The Chargé in Cuba (White) to the
Secretary of State
Habana, July 10,
[Received July 13.]
No. 253
Sir: Referring to the Department’s cable
instruction No. 106 of July 8, 4 p.m., I have the honor to confirm my
telegram of today64
stating that a concession was granted by the Cuban Government to the
Western Union Telegraph Company to land at Cojimar, or some other place
in Cuba to be determined by mutual agreement, a direct cable from
Barbados. The Legation understands that the Western Union Telegraph
Company has a working agreement with a British cable company holding a
monopoly concession in Brazil, and that this concession was sought in
order to link up its system with that of the British company.
[Page 61]
A copy of the concession is enclosed herewith. The Legation regrets that
there is not time to have it translated before the pouch closes this
I have [etc.]
Executive Decree Granting a Gable Concession to
the Western Union Telegraph Company66
On the petition filed by Mr. J. C. Willever, Vice President of the
Western Union Telegraph Company, applying for permission to land at
Cojimar or any other place to be selected jointly with the office of
the Director General of Communications, the end of a cable that will
communicate directly with the island of Barbados;
On the advice of the Office of the Director General of Communications
and the recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior;
Be it resolved:
1. To grant the Western Union Telegraph Company permission to land at
Cojimar or any other place to be designated by the company jointly
with the Cuban Government the end of a submarine cable whose other
end will be in the island of Barbados.
[Articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are the same, mutatis mutandis, as the corresponding articles of the
concession granted the All America Cables, Incorporated, Decree No.
1197, printed on page 63.]
9. The permit granted by this decree to operate and maintain a cable
service between Cuba and the island of Barbados will take effect
from the date of publication of this decree in the Gaceta Oficial.
Charles Hernandez
Secretary of the Interior