715.1715/123: Telegram
The Consul in Chargé of the Legation in Honduras (Lawton) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 28—12:01 a.m.]
11. I regard the Nicaraguar–Honduras situation as extremely dangerous. The President of Nicaragua is undoubtedly permitting revolutionary plots calculate[d] to menace, if not overthrow, the Lopez Government, which at present is disposed to cooperate with our Government fully. The popular impression that the United States, rules in Nicaraguan affairs and our Central American prestige will suffer correspondingly if Nicaragua is permitted to continue menacing Honduras in the present manner. President Bográn has asked my opinion about sending the Minister for Foreign Affairs as special envoy to Nicaragua to ask effective reconcentration of revolutionary Honduraneans and also to permit Honduranean troops to cross the frontier if necessary in pursuit of rebels now on the border. The actual movement at present is of no special importance but the moral effect of a new President being inaugurated who has been approved by Washington, with a revolution on hand, is creating a very bad impression. If the Nicaraguan President will send an officer and 10 men to tell the revolutionists their activities must stop, the movement will immediately cease. I cannot recommend too strongly the Department’s earnest consideration.