
The British Chargé ( Barclay ) to the Acting Secretary of State

No. 1356


His Britannic Majesty’s Chargé d’Affaires presents his compliments to the Secretary of State and has the honour to inform him, by direction of his Government, that His Majesty’s representative at Copenhagen reports that he has received a note from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, enclosing a copy of a resolution passed by the electors of the Association of North Schleswig at Aabenraa, and stating that the Danish Government would be grateful to receive a communication from the associated Governments as to what further measures should be taken, with a view to obtaining a solution of the Schleswig question, which all Danes hope to reach.

His Majesty’s Government propose, if the United States Government concur, to reply that the Danish Government should themselves put an official request to the Allies to consider the matter at the Peace Conference.

His Majesty’s Government would be glad to receive an expression of the views of the United States Government in the matter.