763.72/12256: Telegram

The Special Agent at Corfu ( Dodge ) to the Secretary of State 5

Cabinet ministers express strong irritation Italian attitude in Austro-Hungarian fleet question and because Italy so far has been able to occupy practically alone Fiume and a number Dalmatia and Montenegro ports, and state Italy is apparently endeavoring to secure permanently such territory as possible and intriguing to prevent Yugo-Slav unity, desiring small separate states. Although 80 percent of Montenegro is for union with Servia, Italy is supporting the king of Montenegro, and contemplates occupying Cettigne and other interior towns already occupied by Servians in Montenegro. Feeling against Italians stated to be so strong in Montenegro and Dalmatia that outbreak against them feared unless the United States or other allies will land with Italians. Am informed that the American Naval Commander [at] Cattaro reports the situation there is critical, as the Italians insist upon landing notwithstanding the objections the United States, British and French commanders, and that Yugo-Slavs will probably resist unless other allies or the United States forces also land.

  1. Transmitted to the Ambassador in France in Department’s telegram No. 6312, Nov. 16, 1918, 6 p.m., which also contained the following instructions: “Department desires you to confer with Colonel House and to give immediate report of the Italian Yugo-Slav situation as regarded in Paris.”