The Honduran Minister of Foreign Affairs (Ucles) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 18.]
Your Excellency: On the 19th of January of the current year there was signed in the city of San José, Costa Rica, a compact for the union of Central America, by the plenipotentiary delegates of the Governments of Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, and Costa Rica, which compact has already been ratified by the signatory Governments, with the exception of the last mentioned; and as the deposit of the third ratification took place on May 12 last, the compact has gone into force in accordance with its article XVIII.
In compliance with the provisions of article XI of the said compact of union, the Central American Provisional Federal Council was installed in this city on the 13th instant, being composed of the delegates from Guatemala, Salvador, and Honduras, Doctors José Vicente Martínez, Francisco Martínez Suárez, and Dionisio Gutiérrez, respectively. This Council elected as its President the delegate from Guatemala, Dr. Martinez, and as its Secretary the delegate from Salvador, Dr. Martínez Suárez. In accordance with article XVII of the compact, it decided to convoke the National Constituent Assembly to meet in this city on July 20 next for the purpose of signing the Federal Constitution on September 15 of this year, the date of the centenary of our independence. The Council likewise resolved to make known its solemn installation, through this Department, to the chancelleries of the mother country, Spain, of the elder sister of this continent, the United States of America, and of the other nations of the New World; also to urge the Government of Nicaragua to join the aforesaid compact.
And in fulfillment of the resolution of the Council, I take pleasure in communicating the foregoing to Your Excellency for the information of your enlightened Government.
[Page 156]I am enclosing to Your Excellency herewith a copy of La Gaceta,33 the official newspaper of this Government, in which the compact in question appears.
I avail myself [etc.]