The Coolidge Mission

[144] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland ( Stovall )

Paris Peace Conf. 184.011/9a

[145] The Secretary of State to Professor A. C. Coolidge

Paris Peace Conf. 184.011/15

[148] Professor A. C. Coolidge to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

Paris Peace Conf. 184.01102/2

[149] Professor A. C. Coolidge to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

Paris Peace Conf. 184.01102/2½

[151] Professor A. C. Coolidge to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

Paris Peace Conf. 184.01102/3

[152] The Secretary of the Commission to Negotiate Peace ( Grew ) to Dr. S. E. Mezes

Paris Peace Conf. 184.01102/2½

[153] Dr. S. E. Mezes to the Secretary of the Commission to Negotiate Peace ( Grew )

Paris Peace Conf. 184.01102/2½

[154] Professor A. C. Coolidge to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 184.011/40c

[155] Professor A. C. Coolidge to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

Paris Peace Conf. 184.01102/4½

[156] Professor A. C. Coolidge to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

Paris Peace Conf. 184.01102/4

[157] Professor A. C. Coolidge to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

Paris Peace Conf. 184.01102/5

[158] Professor A. C. Coolidge to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

Paris Peace Conf. 184.01102/6

[159] Professor A. C. Coolidge to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

Paris Peace Conf. 184.01102/7

[161] The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Chargé in Switzerland ( Wilson )

Paris Peace Conf. 184.011/49: Telegram