Memorandum by the Cuban Secretary of
State (Desvernine) Regarding the Amendment of the Electoral
In my previous memorandum18 I almost exclusively
considered the Amendment to Article One Hundred Twenty of the
Electoral Law on the subject of coalitions, because this article
has been the main subject of discussion in Congress and in the
public press and as to the other amendments to the Law, I only
made a cursory mention
[Page 11]
of them to the effect that they did not substantially affect in
the least any of the provisions of the articles to which they
It may be added now in regard to those other amendments that they
had not been the subject of any objections either in Congress or
in the leading newspapers of Havana, as I am reliably informed
by persons who have followed through Congress and public opinion
the whole process of this matter and are, accordingly, well
posted on all its aspects.
Nobody has indeed impeached any of these articles in Congress and
I am assured by absolutely reliable persons that no debate was
held either in the Senate or in the House on the changes to the
Law brought about by these other articles, which plainly shows
that they do not affect any one of the substantial principles of
the Law drafted by General Crowder.
A slight consideration of the amendments will show this at once.
Article Third, for instance, amends Article Two Hundred and
Forty Eight by simply inserting in it a provision allowing an
appeal from the decisions of the “Central Electoral Board” which
appeal must be filed by at least five electors, as a means of
protection against possible errors of that Board.
As can be easily seen, this amendment allowing an appeal cannot
be of a nature not only to conflict, but even to affect, in the
least, any of the principles on which General Crowder’s Law does
really rest and, accordingly, nobody could have apprehended that
such a modification could be looked upon as a small piece of
legislation against the spirit and purpose of the Electoral
Article Fourth, amending Article Two Hundred and Eighty Four, is
equally consistent with the provisions of the article to which
it refers, for the amendment only provides that besides the ex-officio members provided for in that
article for the Executive Committee, there should be added those
who may also be ex-offlcio members of
their respective Assemblies, but without the right to vote.
The Executive Committee is, therefore, left in all its original
integrity, as provided for in General Crowder’s Law, since the
addition of five ex-offlcio members more,
but without granting them the right to vote, cannot have another
import than that of a nature of supervision and of more
publicity in regard to the Executive Committee.
The modification introduced by Article Six of the Amendment Law
has had as its sole aim to facilitate the prevention and remedy
of such frauds as may be discovered and it only provides the
procedure which a voter must follow in case he may wish to
withdraw from one political party and become a member of another
political party.
[Page 12]
And these are the only amendments contained in the Law dated the
twenty sixth of March of the year nineteen hundred and twenty in
regard to which no doubt could have been entertained as to the
powers of Congress to act regarding the matter which is one
entirely and purely of current and normal legislation.