893.51/2919: Telegram
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 12—1:41 p.m.]
1214. Your 840 August 5, 6 p.m.14 Misunderstanding arose from impression that your 802 July 29, 9 p.m. via Paris15 referred to joint announcement to China regarding Consortium and has been easily corrected with Foreign Office.
While earnestly emphasizing its desire neither to disassociate itself from us nor to hold aloof in this connection, Foreign Office believes it highly desirable further to consider and consult with Alston16 as to whether proposed announcement regarding Hukuang bonds if made at this moment might not prejudice Chinese opinion concerning the consortium. It therefore expresses wish that joint representation by French and ourselves be deferred pending decision on this point and its examination. Relevant correspondence transmitted in your mail instruction number 856 of July 3014 which has just been received [was] transmitted to Foreign Office today. In case [sic] the London representative of American group, who is in consultation with British group and also by cable with Lamont concerning the highly technical points involved, informally expressed to me the hope that action determined upon may be deferred until these points are settled.
[Page 657]I still observe expressions of surprise at the immediate concurrence of the French therein as I intimated in last paragraph of my 1144 July 29, 7 [8] p.m.17
Paris not informed for fear of complications unless you so instruct.