.000 1.10
189 Seaweed, Cut Picul 3.334 0.17
190 Seaweed. Lone Picul 2.500 0.13
191 Seaweed, Prepared Picul 26.000 1.30
192 Seaweed, Red Value 5 per cent
193 Sharks’ Fins. Dorsal and Tail Picul 88.660 4.40
194 Sharks’ Fins, Breast Fins Picul 37.173 1.90
195 Sharks’ Fins, Prepared Picul 128.562 6.40
196 Sharks’ Skins Value 5 per cent
Animal Products, Canned Goods, and Groceries:—
197 Bacon and Hams, in bulk Pieul 35.300 1.80
198 Baking Powder Value 5 per cent
199 Beef, Corned, or Pickled, in Barrels. Value 5 per cent
200 Birds’ Nests, Black (including Clarified Refuse). Catty 3.000 0.15
201 Birds’ Nests, White Catty 18.276 0.90
202 Butter Picul 53.000 12.70
Canned Goods:—
203 Asparagus Picul (Incl. weight of immediate packing). 17.500 0.88
204 Awabi Picul 24.000 1.20
205 Cream and Milk, Evaporated or Sterilized. Picul 13.000 0.65
206 Fruits, Table and Pie Picul (Incl. weight of immediate packing). 14.500 0.73
207 Milk, Condensed Picul 19.200 0.96
208 Canned Goods, Unenumerated Value 5 per cent
209 Chocolate Value 5 per cent
210 Cocoa Value 5 per cent
211 Coffee Value 5 per cent
212 Currants and Raisins, in bulk Picul 12.677 0.63
213 Fruits, Preserved, in Glass, etc Value 5 per cent
214 Honey Value 5 per cent
215 Jams and Jellies Value 5 per cent
216 Lard, in bulk Value 5 per cent
217 Macaroni and Vermicelli, in bulk. Picul 9.125 0.46
218 Margarine Value 5 per cent
219 Meats, Dried and Salted Value 5 per cent
220 Pork Rind Value 5 per cent
221 Sausages, Dry Value 5 per cent
222 Soy Picul 5.000 0.25
223 Tea Value 5 per cent
Cereals, Fruits, Medicinal Substances, Seeds, Spices, and Vegetables:—
224 Aniseed, Star:
(a) 1st Quality, Value Hks. Tls. 15 and over per picul. Picul 20.000 1.00
(b) 2nd Quality, Value under Hk. Tls. 15 per picul. Picul 9.000 0.45
225 Apples, Fresh Picul 5.000 0.25
226 Asafoetida Value 5 per cent
227 Barley, Pearl Value 5 per cent
228 Beans and Peas Value 5 per cent
229 Betelnuts, Dried Picul 4.700 0.24
230 Betelnut Husk, Dried Picul 2.300 0.12
231 Bran Picul 1.600 10.08
232 Cereals and Flour (including Barley, Maize, Millet, Oats, Paddy, Rice, Wheat, and Flour made therefrom; also Buckwheat and Buckwheat Flour, Cornflour and Yellow Corn Meal, Rye Flour, and Hovis Flour; but not including Arrowroot and Arrowroot Flour, Cracked Wheat, Germea, Hominy, Pearl Barley, Potato Flour, Quaker Oats, Rolled Oats, Sago and Sago Flour, Shredded Wheat, Tapioca and Tapioca Flour, and Yam Flour). Free
233 Camphor, Crude and Refined (including shaped). Picul 66.000 3.30
234 Camphor, Baroos, Clean Catty 62.000 3.10
235 Camphor, Baroos, Refuse Value 5 per cent
236 Capoor Cutchery Value 5 per cent
237 Cardamom Husk Picul 5.000 0.25
238 Cardamoms, Inferior. Picul 20.000 1.00
239 Cardamoms, Superior Picul 200.000 10.00
240 Cassia Lignea and Buds Picul 18.000 0.90
241 Cassia Twigs Picul 3.600 0.18
242 Chestnuts Value 5 per cent
243 China-root Picul 14.000 0.70
244 Cinnamon, in bulk Picul 100.000 5.00
245 Cloves, in bulk Picul 18.000 0.90
246 Cloves, Mother Picul 8.000 0.4
247 Cocaine Value 5 per cent
248 Galangal Picul 3.700 0.19
249 Ginseng, Clarified or Cleaned.
1st Quality (value over Hk. Tls. 25 per catty). Catty 56.000 2.80
2nd Quality (value over Hk. Tls. 11 and not over Hk. Tls. 25 per catty). Catty 22.000 1.10
3rd Quality (value over Hk. Tls. 3 and not over Hk. Tls. 11 per catty). Catty 7.200 0.36
4th Quality (value not over Hk. Tls. 3 per catty). Catty 1.800 0.09
250 Ginseng, Crude, Beard, Roots, and Cuttings:
1st Quality (value over Hk. Tls. 3 per catty). Catty 4.400 0.22
2nd Quality (value not over Hk. Tls. 3 per catty). Catty 1.700 0.085
251 Ginseng, Wild Value 5 per cent. Picul
252 Groundnuts, in shell Picul 3.000 0.15
253 Groundnuts, Shelled Picul 4.600 0.23
254 Hops Value 5 per cent
255 Isinglass, Vegetable Picul 53.000 2.70
256 Lemons. Fresh Thousand 29.000 1.50
257 Lichees, Dried Picul 10.600 0.53
258 Lily Flowers, Dried Picul 9.400 0.47
259 Lungngan Pulp Picul 13.000 0.65
260 Lungngans, Dried Picul 7.600 0.38
261 Malt Picul 8.102 0.41
262 Morphia in all forms Value 5 per cent
263 Mushrooms Picul 47.000 2.40
264 Nutmegs Picul 30.000 1.50
265 Olives Value 5 per cent
266 Opium, Tincture of Value 5 per cent
267 Oranges, Fresh Picul 3.600 0.18
268 Peel, Orange in bulk Picul 13.000 0.65
269 Pepper, Black Picul 19.400 0.97
270 Pepper, White Picul 32.000 1.60
271 Potatoes, Fresh Value 5 per cent
272 Putchuck Picul 38.000 1.90
273 Seed, Apricot Picul 26.800 1.30
274 Seed, Lily Flower (i. e. Lotusnuts without Husks). Picul 20.000 1.00
275 Seed, Lucraban Picul 7.000 0.35
276 Seed, Melon Picul 11.000 0.55
277 Seed, Pine (i. e., Fir-nuts) Picul 4.800 0.24
278 Seed, Sesamum Picul 4.800 0.24
279 Vegetables, Dried, Prepared, and Salted. Value 5 per cent
280 Sugar, Brown, under No. 11 Dutch Standard, and “Green Sugar” Picul 4.400 0.22
281 Sugar, White, over No. 10 Dutch Standard (including Refined Sugar). Picul 6.200 0.31
282 Sugar, White, Cube and Loaf Picul 10.000 0.50
283 Sugar Candy Picul 7.400 0.37
284 Sugar Cane Picul 1.000 0.05
Wines, Beer, Spirits, Table Waters, etc.:—
285 Champagne and any other Wine sold under the label “Champagne”. Case of 12 bottles or 24 halfbottles 20.000 1.00
286 Sparkling Asti 10.000 0.50
287 Other Sparkling Wines Case of 12 bottles or 24 halfbottles 12.000 0.60
288 Still Wines, Red or White, Exclusively the produce of the natural fermentation of grapes (not including Vins de Liqueur):—
(1) In Bottles Case of 12 bottles or 24 halfbottles 6.000 0.30
(2) In bulk Imperial gallon 0.700 0.035
289 Port Wine, in Bottles Case of 12 bottles or 24 halfbottles 14.000 0.70
290 Port Wine, in bulk Imperial gallon 3.500 0.18
291 Marsala, in Bottles Case of 12 bottles or 24 half bottles 8.000 0.40
292 Marsala, in bulk Imperial gallon 2.000 0.10
293 Vins de Liqueur other than Port and Marsala (viz., Madeira, Malaga, Sherry, etc.):—
(1) In Bottles Case of 12 bottles or 24 half bottles 10.000 0.50
(2) In bulk Imperial gallon 3.000 0.15
294 Vermouth, Byrrh, and Quinquina. Case of 12 litres 5.800 0.29
295 Saké in Barrels Picul 8.200 0.41
296 Saké, in Bottles 12 reputed quarts or 24 reputed pints 2.000 0.10
297 Ale, Beer, Cider, Perry, and similar Liquors made of Fruits and Berries:—
(1) In Bottles 12 reputed quarts or 24 reputed pints 1.580 0.079
(2) in Casks Imperial gallon 0.540 0.027
298 Porter and Stout, in Bottles 12 reputed quarts or 24 reputed pints 2.560 0.13
299 Porter and Stout, in Casks Imperial gallon 0.550 0.028
300 Brandy, Cognac, and Whisky, in bulk. Imperial gallon 2.600 0.13
301 Brandy and Cognac, in Bottles Case of 12 reputed quarts 13.400 0.67
302 Whisky, in Bottles Case of 12 reputed quarts 7.000 0.35
303 Gin, in Bottles Case of 12 reputed quarts 4.600 0.23
304 Gin, in bulk 1.800 0.09
305 Other Spirits (i. e., Rum, Aquavit, Vodka, Punch, etc.):—
(1) in Bottles Case of 12 reputed quarts 4.000 0.20
(2) In bulk Imperial gallon 1.800 0.09
306 Liqueurs 12 reputed quarts or 24 reputed pints 10.000 0.50
307 Waters, Table, Aerated and Mineral. 12 bottles or 24 half-bottles 1.400 0.07
308 Spirits of Wine and Rectified Spirits or Alcohol. Imperial gallon 0.560 0.028
309 Cigarettes, value over Hk. Tls. 4.50 per 1,000 and all Cigarettes not bearing a distinctive brand or name on each Cigarette. Thousand 6.600 0.33
310 Cigarettes, value over Hk. Tls. 3.00 but not over Hk. Tls. 4.50 per 1,000. Thousand 3.800 0.19
311 Cigarettes, value over Hk. Tls. 1.50 but not over Hk. Tls. 3.00 per 1,000. Thousand 2.200 0.11
312 Cigarettes, value Hk. Tls. 1.50 or less per 1,000. Thousand 1.200 0.06
313 Cigars Thousand 16.000 0.80
314 Snuff Value 5 per cent
315 Tobacco, Leaf Picul 22.000 1.10
316 Tobacco, Prepared, in tins or packages, under 5 lb. each. Value 5 per cent
317 Tobacco, Prepared, in bulk (not packed in tins or tin-lined cases). Picul 22.000 1.10
318 Tobacco stalk Picul 5.600 0.28
chemicals and dyes
319 Acid, Acetic Picul 30.639 1.50
320 Acid, Boracic Picul 21.448 1.10
321 Acid, Carbolic Value 5 per cent
322 Acid, Hydrochloric (i. e. Muriatic). Value 5 per cent
323 Acid, Nitric Picul 14.282 0.71
324 Acid, Sulphuric Picul 3.317 0.17
325 Ammonia, in bulk Picul 26.513 1.30
326 Ammonia, Chloride of (i. e. Sal Ammoniac). Picul 17.823 0.89
327 Ammonia, Sulphate of Picul 7.438 0.37
328 Bleaching Powder (i. e. Chloride of Lime). Picul 5.469 0.27
329 Borax, Crude or Refined Picul 11.521 0.58
330 Calcium, Carbide of Picul 7.451 0.37
331 Copper, Sulphate of Picul 11.913 0.60
332 Glycerine Picul 43.930 2.20
333 Hide Specific Value 5 per cent
334 Manure, Animal, Chemical, or Artificial, not otherwise enumerated. Picul 2.951 0.15
335 Naphthalene Picul 12.653 0.63
336 Saltpetre Picul 9.324 0.47
337 Soda Ash Picul 2.499 0.12
338 Soda, Bicarbonate of, in bulk Picul 2.899 0.14
339 Soda, Caustic Picul 6.200 0.31
340 Soda. Crystal Picul 2.659 0.13
341 Soda, Crystal, Concentrated Picul 3.178 0.16
342 Soda, Nitrate of (Chile Saltpetre) Picul 5.342 0.27
343 Soda, Silicate of Picul 3.603 0.18
Dyes and Pigments:—
344 Aniline Dyes not otherwise enumerated. Value 5 per cent
345 Bark, Mangrove Picul 1.682 0.084
346 Bark, Plum-tree Picul 3.187 0.16
347 Bark, Yellow (for Dyeing) Picul 4.948 0.25
348 Blue, Paris or Prussian Picul 34.945 1.70
349 Bronze Powder Picul 52.979 2.60
350 Carbon black (i. e. Lampblack) Picul 20.000 1.00
351 Carthamin Value 5 per cent
352 Chrome Yellow Value 5 per cent
353 Cinnabar Picul 82.400 4.10
354 Cobalt, Oxide of Value 5 per cent
355 Cochineal Value 5 per cent
356 Cunao or False Gambler Picul 3.340 0.17
357 Cutch or Gambler Picul 10.000 0.50
358 Dyes and Colours, Unclassed Value 5 per cent
359 Gamboge Picul 56.951 2.80
360 Green, Emerald Schweinfurt, or Imitation. Picul 22.458 1.10
361 Hartall (Orpiment) Picul 9.562 0.48
362 Indigo, Dried, Artificial Picul 125.881 6.30
363 Indigo, Dried, Natural Picul 60.000 3.00
364 Indigo, Liquid or Paste, Artificial Picul 40.000 2.00
365 Indigo, Liquid, Natural Picul 6.000 0.30
366 Indoin Value 5 per cent
367 Laka-wood Picul 3.272 0.16
368 Lead, Red, White, and Yellow. Picul 10.294 0.51
369 Logwood Extract Picul 15.492 0.77
370 Nutgalls Picul 20.863 1.00
371 Ochre Picul 6.545 0.33
372 Safflower Picul 12.908 0.65
373 Sapanwood Picul 2.744 0.14
374 Smalt Picul 40.150 2.00
375 Turmeric Picul 3.938 0.20
376 Ultramarine Picul 13.862 0.69
377 Vermilion Picul 82.400 4.10
378 Vermilion, Artificial Value 5 per cent
379 White Zinc Value 5 per cent
candles, gums, oils, soap, varnishes, wax, and manufactures of
380 Candles Picul 12.600 0.63
381 Candlewick Picul 75.200 3.80
382 Gasolene, Naphtha, and Benzine, Mineral:
(a) In bulk 10 Am. Galls 3.000 0.15
(b) In case Case of 2 tins, each of 5 Am. galls. 3.500 0.18
383 Grease, Lubricating, wholly or partly mineral. Picul 7.000 0.35
384 Gum Arabic Picul 24.000 1.20
385 Gum Benjamin Picul 12.000 0.60
386 Gum Copal Picul 24.000 1.20
387 Gum Dragon’s-blood Picul 60.000 3.00
388 Gum Myrrh Picul 9.600 0.48
389 Gum Olibanum Picul 9.600 0.48
390 Gum Resin Picul 6.800 0.34
391 Gum Shellac Picul 40.000 2.00
392 Gum Sticklac Picul 15.000 0.75
393 Gum Tragacanth Picul 18.000 0.90
394 Oil, Castor, Lubricating Picul 12.000 0.60
395 Oil, Castor, Medicinal Value 5 per cent
396 Oil, Coconut Picul 16.000 0.80
397 Oil, Kerosene:
397 (a) In bulk Case of 2 tins, each of 5 Am. gallons. 2.200 0.11
(b) In bulk 10 Am. galls 1.600 0.08
(c) Tins, empty Tin 0.200 0.01
(d) Case and two empty tins Each 0.540 0.027
398 Oil, Linseed Imperial gallon 1.200 0.06
399 Oil, Lubricating:
(a) Wholly or partly of Mineral origin. Am. gall 0.300 0.015
(b) Other kinds, not otherwise enumerated. Am. gall 0.500 0.025
400 Oil, Olive, in bulk Imperial gallon 2.000 0.10
401 Soap, Household and Laundry (including Blue Mottled), in bulk, Bars, and Doublets: duty to be charged on nominal weights, provided that such weights be not less than true weights and that a bar does not weigh less than 7 oz. Picul 8.800 0.44
402 Soap, Toilet and Fancy Value 5 per cent
403 Stearine Picul 19.600 0.98
404 Turpentine:—
(a) Mineral Imperial gallon- 0.600 0.03
(b) Vegetable Imperial gallon 0.800 0.04
405 Wax, Bees, Yellow Picul 32.000 1.60
406 Wax, Paraffin Picul 10.000 0.50
407 Wax, Vegetable Picul 15.200 0.76
paper, wood pulp, books, and maps
408 Paper, Cigarette, on bobbins Picul (Incl. weight of bobbin). 40.00 2.00
409 Paper, Common Printing, Calendered and Uncalendered, Sized and Unsized, White and Coloured. Picul 6.40 0.32
410 Paper, Marbled, Enamelled, and Glazed Flint. Picul 12.20 0.61
411 Paper, M. G. Cap, White and Coloured. Picul 6.40 0.32
412 Paper, Packing and Wrapping, Brown or Coloured. Picul 6.40 0.32
413 Paper, Printing, Calendered and Uncalendered, Sized and Unsized, White and Coloured, (including Simile and M. G. Poster, but not including Printing paper otherwise enumerated), free of mechanical wood pulp. Picul 9.20 0.46
414 Paper, Strawboard Value 5 per cent
415 Paper, Unenumerated Value 5 per cent
416 Paper, Unglazed 1 issue and M. G. Bleached Sulphite, free of mechanical wood pulp. Picul 10.00 0.50
417 Paper, Writing, Drawing, Art Printing, Bank-note, Parchment, Pergamyn, and Greaseproof. Value 5 per cent
418 Wood Pulp, Chemical Picul 6.00 0.30
419 Wood Pulp, Mechanical:—
(a) Dry Picul 3.32 0.17
(b) Wet (not containing less than 40 per cent moisture). Picul 1.66 0.083
420 Books Free.
421 Charts and Maps- Free.
422 Newspapers and Periodicals- Free.
animal substances, raw and prepared
Hides, Leather, and Skins (Furs):
423 Hides, Buffalo and Cow Picul 22.00 1.10
424 Leather Belting Value 5 per cent
425 Leather, Calf, Kid, Enamelled, Japanned, Patent, and/or Coloured. Picul 300.00 15.00
426 Leather, Cow (including that for Soles and Harness). Picul 58.00 2.90
427 Leather, Cow, Enamelled, Japanned, and Patent. Picul 180.00 9.00
428 Skins (Furs), Beaver Value 5 per cent
429 Skins (Furs), Dog Value 5 per cent
430 Skins (Furs), Fox Value 5 per cent
431 Skins (Furs), Fox, Arctic, White- Value 5 per cent
432 Skins (furs), Fox Legs Value 5 per cent
433 Skins (Furs), Fox, Red Value 5 per cent
434 Skins (Furs), Goat, Tanned Value 5 per cent
435 Skins (Furs), Goat, Untanned Value 5 per cent
436 Skins (Furs), Hare and Rabbit. Value 5 per cent
437 Skins (Furs), Lamb Value 5 per cent
438 Skins (Furs), Lamb, Unborn Value 5 per cent
439 Skins (Furs), Land-otter Value 5 per cent
440 Skins (Furs), Lynx Value 5 per cent
441 Skins (Furs), Marten, Untanned. Value 5 per cent
442 Skins (Furs), Musquash Value 5 per cent
443 Skins (Furs), Raccoon Value 5 per cent
444 Skins (Furs), Sable Value 5 per cent
445 Skins (Furs), Sheep, Untanned. Value 5 per cent
446 Skins (Furs), Squirrel Value 5 per cent
447 Skins (Furs), Won Value 5 per cent
Bones, Feathers, Hair, Horns, Shells, Sinews, Tusks, etc.:—
448 Bones, Tiger Picul 56.00 2.80
449 Cow Bezoar, Indian Value 5 per cent
450 Crocodile and Armadillo bcales. Picul 59.00 3.00
451 Elephants’ Tusks, Whole or Parts of. Catty 3.60 0.18
452 Feathers, Kingfisher, Whole Skins. Hundred 12.00 0.60
453 Feathers, Kingfisher, Part Skins (i. e., Wings, Tails, or Backs). Hundred 8.00 0.40
454 Feathers, Peacock Value 5 per cent
455 Hair, Horse Picul 42.00 2.10
456 Hair, Horse Tails Picul 50.00 2.50
457 Horns, Buffalo and Cow Picul 13.00 0.65
458 Horns, Deer Picul 34.00 1.70
459 Horns, Deer, Old Picul 140.00 7.00
460 Horns, Deer, Young (northern) Pair 50.00 2.50
461 Horns, Deer, Young (Southern) Value 5 per cent
462 Horns, Rhinoceros Catty 80.00 4.00
463 Musk Catty 180.00 9.00
464 Sea-horse Teeth Value 5 per cent
465 Sinews, Cow and Deer Picul 20.00 1.00
timber, wood, bamboos, and rettans
466 Laths 1000 pieces 4.20 0.21
Ordinary (not including Teak and other enumerated Woods), Rough Hewn:
467 Hardwood 1000 sup. ft., B. M. 29.00 1.45
468 Softwood 1000 sup. ft., B. M. 23.00 1.15
Ordinary, Sawn:
469 Hardwood 1000 sup. ft., B. M. 36.00 1.80
470 Softwood 1000 sup. ft., B. M. 30.00 1.50
Ordinary, Manufactured (including any process further than simple sawing), exclusive of Masts and Spars:
471 Hardwood:
(a) Clear, on net measure 1000 sup. ft., B. M. 60.00 3.00
(b) Merchantable, on net measure. 1000 sup. ft., B. M. 42.00 2.10
472 Softwood:
(a) Clear, on net measure 1000 sup. ft., B. M. 50.00 2.50
(b) Merchantable, on net measure. 1000 sup. ft., B. M. 36.00 1.80
473 Ordinary, Masts and Spars Value 5 per cent
474 Railway Sleepers Value 5 per cent
475 Teak-wood, Beams and Planks. 1000 sup. ft., B. M. 135.00 6.75
Wood, Bamboos, Rattans, etc.:—
476 Canes, Bamboo Thousand 8.40 0.42
477 Rattan Skin Picul 15.00 0.75
478 Rattans, Core or Whole Picul 6.41 0.32
479 Rattans, split Picul 6.70 0.34
480 Wood, Camagon Picul 3.20 0.16
481 Wood, Camphor Value 5 per cent
482 Wood, Ebony Value 5 per cent
483 Wood, Fragrant Value 5 per cent
484 Wood, Garoo Catty 2.40 0.12
485 Wood, Kranjee Value 5 per cent
Wood, Laka. See Dyes. Value 5 per cent
486 Wood, Lignum, vitae Value 5 per cent
487 Wood, Oil Value 5 per cent
488 Wood, Puru Picul 1.80 0.09
489 Wood, Red and Rose Picul 4.10 0.21
490 Wood, Sandal Picul 8.60 0.43
491 Wood, Sandal Dust Value 5 per cent
Wood, Sapan. See Dyes.
492 Wood, Scale Sticks Piece 0.18 0.009
493 Wood, Scented Value 5 per cent
494 Wood, Shavings, Hinoki Value 5 per cent
495 Wood, Veneer Value 5 per cent
In this tariff, by Softwood is meant the wood of any coniferous tree and of all trees with “needle” or spinous leaves, e.g., Pines, Firs, Spruces, Larches, Cedars, Yews, Junipers, and Cypresses. The wood of all trees with broad leaves is to be classed as Hardwood.
Coal, fuel, pitch, and tar
496 Coal Ton 5.400 0.27
497 Coal Briquettes Ton 10.000 0.50
498 Charcoal Picul 1.093 0.05
499 Coke Ton 10.902 0.55
500 Liquid Fuel Ton 14.572 0.73
501 Pitch Picul 4.709 0.24
502 Tar, Coal Picul 1.600 0.08
chinaware, enamelledeare, glass, etc.
503 Basins, Tin Gross 6.000 0.30
504 China ware Value 5 per cent
Enamelled Ironware:—
505 Mugs, Cups, Basins, and Bowls, not over 11 centimetres in diameter. Dozen 1.000 0.05
506 Basins and Bowls, over 22 centimetres, but not over 35 centimetres in diameter. Dozen 2.000 0.10
507 Enamelled Ironware, Unenumerated. Value 5 per cent
508 Glass and Crystal Ware Value 5 per cent
509 Glass, Plate, Silvered, Bevelled or Unbevelled, not over 5 square feet each. Square foot 0.560 0.028
510 Glass, Plate, Silvered, Bevelled or Unbevelled, over 5 square feet each. Square foot 0.840 0.042
511 Glass, Plate, Unsilvered Value 5 per cent
512 Glass, Window, Common, not over 32 oz. in weight per square foot. 100 sq. ft 5.000 0.25
513 Glass, Window, Coloured 100 sq. ft 12.000 0.60
earth, precious stones, stones, and articles made of
514 Amber Value 5 per cent
515 Cement Picul 0.900 0.045
516 Coral Beads Catty 16.000 0.80
517 Cornelian Beads Value 5 per cent
518 Cornelian stones, Rough Hundred 6.000 0.30
519 Corundum Sand Picul 3.800 0.19
520 Fire-bricks Value 5 per cent
521 Fireclay Picul 1.220 0.061
522 Flints (including Flint Pebbles) Picul 0.800 0.04
523 Tiles Value 5 per cent
524 Asbestos Boiler Composition Picul 3.600 0.18
525 Asbestos Fibre and Metallic Packing. Picul 64.000 3.20
526 Asbestos Millboard Picul 8.000 0.40
527 Asbestos Sheets and Packing Picul 44.000 2.20
528 Asbestos Yarn Picul 40.000 2.00
Bags, Mats, and Matting:—
529 Bags, Cotton Picul 40.000 2.00
530 Bags, Straw and Grass Picul 30.000 1.50
531 Mats, Coir, (Door) Dozen 8.000 0.40
532 Mats, Fancy Value 5 per cent
533 Mats, Formosa Grass (Bed) Each 4.700 0.24
534 Mats, Rattan Value 5 per cent
535 Mats, Rush Hundred 71.000 3.60
536 Mats, Straw Hundred 5.100 0.26
537 Mats, Tatami Each 0.320 0.016
538 Matting, Coir, 36 ins. by 100 yds. Roll of 100 yds. 37.100 1.90
539 Matting, Straw, 36 ins. by 40 yds. Roll of 40 yds. 5.000 0.25
540 Buttons, Fancy (Glass Jewellery, etc.). Value 5 per cent
541 Buttons, Metal (not including those made of Precious Metals or plated with Precious Metals.) Gross 0.400 0.02
542 Buttons, Porcelain 12 gross 0.340 0.017
543 Buttons, Shell Gross 0.420 0.021
Fans, Umbrellas, and Sunshades:—
544 Fans, Palm-leaf, Coarse Thousand 7.000 0.35
545 Fans, Palm-leaf, Fancy Thousand 20.000 1.00
546 Fans, Palm-leaf, Fine Thousand 12.000 0.60
547 Fans, Paper or Cotton Thousand 47.000 2.40
548 Fans, Silk Value 5 per cent
Umbrellas and Sunshades:—
549 With handles wholly or partly of precious Metals, Ivory, Mother-of-Pearl, Tortoiseshell, Agate, etc., or Jewelled. Value 5 per cent
550 With all other Handles, all Cotton:
(a) Length of rib not over 17 ins. Value 5 per cent
(b) Length of rib over 17 ins Each 0.440 0.022
551 With all other Handles, Mixtures, not Silk. Each 0.730 0.037
552 With all other Handles, Silk and Silk Mixtures. Each 1.300 0.065
Files and Needles:—
Files of all kinds:
553 Filing Surface only, not over 4 ins. long. Dozen 1.300 0.065
554 Filing Surface only, over 4 ins. but not over 9 ins. long. Dozen 2.700 0.14
555 Filing Surface only, over 9 ins. but not over 14 ins. long. Dozen 5.000 0.25
556 Filing Surface only, over 14 ins. long. Dozen 12.000 0.60
557 Needles, Nos. 7/o and 6/o 100 mille 54.000 2.70
558 Needles, Nos. 3/o and 2/o 100 mille 50.000 2.50
559 Needles, Assorted (not including 7/o). 100 mille 40.000 2.00
Matches and Match-making Materials:—
Matches, Wood, Safety or other:
560 Small, in boxes not over 2 ins. by 1⅜ by ⅝ in. 100 gross box 18.400 0.92
561 Large, in boxes not over 2½ ins. by 1½ ins. by ¾ in. 50 gross box 16.000 0.80
562 In boxes over above sizes Value 5 per cent
563 Chlorate of Potash Picul 36.000 1.80
564 Emery and Glass Powder Picul 2.400 0.12
565 Labels Value 5 per cent
566 Phosphorus Picul 70.000 0.35
567 Wood shavings Picul 2.200 0.11
568 Wood Splints Picul 2.000 0.10
Metal Threads and Foil:—
569 Thread, Gold, Imitation, on Cotton. Catty 3.000 0.15
570 Thread, Silver, Imitation on Cotton. Catty 1.800 0.09
571 Thread. Gold and Silver, Imitation, on Silk. Value 5 per cent
572 Tinfoil Picul 63.000 3.20
573 Bamboo Baskets, Bamboo Blinds, and other Bamboo Ware. Value 5 per cent
574 Bent-wood Chairs Value 5 per cent
575 Coir Yarn Value 5 per cent
576 Cordage and Twine Value 5 per cent
577 Emery-cloth and Sand-paper (sheet not over 144 square inches). Ream 5.000 0.25
578 Furniture and other Wood ware Value 5 per cent
579 Glue (not including Fish Glue) Picul 20.000 1.00
580 Glue, Cow, Refuse Picul 20.000 1.00
581 Glue, Fish Picul 75.857 3.80
582 India-rubber and Gutta-percha, Crude. Value 5 per cent
583 India-rubber, Old or Waste Value 5 per cent
584 Inks of all kinds Value 5 per cent
585 Insect Powder Value 5 per cent
586 Lampwick Picul 54.600 2.70
587 Leather Purses. Gross 11.200 0.56
588 Machines, Sewing and Knitting. Value 5 per cent
589 Mirrors. Value 5 per cent
590 Moulding, Picture Value 5 per cent
591 Oakum Picul 12.600 0.63
592 Rope Value 5 per cent
593 Shoes and Boots Value 5 per cent
594 Starch Value 5 per cent
595 Sulphur Value 5 per cent
596 Tinder Picul 9.000 0.45
597 Worm Tablets, in Bottles, not over 60 pieces. Dozen 0.740 0.037
598 Unenumerated Goods Value 5 per cent
[Page 490]



rule i

Imports unenumerated in this Tariff will pay Duty at the rate of 5 per cent ad valorem; and the value upon which Duty is to be calculated shall be the wholesale market value of the goods in local currency. This market value when converted into Haikwan Taels shall be considered to be 12 per cent higher than the amount upon which Duty is to be calculated.

If the goods have been sold before presentation to the Customs of the Application to pay Duty, the gross amount of the bona fide contract will be accepted as evidence of the market value. Should the goods have been sold on c. f. and i. terms, that is to say, without inclusion in the price of Duty and other charges, such c. f. and i. price shall be taken as the value for Duty-paying purposes without the deduction mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

If the goods have not been sold before presentation to the Customs of the Application to pay Duty, and should a dispute arise between Customs and importer regarding the value or classification of goods, the case will be referred to a Board of Arbitration composed as follows:—

  • An official of the Customs;
  • A merchant selected by the Consul of the importer; and
  • A merchant, differing in nationality from the importer, selected by the Senior Consul.

Questions regarding procedure, etc., which may arise during the sittings of the Board shall be decided by the majority. The final finding of the majority of the Board, which must be announced within fifteen days of the reference (not including holidays), will be binding upon both parties. Each of the two merchants on the Board will be entitled to a fee of ten Haikwan Taels. Should the Board sustain the Customs valuation, or, in the event of not sustaining that valuation, should it decide that the goods have been undervalued by the importer to the extent of not less than 7½ per cent., the importer will pay the fees, if otherwise, the fees will be paid by the Customs. Should the Board decide that the correct value of the goods is 20 per cent, (or more) higher than that upon which the importer originally claimed to pay Duty, the Customs authorities may retain possession of the goods until full Duty has been paid and may levy an additional Duty equal to four times the Duty sought to be evaded.

In all cases invoices, when available, must be produced if required by the Customs.

[Page 491]

rule ii

The following will not be liable to Import Duty: Foreign Rice, Cereals, and Flour; Gold and Silver, both Bullion and Coin; Printed Books, Charts, Maps, Periodicals, and Newspapers.

A freight or part freight of Duty-free commodities (Gold and Silver Bullion and Foreign Coins excepted) will render the vessel carrying them, though no other cargo be on board, liable to Tonnage Dues.

Drawbacks will be issued for Ships’ Stores and Bunker Coal when taken on board.

rule iii

Except at the requisition of the Chinese Government, or for sale to Chinese duly authorized to purchase them, Import trade is prohibited in all Arms, Ammunition, and Munitions of War of every description. No Permit to land them will be issued until the Customs have proof that the necessary authority has been given to the importer. Infraction of this rule will be punishable by confiscation of all the goods concerned. The import of Salt is absolutely prohibited.

rule iv

The importation of opium and poppy seeds is absolutely prohibited. The importation of the following articles is prohibited except under bond by qualified medical practitioners, druggists and chemists: Morphia and cocaine and hypodermic syringes; anti-opium pills containing morphia, opium or cocaine, novocaine, stovaine, heroin, thebaine, ghanja, hashish, bhang, Cannabis indica, tincture of opium, laudanum, codeine, dionin, and all other derivatives of opium and cocaine.

  1. In Chinese and English; Chinese text not printed. Ratification advised by the Senate, May 26, 1921; ratified by the President, Oct. 31, 1921; ratified by China, Jan. 4, 1921; ratifications exchanged at Washington, Nov. 5, 1921; proclaimed, Nov. 7, 1921.
  2. For text of final protocol, see Foreign Relations, 1901, app. (Affairs in China), p. 312.
  3. For text of treaty, see Foreign Relations, 1903, p. 91.