- Airplanes, commercial, exclusion from classification as arms and munitions by Great Britain, 204, 738–739, 753; United States, 746–747, 743–749
- Åland Islands Commission of the League of Nations Council, appointment of U. S. representative, 32–36
- Alien Property Custodian, rejection of proposed use of German funds for relief, 280, 282
- All America Cables, concession in Colombia, 827–832
- American Relief Administration. See under Relief in Central Europe.
- Anglo-Japanese Alliance, discussion, 437, 532
- Arbitration:
- Dominican Republic-Haitian boundary dispute. See Boundary disputes: Dominican Republic-Haiti: Papal arbitration.
- Tacna-Arica question, discussion of arbitration, 348–350
- Teschen dispute, suggestion of Conference of Ambassadors for arbitration, 40–42
- Argentina: Consultation with United States on recognition of Bolivia, 380–381, 382, 384–385, 385–386; relief in Central Europe, assistance, 265–266, 272–273; visit of Secretary of State Colby, 228–235
- Arms and munitions, control of trade in (see also China: Arms and munitions embargo):
- Asylum for political refugees. See under China: Revolutionary activities in North China.
- Austria:
- Peace treaty with China, 437
- Relief. See under Relief in Central Europe.
- Belgium: Arms and munitions embargo in China, reported violations, 437, 742–743; consortium for China, arrangements for participation, 582, 592, 593, 594–595, 596, 598, 600; denunciation of treaty of commerce of 1891 between the United States and the Independent State of the Congo, 207–209; relief in Central Europe, assistance, 255
- Bolivia (see also
Tacna-Arica question):
- Coup d’état by Republican Party, 372–373, 373–374
- Elections, victory of new government, 383, 384
- New government, recognition: Foreign governments, extension of recognition, 344, 374, 376, 378, 383, 385; request by new government, 373, 379; U. S. consultation with South American governments, 376, 377–378, 380–382, 384–385, 385–386; U. S. decision to recognize, 373, 375, 377, 379–380, 385–386; U. S. Minister, recommendations, 374–375, 378, 383, 384
- Oil exploitation, regulations, 362
- Private property, Bolivian, U. S. refusal to protect, 376, 377
- Boundary disputes (see also Tacna-Arica question and Teschen dispute):
- Boxer indemnity: Postponement of payment to Russia, 764, 767; Soviet attitude, 434
- Brazil: Cooperation with United States on recognition of Bolivia, 377–378, 381–382, 385–386; relief in Central Europe, assistance, 265–266, 282–283; visit of Secretary of State Colby, 228–234
- Brussels International Financial Conference. See Financial Conference, International.
- Cables:
- Colombian concession to Central and South American Telegraph Co. (All America Cables), 827–832
- German, former. See under Electrical communications: Preliminary conference: Agenda and Proceedings.
- Canada:
- Fisheries conventions with United States:
- Port privileges of fishing vessels, halibut fishery, lobster fishery, and tariff on fresh fish: Amendment, proposed, 404–405; signature, delay of, 390, 395, 405; U. S. discussion, 390–394, 396–404
- Protection, preservation, and propagation of salmon: Amendment, 387–388; signature of amended convention, 388–389; U. S. ratification, discussion of, 389–390
- Fishery Experts, Conference of: Convocation, 406–407; resolution, 407–408; U. S. and Canadian approval, 408–409
- International Fisheries Commission, publication of report, 395, 404
- Oil exploitation, regulations, 358 Royal Bank of Canada, holdings of Costa Rican currency notes, 835, 837–838, 839
- St. Lawrence Waterway, improvement of river between Montreal and Lake Ontario: Reference to International Joint Commission, 409–413; U. S. and Canadian engineers, appointment, 413–414
- Fisheries conventions with United States:
- Central American Conference:
- Central and South American Telegraph Co. (All America Cables), cable concession in Colombia, 827–832
- Chile (see also Tacna-Arica question): Consultation with United States on recognition of Bolivia, 376; disputed election, 343–344; relief in Central Europe, U. S. request for assistance, 265–266
- China (see also
Chinese Eastern Railway; Consortium; Mongolia):
- Anfu Party (see also Revolutionary activities in North China, infra): Dissolution, 459; Japan, relations with, 423, 427–428, 437, 439–440, 444; leaders, 432; peace negotiations, attitude, 428; Southern leaders, relations with, 428; troops, disbandment, 452, 456, 457, 459
- Anglo-Japanese Alliance, attitude, 437
- Arms and munitions embargo:
- Airplanes, commercial, exclusion from scope of embargo by Great Britain, 738–739, 753; United States, 746–747, 748–749
- Exceptions: Japanese request, 738. 753; opposition by United States and Great Britain, 739–740, 741–742
- New declaration, proposal, 749–750
- Reported violations by—
- U. S. export restrictions, extension, 743–745
- Viekers-Armstrong airplane contract, nature of, 738–739, 753
- Asylum for political refugees. See under Revolutionary activities in North China, infra.
- Austria, peace treaty with, 437
- Banditry, 419, 487
- Boxer indemnity: Postponement of payment to Russia, 764, 767; Soviet attitude, 434
- British citizens:
- Canton, efforts to protect from fighting, 477, 478, 479
- Central (Peking) Government (see also Revolutionary activities in North China, infra): Cabinet changes, 435, 455, 459, 468; disbandment of troops, policy, 485–486; influence of Northern militarists, 486; local self-government, mandate regarding, 489–490; parliamentary elections, arrangements for, 488–489; President Hsu Shih-ch’ang, Southern plan for recognition, 421
- Chang Tso-lin, assistance to Chihli Party against Anfu Party, 437, 441–442, 444–445, 446–447, 447–448, 454–455, 462–463, 464, 465
- Chihli Party. See Revolutionary activities in North China, infra.
- Civil war (see also Peace negotiations, infra), military activities, 460–462
- Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago, delayed payment of interest on loan, 669, 671, 673
- Currency loan option, extension, 584
- Customs. See Tariff duties, infra.
- Disbandment of troops:
- Embargo on imports of arms and munitions. See Arms and munitions embargo, supra.
- Extraterritoriality, suspension of Russian rights. See Russia, relations with: Russian concessions: Chinese assumption of control, infra.
- Famine relief:
- Financial situation (see also Loans, infra), 416–417, 486–487
- Foochow incident, 435
- Foreigners, protection of. See British citizens, supra. and U. S. citizens, infra.
- Frontier Defense Army, disbandment, 457, 466
- Germany: Cables, former, Chinese views on disposition of, 126–127; unofficial exchange of representatives with, 434
- Hukuang Railway loan. See under Loans, infra.
- Inward transit passes, objection of United States and other governments to proposed time limit, 735–737
- Kiaochow. See Shantung question, infra.
- Kuomingtang, loss and recovery of power in South China, 416–418, 423–425, 428, 429–430, 460, 480–485
- Lamont, Thomas W., visit to Japan and China, 433–434, 474, 497, 499, 505–507, 508–511, 513, 514, 515, 519–520, 525–526, 565–566, 623, 627, 628, 643–644
- Land tax, possible security for loans, 585, 590, 664, 666, 699
- Li-Lobanov agreement, 689–690, 694
- Likin, proposed abolition and replacement by increased customs duties, 731–735
- Loans (see also under
- Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago, Chinese delay in payment of interest on loan, 669, 671, 673
- Currency loan option, extension, 584
- Customs surplus, security for loans, 475, 673
- Famine relief loan on security of customs surtax: Nonacceptance by consortium, 663–664, 665; procurement, 727–731
- French-Russian gold loan of 1895, payment, 764, 767
- Hukuang Railway loan:
- Japanese loan, 626, 629–630, 634–637, 638–640
- Ninth-year short-term domestic loan, 475
- Okura firm, reported loan negotiations, 624, 625, 627, 634
- Pacific Development Corp. contract:
- Advances, Chinese demands for, 624, 628–629, 646, 659–660, 663, 664; American group, attitude, 660–661, 662; U. S. attitude, 624–625, 627
- Interest on first advance, Chinese delay in payment, 672, 673
- Japanese attitude, 632–633, 651
- Revision, necessity for, 666, 667
- Text, 606–615
- Transfer to consortium, 646–647; attitude of China, 659, 663, 664; consortium, 586, 627, 649–650, 660–661, 666, 667; France, 617; Japan, 657; United States, 627, 628, 650, 652, 654–655
- U. S. attitude, 617–618, 624–625, 631, 637–638, 646–647, 653–654, 659, 662–663
- Salt revenue: Desire of Southern Military Government to secure, 425; use of surplus as security for loans, 620, 636, 637, 663, 673; value, 440
- Wine and tobacco revenue: Statistics, 661, 662–663, 664; use as security for loans, 609–610, 612–613, 616–617, 638, 667–668
- Military agreement with Japan, 420, 425, 429, 436
- Military governor, abolition of office of, discussion, 471–472, 486, 489, 490
- Northern militarists (see also Revolutionary activities in North China, infra), influence on Central (Peking) Government, 486
- “Open door”, Japanese and British attitude, 473, 705, 709
- Pacific Development Corp. contract. See under Loans, supra.
- Parliamentary elections, arrangements for, 488–489
- Party leaders, list, 432
- Peace negotiations between North and South China:
- Peking, efforts to protect from fighting, 438, 453, 455, 456–457, 463–464; U. S. attitude, 443, 454
- Peking-Suiyuan Railway, reported mortgage to Japan, 438
- Provincial autonomy, growth, 471–472, 485, 487, 489–490
- Railways (see also
Chinese Eastern Railway):
- Hukuang Railway loan. See under Loans, supra.
- Peking-Suiyuan Railway, reported mortgage to Japan, 438
- Service, disruption by revolutionary activities. See Revolutionary activities in North China: Railways, infra.
- Siems-Carey contract, Chinese threat to cancel, 674–675, 676, 677–679; U. S. objection, 675, 677
- Reimert, W. A., U. S. citizen, murdered, 435, 462, 806, 810–814
- Revolutionary activities in—
- North China:
- Asylum for political refugees: Japanese attitude, 459, 466, 472, 484; U. S. attitude, 457–458, 466; other governments, attitude, 457, 458, 466
- Chang Tso-lin, aid to Chihli Party, 437, 441–442, 444–445, 446–447, 447–448, 454–455, 462–463, 464, 465
- Dissension between Chihli and Anfu Parties, 437, 439–440, 460–464
- Government efforts to prevent conflict, 443, 452–453, 464
- Military operations, 438, 440, 441–442, 444–445, 440–447, 451–453, 454–455, 464–467
- Party leaders, 432
- Peking, efforts to protect from fighting, 438, 453, 455, 456–457, 463–464; U. S. attitude, 443, 454
- Railways: Disruption of service, 440, 441, 442, 444, 445, 446, 447, 451, 455, 465; diplomatic protests, 444, 446; Japanese alleged refusal of passage to Chinese troops, 452, 454; safeguarding of funds, U. S. request, 448
- Settlement of controversy, 468–470
- Southern Military Government, attitude, 439
- Tientsin, efforts to protect from fighting, 444, 448–451; U. S. attitude, 445–446, 447
- Troops, disbandment of. See Disbandment of troops, supra.
- U. S. citizens, protection of, 437–438
- South China (see also
Southern Military Government, infra):
- Canton, efforts to protect from fighting, 477, 478, 479
- Dissension over Yunnan troops, 416, 418, 429
- Factions and party leaders, 432, 479–480
- Military Government, attacks on, 460, 470–471, 476–477, 480, 481, 482, 490–491; Anfu attitude, 423, 428, 435; mediation, consular, 477, 478–479
- Return to power of Kuomingtang, 480–485
- North China:
- Russia, relations with:
- Boxer indemnity, postponement of payment to Russia, 764, 767; Soviet attitude, 434
- Chinese Eastern Railway, Russian interests in. See under Chinese Eastern Railway.
- Diplomatic and consular representatives, Chinese withdrawal of recognition, 473–474, 761–762, 764–765, 770, 774–775; Russian protests, 495, 756; U. S. attitude, 763, 766, 771
- French-Russian gold loan of 1895, payment, 764, 767
- Mongolia, Chinese abrogation of agreement regarding, 755, 756–758, 759–760
- Russian concessions: Chinese assumption of control, 493, 762, 765–766, 767–768, 770–771, 776, 778–779, 779–783; joint commission to administer, proposal, 763–764, 766, 768, 769–770; modus vivendi on administration, efforts of diplomatic corps to secure, 493–494, 767, 772–774, 776–777, 778–779, 784–786; protection of Russian interests, Chinese assurances, 762, 763, 765, 776, 783, 786–787
- Siberia, Russian protests against Chinese gunboats in rivers of, 758
- Soviet Government: Commercial mission of Far Eastern Republic, 473, 494, 762, 766, 768, 769, 770, 775, 778, 779, 786, 787; Russian agreements with China, possible annulment, 434, 755, 760–761, 763, 769, 773, 775, 786
- Turkestan, trade convention, 495
- Salt revenue. See under Loans, supra.
- Secret treaties with Japan, 420, 425, 428–429
- Shantung Party, formation of, 487–488
- Shantung question:
- Shelton, A. L., U. S. citizen, kidnapped and rescued, 793–794, 796–803
- Siems-Carey contract, Chinese threat to cancel, 674–675, 676, 677–679; U. S. objection, 675, 677
- Southern Military Government (see also Revolutionary activities in South China, supra):
- Soviet Government, relations with. See under Russia, relations with, supra.
- Tariff duties:
- Tientsin, efforts to protect from fighting, 444, 448–451; U. S. attitude, 445–446, 447
- Trade, internal: Inward transit passes, objections of United States and other governments to proposed time limit, 735–737; likin, proposed abolition and replacement by increased customs duties, 731–735
- Treaties, conventions, etc.: Anglo-Japanese Alliance, attitude, 437; Li-Lobanov agreement, 689–690, [Page 854] 694; military agreement with Japan, 420, 425, 429, 436; peace treaty with Austria, promulgation, 437; secret treaties with Japan, 420, 425, 428–429; trade convention with Turkestan, 495
- Turkestan, trade convention with, 495
- U. S. citizens:
- U. S. Minister, presentation of letters of credence, 434–435
- Wine and Tobacco Administration:
- Chinese Eastern Railway:
- Allied troops:
- Control of railway:
- Chinese Government:
- Inter-Allied supervision:
- Continuance:
- British proposals, 681–682, 685, 688, 690–691, 693, 700, 704–705, 708, 726; Japanese attitude, 693, 696, 697–698; U. S. attitude, 683, 693–694, 701, 705
- Chinese approval, 497, 723–724, 725
- Russian proposal, 690
- U. S. proposals, 691, 695–696, 698, 699, 701, 704–705; British attitude, 700, 708; Japanese attitude, 693
- Inter-Allied Technical Board, continuance of U. S. representation, 434, 701–702, 711–712, 723, 724, 726
- Continuance:
- Japanese efforts to secure, 680–681, 692–693, 695, 727; British attitude, 685, 686, 695; U. S. attitude, 685, 695
- Russian interests. See Railway zone and Russian interests, infra.
- Russo-Asiatic Bank, agreement with Chinese Government for joint operation, 495–497, 712–722; non-conflict with inter-Allied supervision, Chinese assurances, 497, 723–724, 725
- Financial aid by—
- Consortium: Attitude of China, 434, 529, 699; consortium, 534, 588, 722–723; France, 704, 706–707, 709; Great Britain, 681, 687–688, 691, 692, 697, 705, 707, 708–709, 726; Japan, 588, 693, 695, 696, 698, 706, 723; United States, 532, 694, 695–696, 703, 705, 709, 722
- Japan, loan offer, 680–681
- United States, 679–680, 703, 707–708
- Financial status, 688–689, 692, 695, 700–701, 705–706, 708, 710, 727
- Inter-Allied Technical Board, continuance of U. S. representation, 434, 701–702, 711–712, 723, 724, 726
- Japanese troops in railway zone:
- Protection by Chinese and Japanese troops, proposals, 691–692, 694, 696, 697–698, 708; Chinese troops, 705, 708
- Railway zone, administration: Anglo-Russian agreement, efforts to effect U. S. adherence, 787–791; civil administration, changes in, 680, 682, 683–684, 686–687, 701, 702; courts, Russian, taking over by China, 493, 494, 687, 776, 777–778, 779, 780–781, 781–782; police power, Chinese assumption of, 687, 768, 791–792
- Russian interests (see also Railway zone, supra): Legal basis, 689–690, 694; transfer to Chinese Government, extent, 682, 683–684, [Page 855] 685, 686–687, 688, 689; U. S. insistence on safeguarding, 755–756, 763, 792; waiver by Soviet Government, possibility, 434, 760–761
- Russo-Asiatic Bank, agreement with Chinese Government for joint operation. See under Control of railway, supra.
- Strike, 682, 683
- Colby, Bainbridge, visit to Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, 228–235
- Colombia:
- Cable concession to Central and South American Telegraph Co. (All America Cables): Disputes over interpretation, settlement, 827–829; text, 829–832
- League of Nations, adherence, 825
- Oil exploitation, regulations, 362, 366, 826–827
- President, address to Congress, 824–827
- Railway loan in United States, 826
- Treaty of 1914 with the United States: Colombian desire for approval, 825; U. S. denial of delaying action to force concessions for citizens, 823–824; U. S. Senate committee, favorable action, 824
- Commissions, committees, etc., international:
- Åland Islands Commission of the League of Nations Council, appointment of U. S. representative, 32–36
- Dominican Republic-Haitian commission for boundary delimitation, proposed, 295–296, 297–298, 299–300
- International committee of jurists, drafting of statute of Permanent Court of International Justice, 12–15
- International Fisheries Commission, publication of report, 395, 404
- International Joint Commission, referral to of St. Lawrence Waterway improvement, 409–413
- Teschen dispute commissions. See Teschen dispute: Allied plebiscite commission and Direct settlement by Conference of Ambassadors: Boundary delimitation commission.
- Communications, Electrical, International Conference on. See Electrical Communications, International Conference on.
- Conference of Ambassadors (see also Teschen dispute): German relations with, 4; U. S. relations with, 3–4, 72
- Conferences, international:
- Ambassadors, Conference of. See Conference of Ambassadors.
- Central American Conference. See Central American Conference.
- Electrical Communications, International Conference on. See Electrical Communications, International Conference on.
- Financial Conference, International. See Financial Conference, International.
- Fishery Experts, United States and Canada, 406–409
- Congo, Belgian denunciation of treaty of commerce of 1891 between the United States and the Independent State of the Congo, 207–209
- Consortium, organization of a new four-power consortium for
- Banking groups, conferences of, 498, 520, 574–575, 581–589, 592, 595
- Belgian participation, arrangements for, 582, 592, 593, 594–595, 596, 598, 600
- Chinese attitude, 422–423, 474–475
- Chinese participation, question of, 583
- Diplomatic support of national groups, extent of, 551, 554, 557, 559, 573, 576–577, 581–582
- Documents, communication to Chinese Government:
- Formation:
- Announcement to China: Joint note, transmittal, 561, 562–564, 565–567, 568–569, 570; U. S. draft, discussion, 554, 558, 560, 561, 562, 564–565, 568–570
- Announcement to public, 589–590, 591, 594, 595–598, 600, 601–602, 603
- Approval of governments concerned, notice to China, 596–597, 598, 600, 601–602, 603
- Italian participation, question of, 542, 544, 582, 593
- Lamont, Thomas W.:
- Loans:
- Application for, method, 549, 560
- Chinese Eastern Railway, proposal for. See Chinese Eastern Railway: Financial aid by consortium.
- Currency loan option, extension, 584
- Famine relief, refusal to finance loan, 663–664, 665
- Four-power advance of 5 million
pounds, discussion:
- Chinese requests, 564, 622
- Conditions to be imposed, 605–606, 620, 621–622, 629, 643–644; Chinese acceptance, 629
- Joint action, U. S. insistence on, 629, 631
- Participation, proposed, of British group through funds provided by U. S. group, 615–616, 622, 626; French and British groups through funds of U. S. and Japanese groups, 622–623; Japanese and U. S. groups, 520, 622–623
- Temporary advance: Chinese request, 628–629; Japanese compliance, 626, 629–630, 634–637, 638–640; U. S. participation, question of, 624, 625, 627–628, 629–630, 633–634, 637, 639–640
- Hukuang Railway, possibility of advance for new construction, 587–588, 644, 662, 667, 668
- Land tax, possible security for loans, 585, 590, 664, 666, 669
- Pacific Development Corp. contract, assumption. See China: Loans: Pacific Development Corp. contract.
- Program, proposed, 666–669; conditions to be imposed, 433, 590, 665, 667, 670; criticism and rejection by China, 529, 665, 669, 670, 671–672
- Silver loan, suggested, 585, 668
- Manchuria and Mongolia, Japanese interests in:
- Japanese formula of reservation, 498–499, 500–504, 515–517; British attitude, 499, 506–508, 517–518; French attitude, 499, 519; U. S. attitude, 499, 503–507, 512–515; withdrawal of formula by Japan, 523–526, 536, 546, 555–557
- Japanese request for official assurances, 523–526, 528–529, 538–539; British attitude, 527, 528, 529, 531–532, 535–536, 542–544; French attitude, 532–533, 534–535; U. S. attitude, 526, 527–528, 530–531, 534, 536–539; withdrawal of Japanese request, 539–541
- Lamont-Kajiwara exchange of letters: Drafts, submission for approval, 508–511, 519–520; negotiations, 514, 519, 521–523, 526, 529, 531, 532–535, 536–538, 539–541, 542–544; official approval of governments, 545–546, 548, 551–552, 553–554, 555, 557–558, 558–559, 574; texts, 555–557
- Old consortium: Chinese appeal for advance from, 620, 663; attitude of new consortium powers, 620, 625–626
- Texts of agreement and resolutions of banking groups, 576–589; approval of governments, 592, 593, 595; publication, 593–594
- Three-power consortium, disapproval of American group, 533–534
- Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago, loan to China, 669, 671, 673
- Conventions. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Costa Rica (see also
Central American Conference):
- Currency notes, British representations regarding cancelation, 835, 837–838, 839
- Government: British recognition, 835; recommendations for U. S. recognition, 837, 840; U. S. recognition, 834–836
- Oil concessions:
- President Acosta, inauguration, 833–834
- Tinoco, Federico, annulment of acts of, 836, 837, 838, 839
- Czechoslovakia:
- Relief in Central Europe, assistance, 248–249, 260
- Teschen dispute. See Teschen dispute.
- Troops. See Chinese Eastern Railway: Allied troops.
- Denmark, relief in Central Europe, assistance, 256, 264–265, 280, 281
- Deutsch-Atlantische Telegraphengesellschaft, cancelation of cable permit issued to, 141–142
- Dominican Republic:
- Boundary dispute with Haiti. See under Boundary disputes.
- Oil exploitation, regulations, 362–363
- Ecuador, regulations for exploitation of oil, 363
- Electrical Communications, International Conference on:
- General conference: Agenda, question of, 111–112, 114; arrangements for, 107–108, 111, 116, 119, 121–122; postponement, 127–128, 129–130
- Preliminary conference:
- Agenda, discussion of:
- Convocation, 107–109, 111–112, 120, 121–122, 124–125, 127, 128, 130, 132
- Delegations, 122–123, 127, 130–131, 138, 140
- Draft convention and regulations of the Universal Electrical Communications Union, 148–158
- Postponements, 108, 109–110, 114–115, 116–117, 125, 128–129
- Proceedings:
- Subcommittee reports, 148–168
- Elkus, Abram I., appointment as U. S. representative on Åland Island Commission of the League of Nations Council, 35–36
- El Salvador. See Salvador.
- Embargo on imports of arms and munitions. See China: Arms and munitions embargo.
- European Children’s Fund: Activities, 288–290; evacuation of personnel from occupied Poland, 287, 288
- Executive order canceling cable permit issued to the Deutsch-Atlantische Telegraphengesellschaft (Nov. 29, 1920), 141–142
- Extraterritoriality in China. See China: Russia, relations with: Russian concessions, Chinese assumption of control.
- Financial Conference, International (Brussels):
- Finland, Åland Islands Commission of the League of Nations Council, appointment of U. S. representative on, 32–36
- Fisheries. See under Canada.
- France (see also Consortium and Electrical Communications, International Conference on): Allied troops, attitude toward payment for transportation on Chinese Eastern Railway, 704, 709, 711; French-Russian gold loan of 1895 to China, payment, 764, 767; Hukuang Railway bonds, attitude toward payment by China, 561, 652, 653, 657; oil exploitation, restrictions, 353–354; relief in Central Europe, assistance, 249–250, 255, 260; Wine and Tobacco Administration in China, attitude toward U. S. supervision, 616–617
- Germany:
- Cables, former. See under Electrical Communications: Preliminary conference: Agenda and Proceedings.
- China, unofficial exchange of representatives with, 434
- Relief. See Relief in Central Europe.
- Great Britain (see also Arms and munitions; Canada; Chinese Eastern Railway; Consortium; Electrical Communications, International Conference on; and under China: Arms and munitions embargo; British citizens; Tariff duties; and Trade, internal): Amory oil concession in Costa Rica, representations regarding cancelation, 835, 836–837, 837–838, 839; Anglo-Japanese Alliance, discussion, 437, 532; Costa Rican currency notes, representations regarding cancelation, 835, 837–838, 839; Hukuang Railway bonds, attitude toward payment [Page 858] by China, 561, 656–657, 657–658; oil exploitation, restrictions, 354–361, 366–367; “Open door” in China, attitude, 705, 709; peace negotiations in China, request for British good offices, 480; relief in Central Europe, assistance, 249–250, 250–251, 255
- Guatemala (see also Central American Conference):
- Haiti, boundary dispute with Dominican Republic. See under Boundary disputes.
- Honduras (see also Central American Conference):
- Hungary, provision of relief for, 253–254, 258–259, 264, 278
- Inter-Allied Technical Board of the Chinese Eastern Railway, continuance of U. S. representation, 434, 701–702, 711–712, 723, 724, 726
- International Conference on Electrical Communications. See Electrical Communications, International Conference on.
- International Financial Conference. See Financial Conference, International.
- International Fisheries Commission, publication of report, 395, 404
- International Joint Commission, reference to of St. Lawrence Waterway improvement, 409–413
- Ishii, Kikujiro, notes exchanged with Lansing, references to, 499, 512, 524, 599
- Italy (see also Electrical Communications, International Conference on):
- Japan (see also Electrical Communications, International Conference on):
- Kajiwara, Nakaji, exchange of letters with Thomas W. Lamont. See under Consortium: Manchuria and Mongolia.
- Lamont, Thomas W.:
- Lansing-Ishii notes, references to, 499, 512, 524, 599
- League of Nations:
- Loans (see also under China and Consortium), procuring of Colombian railway loan in United States, 826
- Manchuria, Japanese interests in. See under Consortium.
- McLaughlin, Mr., U. S. citizen, rescued from Urga, Mongolia, 492
- Mediation:
- Consular, in revolutionary disturbances in South China, 477, 478–479
- United States. See Boundary disputes: Guatemala and Honduras.
- Mexico, restrictions on exploitation of oil, 351, 363–365, 366, 368–369
- Mills, Edwin W., U. S. citizen, rescued from Urga, Mongolia, 492
- Mongolia:
- Chinese abrogation of agreement with Russia regarding, 755, 756–758, 759–760
- Foreign residents, protection of, 492–493
- Japanese interests. See Consortium: Manchuria and Mongolia.
- Loans, foreign, Chinese warning against, 491
- Military situation, 491–493
- Pacification Commissioner, organization of office of, 491
- U. S. citizens at Urga, rescue, 492
- Monroe Doctrine, U. S. interpretation of, 223–227
- Munitions. See Arms and munitions.
- Netherlands: German cables, former, attitude toward disposal of, 115–116, 117, 118–119, 130, 132–134; oil exploitation, restrictions, 361; relief in Central Europe, assistance, 256, 264–265, 272
- Nicaragua (see also Central American Conference):
- Norway:
- Relief in Central Europe, assistance, 256, 264–265, 281
- Spitzbergen, treaty regarding. See Spitzbergen.
- Oil exploitation: American companies, U. S. efforts to aid, 350–353, 365–367, 367–368, 368–370, 840, 842, 844, 845–846; foreign restrictions, 353–365, 368, 826–827, 841–842, 843; U. S. restrictive legislation, 367–368
- “Open door” in China, Japanese and British attitude, 473, 705, 709
- Pacific Development Corp. See under China: Loans.
- Palestine, restrictions on exploitation of oil, 365
- Papal arbitration of boundary dispute between Dominican Republic and Haiti. See under Boundary disputes: Dominican Republic-Haiti.
- Permanent Court of International Justice, statute for: Drafting by international committee of jurists, 12–15; submission to the United States by the League of Nations, 15–17, 31; text, 17–30; U. S. ratification, question of, 31–32
- Persia, restrictions on exploitation of oil, 365
- Peru (see also Tacna-Arica question), approval of U. S. naval mission, 327
- Petroleum. See Oil.
- Poland. See Teschen dispute and under Relief in Central Europe.
- President of the United States. See Wilson, Woodrow.
- Railways (see also Chinese Eastern Railway), Colombian loan for development, 826
- Reimert, W. A., U. S. citizen, murdered in China, 435, 462, 806, 810–814
- Relief in Central Europe:
- American Relief Administration:
- Austria:
- Economic situation, 243–244, 290–292, 294–295
- Financial arrangements through Reparation Commission, 255–257, 263–264, 271, 273–274, 276–278, 280–281
- U. S. assistance:
- Director General of Relief, report, 235–238
- Germany:
- Hungary, assistance to, 253–254, 258–259, 264, 278
- Poland: Anti-typhus campaign, U. S. aid, 238–239, 283–284, 286; foodstuffs, U. S. provision of, 239, 247, 248, 264–266; Polish children from Siberia, admission to the United States, 285–286, 287–288
- Reparation Commission: Austrian section, formation of, 271; financial arrangements for Austrian relief, 255–257, 263–264, 271, 273–274, 276–278, 280–281
- Rumania, relief in Central Europe, assistance, 253–254, 258–259
- Russia:
- China, relations with. See under China.
- Chinese Eastern Railway, interests in. See under Chinese Eastern Railway.
- Russo-Asiatic Bank. See under Chinese Eastern Railway: Control of railway.
- St. Lawrence Waterway, improvement of river between Montreal and Lake Ontario: Reference to International Joint Commission, 409–413; U. S. and Canadian engineers, appointment, 413–414
- Salvador (see also Central American Conference), request for U. S. interpretation of Monroe Doctrine, 223–225; U. S. reply, 226–227
- San Remo conference, question of U. S. representation, 1–3
- Seamen’s Act of 1915 (U. S.), abrogation of treaties and parts of treaties in conflict with: Belgium, treaty of commerce of 1891 between the United States and the Independent State of the Congo, 207–209; Sweden, arts. XI and XII of consular convention of 1910, 210–218
- Shantung question. See under China.
- Shelton, A. L., U. S. citizen, kidnapped and rescued in China, 793–794, 796–803
- Soviet Government. See under China: Russia, relations with.
- Spain, relief in Central Europe, U. S. request for assistance, 256, 264–265, 270–271
- Spitzbergen, treaty recognizing Norwegian sovereignty: Desire of Norway for territory, 74; negotiations, 75–77; signature, 76, 77–78; text, 78–87; U. S. attitude, 73, 74, 75, 76
- Supreme Council (see also Teschen dispute), question of U. S. representation, 1–3
- Sweden: Åland Islands Commission of the League of Nations Council, appointment of U. S. representative on, 32–36; consular convention of 1910 with United States, abrogation of arts. XI and XII, 210–218; relief in Central Europe, assistance, 256, 264–265, 281
- Tacna-Arica question:
- Annexation, alleged Chilean plan, 343, 378–379
- Anti-Bolivian disorders in Peru, 335
- Anti-Peruvian disorders in Bolivia, 328, 329–330, 334–335, 336; Chilean attitude, 330, 333, 338–339; U. S. attitude, 330–331, 332, 336, 339–340
- Arbitration, discussion of, 348, 349–350
- Bolivian claims to territory, 327, 334–335; Chilean attitude, 335; Peruvian denial of claim, 326–327, 328, 333; U. S. attitude, 327–328, 329
- Chilean efforts for settlement: Rumors, 344, 346–347; Puga Borne mission, 346, 347–348
- Diplomatic relations between Bolivia and Peru, possible severance, 328, 329, 332
- Expulsion of Peruvians from provinces, 342–343
- League of Nations, proposed submission of dispute to, 326, 341, 342, 349–350
- Military movements, 324–325, 330, 334, 344, 345–346, 348, 373, 374, 376, 377, 378
- Mobilization, U. S. efforts to prevent, 331–332, 338, 377; assurances by Bolivia, 334; Chile, 333
- Plebiscite, Chilean attitude toward, 342
- Purchase, Bolivian willingness, 334, 335
- Telegrams, British denial of delay in transmitting, 142
- Teschen dispute:
- Allied plebiscite commission, question of U. S. representation, 36–39
- Arbitration, suggestion of Conference of Ambassadors, 40–42
- Czech delay of Polish munitions, 42–44, 48
- Direct settlement by Conference of Ambassadors:
- Appeal by Poles and Czechs, 44, 45, 47–50, 55, 56–57
- Authorization by Supreme Council, 44–47, 55–59
- Boundary delimitation commission: Advocacy by United States, 51–52, 53, 54–55, 60, 61; Allied approval, 55, 56, 58–59; establishment, 61, 62–66; sessions, [Page 861] 67, 69, 70–71; U. S. representative, appointment and withdrawal, 67, 68, 69–73
- Teschen agreement of July 28, 1920: Conclusion, 61; text, 62–66; U. S. signature, question of, 66–67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72
- U. S. attitude, 50–52, 53–55, 59, 60–61
- Trade-mark convention of 1910, denunciation by Guatemala, 218–219, 221–222; Nicaragua, 220–221, 222–223
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Anglo-Japanese Alliance, discussion, 437, 532
- Anglo-Russian agreement regarding Chinese Eastern Railway, efforts to obtain U. S. adherence, 787–791
- Arms and ammunition, convention and protocol for control of trade in. See under Arms and munitions.
- Bryan-Chamorro treaty, question of recognition at Central American Conference, 177–179
- China, treaties. See China: Treaties.
- Conventions of 1907, status in Central America, 168–169, 172–176
- Dominican Republic-Haiti boundary protocol: Draft, 303–304; modifications, 304–307; second draft, 308–311
- Spitzbergen, treaty regarding. See Spitzbergen.
- Teschen agreement of July 28, 1920: Conclusion, 61; text, 62–66; U. S. signature, question of, 66–67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72
- Trade-mark convention of 1910, denunciation by Guatemala, 218–219, 221–222; Nicaragua, 220–221, 222–223
- U. S.-Belgium, denunciation of treaty of commerce of 1891 between the United States and the Independent State of the Congo, 207–209
- U. S.-Canada, fisheries conventions. See under Canada.
- U. S.-Colombia, treaty of 1914: Colombian desire for approval, 825; U. S. denial of delaying action to force concessions for citizens, 823–824; U. S. Senate committee, favorable action, 824
- U. S.-Sweden, abrogation of arts. XI and Nil of consular convention of 1910, 210–218
- Universal Electrical Communications Union, draft convention and regulations, 148–158
- Typhus, U. S. aid to Poland in campaign against, 238–239, 283–284, 286
- U. S. citizens. See under China and Mongolia.
- Uruguay: Relief in Central Europe, U. S. request for assistance, 265–266; visit of Secretary of State Colby, 228, 229, 230–231, 234
- Vickers-Armstrong airplane contract with China, 738–739, 753
- Wilson, Woodrow: Address on Monroe Doctrine, 220–227; Executive order (Nov. 29, 1920), canceling cable permit issued to the Deutsch-Atlantische Telegraphengesellschaft, 141–142; message to Congress, vii-xii
- World Court. See Permanent Court of International Justice.
- Woudrichem, reported violation of arms and munitions embargo in China, 751–752, 753
- Yugoslavia, relief in Central Europe, assistance, 248–249, 253, 256, 257–258, 260, 261, 264, 278–279