741.9411/48: Telegram

The Chargé in Japan (Bell) to the Secretary of State

364. My 346, July 15.92 Foreign Office has issued following communique:

“In view of the fact that the term of ten years for which the Anglo–Japanese Agreement of Alliance is provided to remain in [Page 686] force expires on July 13, 1921, the Governments of Japan and Great Britain after an exchange of views addressed the following joint communication to the League of Nations on July 8th.

‘The Governments of Japan and Great Britain have come to the conclusion that the Anglo–Japanese Agreement of July 13, 1911 now existing between their two countries though in harmony with the spirit of the Covenant of the League of Nations is not entirely consistent with the letter of that Covenant which both Governments earnestly desire to respect.

They accordingly have the honor jointly to inform the League that they recognize the principle that if the said agreement be continued after July 1921 it must be in a form not inconsistent with that Covenant.’”

  1. Not printed.