718.1915/313: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Panama (Price)

20. Your March 4, 4 p.m.

Obtain at once an audience with President Porras and communicate to him the gratification of the Department upon receipt of the advice which it construes to mean that the Government of Panama will comply with the suggestions of the Government of the United States, as communicated in the Department’s telegram of March 3, 12 midnight. Inform the President that the Department is advised that the invasion by Costa Rican forces of Guabito and of Almirante Bay has been made in the asserted right of retaliation for the advance by Panaman troops from Coto to the Golfito River. You should express the concern of the Department that Panaman troops should have been permitted to advance further into the territory of Costa Rica. Also advise the President that the Department has expressed to the Government of Costa Rica the concern which it has been caused by the invasion of Panaman territory and has earnestly urged the Government of Costa Rica to withdraw such forces as are now occupying Panaman territory to the north bank of the Sixaola River.

This Government recognizes the fact that the controversy with respect to the boundary between Costa Rica and Panama has been finally determined by the award of Chief Justice White as arbitrator, and has urged upon the Government of Costa Rica the importance of immediate cessation of hostilities to the end that appropriate settlement be promptly made in accordance with Chief Justice White’s decision. While holding this view the Department does not regard the forcible measures taken by Costa Rica as justifiable and believes that arrangements should be effected to carry out the White [Page 183] award, involving the suitable transfer of jurisdiction in an orderly manner and with due regard for the national dignity of Panama.

For your confidential information, the Department is of the opinion that this long-standing boundary controversy must be settled in accordance with the White award unless the parties otherwise agree, and this Government cannot recognize any claim of right on the part of Panama at variance with that award. Ships are being sent to protect American lives and property.
