
The Secretary of State to the United States Shipping Board

Gentlemen: Referring to previous correspondence concerning the S.S. Callao, the Department encloses for your information a copy of a telegram of October 13, from Mr. Boyden.46

Your attention is called to the statement in the first paragraph of Mr. Boyden’s telegram that it would help greatly if the proposed guarantee by Peru is “so worded as to indicate the definite intention on the part of United States not to interfere in case claims made by the Allies, something which could be quoted if question arises.” This suggestion meets with the Department’s approval and accords with the recent conversation with your Mr. Wood in which he was informed that the Department was of the opinion that under the Treaty of Versailles the final disposition of the Callao and the other ex-German vessels taken over by Peru was apparently a matter to be determined by the Reparation Commission, …

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I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Alvey A. Adee

Second Assistant Secretary
  1. Not printed.