
The Secretary of State to President Harding

My Dear Mr. President: Referring to our conversation yesterday afternoon with respect to the Mission from Afghanistan, I find that the members of the Mission do desire to be received by you,—in fact are quite keen about it—and if agreeable to you I shall be glad to advise them of an appointment for such time as you may suggest. Permit me again to bring to your attention the fact that according to the letter delivered to me, and on the basis of which I received the Mission, they are here merely as a special mission to press the request for the establishment of diplomatic relations. It appears that we have never had diplomatic relations with Afghanistan, in fact not even a consular representation in that country. Now that Great Britain has relinquished her protectorate, we cannot have any relations with Afghanistan except directly. If you approve, nothing further should be said at this time than that the matter will be taken under careful consideration. I also pointed out to the Mission the fact that if a permanent legation were to be established it would be necessary for Congress to make provision for it, as no such provision now exists.

While Great Britain has relinquished her protectorate, there is still some sensitiveness as to the making of any special agreements with Afghanistan, and I understand that there was some feeling created by the fact that Italy entered into such an agreement, and I am advised that in France the Mission was received but no promises were made.

My inquiry as to the commercial opportunities for our people in Afghanistan indicates that they are extremely limited; in fact, so far as our present information goes, there is little or no opportunity for trade, aside from the products of the sapphire and of the lapis lazuli mines.

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I think that the special ambassador has a letter from the Amir addressed to you which he is desirous to deliver; this letter, I understand, is to the same effect as the one delivered to me, and involves no committal on your part if received.

Faithfully yours,

Charles E. Hughes