The Chargé in Argentina (White) to
the Secretary of State
Aires, December 29,
[Received January 26, 1922.]
No. 1796
Sir: Supplementing my despatch (No. 1751) of
the 9th ultimo6 with
regard to the petition of the All America Cables, Incorporated,
requesting the Argentine Government to recognize the validity of its
[Page 265]
1885 concession, I have the
honor to inform you that a decree recognizing the validity of the
concession in question and fixing a term of twelve months from the date
of the signature of the respective contracts within which the cable must
be put in operation, has been drawn up and is now receiving the
consideration and awaiting the signature of the Minister of the
Interior. A copy and translation of the proposed decree are enclosed
At the request of the All America Cables, I yesterday spoke with the
Minister for Foreign Affairs in regard to this matter and he promised to
use his influence in having the decree signed.7
I have [etc.]
Draft Executive Decree of November 16, 1921,
Recognizing the Validity of the Decree of June 22,
In view of this petition, by which the All America Cables, Inc.,
formerly the Central and South American Telegraph Co., solicits the
recognition of the concession granted to it by the Argentine
Government by a decree of June 22, 1885, for the laying of a cable
from the coast of Brazil to the Argentine capital:
In consideration of the fact that the doubt as to whether or not said
concession is valid is dispelled by the categorical and positive
opinion handed down by the Attorney General of the Nation; and
In view of the advantages with which it will benefit the public
The Executive Power of the
- Article I. The decree of June 22,
1885, which grants the Central and South American Telegraph
Company, now All America Cables, Inc., the right to lay a
telegraph cable from the coast of Brazil to the capital of the
Argentine Republic, is declared to be valid.
- Article II. The company referred to
is to be granted a period of 12 months counting from the date of
the signature of the necessary contracts, to put it into
operation in the service of the public, previous approval of its
plans being required.
- Article III. The General Direction
of Posts and Telegraphs will draw up the bases for the necessary
- Article IV. To be communicated,
published, given to the National Registry, and conveyed to the
General Direction of Posts and Telegraphs for appropriate