862t.01/58: Telegram

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis) to the Secretary of State


580. Cabinet yesterday determined to protest against the French action which it is claimed is contrary to assurances given by Millerand [Page 322] and Paléologue in Paris and by Cambon in London. A note of protest was accordingly sent which I have not seen but which I understand is emphatic. As a further mark of displeasure the British Ambassador in France was instructed to withdraw from the Conference of Ambassadors until the French gave assurances that there would be no repetition of action of present character. Although unquestionably feeling great irritation at lack of cooperation, the British Government appreciates the necessity for continued cooperation against Germany if the treaty is to be enforced. It believes the present action is largely due to reasons of personal and domestic politics on Millerand’s part and the influence of military advisers. Nitti has communicated Italian disapproval to the British Government. Reported Belgian decision to support the French with troops not understood nor confirmed but was perhaps [prompted] by Belgian belief that the French were acting in concert with the other Allies. I have given Curzon outline of attitude of United States as given by your 359 of April 8.
