Sweden: Termination of articles XI and XII of the consular convention of June 1, 191069

69. For previous correspondence, see Foreign Relations, 1919, vol. i, pp. 67 ff.

[196] The Swedish Chargé (Sjöborg) to the Secretary of State


[198] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Sweden (Morris)

711.5821/50a: Telegram

[199] The Minister in Sweden (Morris) to the Acting Secretary of State

611.5831/28: Telegram

[200] The Swedish Legation to the Department of State


[201] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Sweden (Morris)

611.5831/28: Telegram

[203] The Chargé in Sweden (Wheeler) to the Secretary of State

711.5821/57: Telegram

[204] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Sweden (Wheeler)

711.5823/57: Telegram

[205] The Chargé in Sweden (Wheeler) to the Secretary of State
