824.00/176: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Stimson)
15. Your telegram of February 2, 1 p.m., and Department’s no. 13, January 31, 5 p.m. You will inform the Minister of Foreign Affairs that this Government is gratified to learn that the Argentine Government is in accord with the decision of the United States to recognize the Government of Bolivia. February 5, the date proposed by the Argentine Government on which recognition should be extended to Bolivia, was in the opinion of the Department somewhat premature in view of the rumors received by it regarding unrest in Bolivia, and the Argentine Ambassador here was so advised. You will inform the Minister of Foreign Affairs that recognition will be extended to the Bolivian Government by the American Minister at La Paz on February 9, and you will convey to His Excellency the earnest hope of this Government that Argentina will extend recognition the same day.