814.00/366: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Guatemala (McMillin)
24. Your March 21, 10 a.m. For your information.
Guatemalan Minister called this morning before the receipt of your telegram and asked if he might cable his Government that Department required no more than the President’s proclamation as stated in Department’s March 18, 5 p.m., and March 19, 4 p.m. His request was acceded to and he cabled his Government accordingly, but he has since been informed of the substance of this cable and has presumably telegraphed his Government again.
[Page 731]You have not informed Department of substance of four or five points you desire included in the proclamation and you are instructed to cable them immediately. Meanwhile the Department must rely entirely upon your discretion and authorizes you, if you believe it necessary to preserve peace in Guatemala, to require the inclusion of the four or five points you mention which the Department understands had already been agreed to in substance by representatives of the Government and of the Unionists. The Department desires to impress upon you, however, that before insisting upon the inclusion of any additional points in the proclamation, you must satisfy yourself that these points contain nothing which will undermine the respect for authority of the constituted government of Guatemala.