- Relations of the United States with the Supreme Council and the Conference
of Ambassadors (Documents 1–9)
- Convocation by President Wilson of the Council and the Assembly of the
League of Nations (Documents 10–20)
- Drafting of the statute of the Permanent Court of International
Justice—Transmission of the statute and the protocol of signature to
President Wilson (Documents 21–30)
- Appointment of an American representative on the Aland Islands Commission
of the Council of the League of Nations (Documents 31–39)
- The Teschen dispute between Poland and Czechoslovakia (Documents 40–76)
- Treaty between the United States and other powers relating to
Spitzbergen (Documents 77–89)
- International Financial Conference at Brussels, September 24 to October 8, 1920 (Documents 90–101)
- International Conference on Electrical Communications (Documents 102–158)
- Invitation, February 10, 1920, by the United States to a preliminary
conference of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers at
Washington—Invitation, March 30, to a subsequent general conference;
indefinite postponement of the general conference (Documents 102–139)
- Opening of the preliminary conference, October 8—Question of the
status of cables in time of war—Modus vivendi
regarding the disposition of former German cables—Adjournment December
14—Reports of subcommittees (Documents 140–158)
- Invitation, February 10, 1920, by the United States to a preliminary
conference of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers at
Washington—Invitation, March 30, to a subsequent general conference;
indefinite postponement of the general conference (Documents 102–139)
- Central American Conference (Documents 159–171)
- Convention for the Control of the Trade in Arms and Ammunition, September
10, 1919 (Documents 172–192)
- Abrogation of treaties and provisions of treaties which conflicted with the Seamen’s Act of March 4, 1915 (Documents 193–205)
- Denunciation by Guatemala and Nicaragua of the convention of August 20,
1910, concerning the protection of trade marks (Documents 206–210)
- Interpretation of the Monroe Doctrine (Documents 211–213)
- Visit of the Secretary of State to Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina (Documents 214–227)
- Relief in Central Europe (Documents 228–295)
- Boundary disputes (Documents 296–321)
- The Dominican Republic and Haiti: Proposal by the Military Governor of
Santo Domingo to the President of Haiti for settlement by a
commission—Revival of the arrangement of 1895 for arbitration by the
Pope—Protocol of agreement (Documents 296–311)
- Guatemala and Honduras:
Failure of mediation by the Secretary of State during conferences at
Washington (Documents 312–321)
- The Dominican Republic and Haiti: Proposal by the Military Governor of
Santo Domingo to the President of Haiti for settlement by a
commission—Revival of the arrangement of 1895 for arbitration by the
Pope—Protocol of agreement (Documents 296–311)
- Conference at Amapala between the Presidents of Honduras and
Nicaragua—Agreement of November 17, 1920 (Documents 322–329)
- The Tacna–Arica question (Documents 330–367)
- Petroleum exploitation (Documents 368–370)