Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Fletcher)
The Nicaraguan Minister called today to ask whether the telegram of congratulation which was sent by the Secretary of State to the [Page 160] New Central American Union was to be taken by his Government as a recognition of the new Central American State. I told him that I had not seen such a telegram, but that if one had been sent I took it that it was merely in line with the position which the Secretary of State had taken in his speech at the luncheon given by the Nicaraguan Minister of Foreign Affairs at the Metropolitan Club some months ago. He said that Nicaragua wanted to adopt, with regard to the Central American Union, a policy consistent with the wishes of the United States Government, but did not want to be in the position of being forced in at a later date, and would like to know how our Government felt with regard to the matter, as there were special considerations which had kept Nicaragua aloof.
I replied that I was not familiar with the details of Central American affairs, which were being handled directly by the Secretary of State, and I suggested that he take an early occasion to discuss the matter with the Secretary, which he said he would do.
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