637.116/92a: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Cuba (White)
97. Department is informed that merchants in all parts of Cuba are refusing to accept shipments of rice bought by them from American exporters.77 Situation at Cienfuegos especially acute. This has created an extremely serious situation since American exporters state that they have approximately $30,000,000 worth of rice at Cuban ports or en route. Please call attention of Cuban Government to gravity of this situation and to serious injury to commercial relations between the two countries if this situation continues, and urge on the Government the desirability of bringing to bear any influence within its power to obtain fair treatment for American interests.
- Letter of June 11, 1920, from Julius Kahn, Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, House of Representatives, enclosing telegram from Rice Association of California (file no. 637.116/87).↩