Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, The Paris Peace Conference, 1919, Volume II

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, The Paris Peace Conference, 1919, Volume II
- Joseph V. Fuller
General Editor:
- Tyler Dennett
United States Government Printing Office
- List of Papers
- Germany: (Documents 1–109)
- The German armistice
(Documents 1–55)
- German peace proposals (Documents 56–64)
- Status of the former German Emperor
(Documents 65–74)
- Political and economic conditions in Germany (Documents 75–107)
- The Dresel Mission (Documents 108–109)
- The German armistice
(Documents 1–55)
- Austria and Hungary: (Documents 110–161)
- Negotiations with, and conditions in, Austria and Hungary (Documents 110–143)
- The Coolidge Mission (Documents 144–161)
- Negotiations with, and conditions in, Austria and Hungary (Documents 110–143)
- Bulgaria (Documents 162–187)
- Turkey (Documents 188–201)
- Territorial Questions and Relations With New States: (Documents 202–404)
- Jugoslavia (Documents 202–268)
- Montenegro (Documents 269–297)
- Albania (Documents 298–301)
- Czechoslovakia (Documents 302–308)
- Roumania (Documents 309–345)
- Poland (Documents 346–376)
- Belgium and Luxemburg (Documents 377–389)
- Aaland Islands (Documents 390–391)
- Schleswig (Documents 392–404)
- Jugoslavia (Documents 202–268)
- Russian Affairs
(Documents 405–427)
- The Far East (Documents 428–446)
- Financial Questions (Documents 447–486)
- Reparations (Documents 487–509)
- Food Relief (Documents 510–618)
- The Blockade and Regulation of Trade
(Documents 619–704)
- Index