637.116/127: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Cuba (White)

131. Your August 6, 11 A.M.,79 re rice situation.

The Department does not feel that fixing an average price based on the present market price would afford any adequate protection to American interests. You are authorized therefore to impress on President Menocal the urgent necessity that any solution which is reached should protect the interests of the American exporters who have tied up immense sums of money, relying on the good faith and honesty of their Cuban customers. The solution advocated by the American interests and Cuban merchants, as outlined in your August 2, noon, No. 171, would appear adequately to protect all interests involved and no reason is seen why the Cuban consumer should suffer if wholesale and retail prices are regulated by the Cuban Government. You are authorized therefore to state to President Menocal that this solution is favored by the United States unless some other definite adequate plan is proposed.

  1. Not printed.