File No. 654.119/189

The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State


3660. War Trade Board [from McFadden]:

No. 41. Your No. 27.1 It has now been established that the Swiss export of untanned leather to Germany was accidental. Exports of leather may therefore be resumed. In our opinion, however, this case illustrates importance of United States acting in concert with other Governments represented on Contingent Commission. Experience of Contingent Commission with Swiss has shown most effective way to secure compliance with requests to cease exporting goods to enemy is to stop export of corresponding raw materials to Switzerland. In this case regular procedure was followed and formal request was first made to the Swiss Government for explanation of exports of untanned leather to Germany. Pending satisfactory answer and assurance for future all Governments represented on Contingent Commission were requested to withhold leather exports. For United States to have continued licensing under such circumstances would obviously weaken the authority of the commission; therefore, as corresponding questions likely to occasionally arise, we think it most important that you shall follow recommendation of committee. McFadden.

  1. Not printed.