The Guatemalan Minister (Mendez) to the Secretary of State
Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have just received from the Minister of Foreign Relations of Guatemala a telegram reading as follows:
“Guatemala, April 17, 1920.
“Minister of Guatemala, Washington:
By a decree of the Assembly and by virtue of the resignation of Señor Estrada Cabrera, Don Carlos Herrera has assumed the Presidency of the Republic and appointed his Cabinet as follows: Gobernación and Justice, Licentiate Adalberto Saravia; Public Instruction, Doctor Manuel Arroyo; Fomento, Licentiate Alberto Mencos; Finance, Licentiate Adrián Vidaurre; War, Licentiate José Beteta; and Foreign Relations, the undersigned. The whole country supports the new Government. Please take note and inform the Government to which you are accredited. Luis P. Aguirre.”
The new order of things was established in full conformity with the Constitution of the Republic and won from the very first the unanimous approval of all the people. In compliance with instructions from my Government I have the honor to make the foregoing communication to Your Excellency. I cherish the firm hope that the American Government, the true and sincere friend of Guatemala, if it finds my request to be proper, will, in view of the information which I have presented to the Division of Latin-American Affairs, and such other as may be requested, be pleased to recognize the new Government of my country.
I avail myself [etc.]
- File translation revised.↩