715.1715/129: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul in Chargé of the Legation in Honduras (Lawton)

8. The statements regarding revolutionary activities against Honduras contained in your telegram of February 2, 1 P.M. conflict with those made in your telegrams of January 29, 3 P.M.,7 January 26, 5 P.M., January 21, 3 P.M.,8 January 9, 4 P.M. and January 8, 4 P.M. Department desires to be informed whether Honduran Government is satisfied that revolutionary activities said to have been directed against it from Nicaraguan territory have ceased. You are instructed to inform Department fully by telegraph on this point.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Quoted in telegram no. 7, Jan. 24, to the Minister in Nicaragua, p. 856.