300.115/20659: Telegram
The Chargé in Great Britain (Wright) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received March 19—2:15 p.m.]
480. Your 127, February 9, 7 p.m. In reply to the Ambassadors’ representations the Foreign Office on March 17 furnished me with the following note:
“I had the honor to receive Mr. Davis’s further note the 17th ultimo number 126 on the subject of the release of American owned goods which were originally detained under the order in council of March 11, 1915 and His Majesty’s Procurator General to whom I duly communicated His Excellency’s note now observes that in a considerable number of cases in which American claimants have asserted a claim to goods detained under that order in council, the Prize Court has already found that the goods are enemy property. In such cases the question of release does not appear to arise as such finding is inconsistent with American ownership. In cases, however in which no such declaration has been made, the Procurator General is at all times prepared to give effect to the assurance given in the note which I had the honor to address to His Excellency on December 6th last as soon as documentary proof of title is submitted to him.”
The text of the Foreign Office note of December 6th was telegraphed to Department as number 3510, December 10, 4 p.m.