File No. 654.119/198

The Swiss Minister ( Sulzer) to the Secretary of State

Sir: I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I am in receipt of a cablegram from my Government according to which the German Government has declared its willingness to grant safe conducts to the port of Cette for vessels under enemy flag, engaged in the transportation of supplies to Switzerland, under the following conditions.

These vessels shall, until further notice, carry wheat, rye, corn, barley, flour, oats, oil cakes, and rice only. The sides of the steamers must bear the inscription “SCHWEIZ”, painted as large as possible, on black ground and visible at a long distance. Moreover, the coat-of-arms of Switzerland must likewise be painted as large as possible on both sides of the stern of the vessels as an insignia of neutrality. These signs are to be illuminated at night. The vessels must at all [Page 1611] times fly on their foremasts the Swiss flag, of as large a size as possible, and which would probably best answer the purpose if made of sheet-metal. They must travel outside of the blockade zone, must be unarmed, and show at night the lights prescribed by the international maritime laws, or otherwise prescribed. They shall not call at any port except Cette, and are to comply with all orders to stop and to be examined. Each vessel must carry a manifest written in German, containing an accurate list of the goods shipped, so as to correspond with the bills of lading.

It is required that this Legation deliver to the captain of each vessel a certificate of safe conduct, showing that it has been issued on the basis of an agreement made between the Governments of Switzerland and Germany, and showing moreover the name of the vessel and of its master, its signal, home port, port of departure and port of destination, as well as a brief description concerning the nature of the cargo, stating that the cargo is intended exclusively for Switzerland and that it corresponds exactly with the ship’s documents.

I should be obliged to Your Excellency for advising me as early as possible whether the above-mentioned conditions are acceptable to the Government of the United States.

Accept [etc.]

Hans Sulzer