The Ambassador in France (Wallace) to
the Secretary of State
Paris, March 3,
[Received March 16.]
No. 2205
Sir: Referring to the Department’s telegraphic
instruction No. 103 February 20, 11 a.m. [p.m.],
and my reply thereto No. 131, February 21, 8 p.m.,4 I have the honor to
enclose herewith for your information, copies of my letters of February
21, 1921, to the President of the Council and the Secretary General of
the League of Nations,5 conveying in accordance with your instructions a
request that the Council postpone consideration and action with regard
to the question of mandates, pending the receipt of a communication from
you in the matter.
There is also enclosed copies of the replies from the President of the
Council and Secretary General of the League dated February 22,
I have [etc.]
The President of the Council of the League of
Nations (Da
Cunha) to the American
Ambassador in France (Wallace)
Paris, February 22,
Your Excellency: I have the honor to inform
you that your letter of February 21st has reached me and that I have
hastened to make its contents known to my colleagues on the Council
of the League of Nations.
The Council will read with the greatest interest the communication
which, as you have informed me, is to arrive shortly. In deference
to your request, it will be careful to postpone any definite
decision with regard to the draft mandates now under discussion
until after the receipt of your communication. The draft mandates
which are
[Page 93]
now on the agenda
of the present Council meeting are those of types “A” (Asia Minor)
and “B” (Central Africa).
Your Excellency is aware that the “C” mandate? (Pacific Islands and
German West Africa) were finally decided upon and published more
than two months ago. In fact, the Council, at its meeting on
December 17, 1920, determined the degree of authority, control or
administration to be exercised by the mandatories over these
territories, thus giving effect to paragraph 8, article 22 of the
I have [etc.]