814.00/370: Telegram
The Minister in Guatemala (McMillin) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 28—2:40 a.m.]
50. In an interview with the President yesterday, I asked to see the proclamation he proposed making to his people. This was to guard against misunderstandings in the future. He said that it was in the hands of the printer but he would furnish me a proof which he did late this afternoon. It details the clauses and guarantees outlined in the Department’s 20, March 17, 10 a.m. [5 p.m.], and 21, March 18, 5 p.m.
It was indirect and on some suggested points incoherent, and failed utterly to meet the required conditions or comply with his agreements. It would in no sense justify the statement I am instructed to publish outlined in the Department’s 21, March 18, 5 p.m. I am to meet him tomorrow and will decline to carry out my instructions, or to make any agreements with him unless he makes his proclamation conform to his promises above mentioned.
Today committee designated by the President and by the Unionists to try to make settlement of their differences finished their work. They reached an agreement on all points. They are to meet tomorrow to sign the papers. These are the negotiations which have continued two weeks inaugurated by diplomatic corps as reported [Page 734] in my despatch number 28, March 18.10 These conclusions embraced all the matters of prime importance and should settle everything, but probably will not. The President is so distrusted and discredited by his people that it is doubtful either will long struggle to live up to the settlement.
- Not printed.↩